Giesinger Gazette
January 10, 2021
Eagles Soar to Excellence
Our Campus Mission:
The mission of Giesinger Elementary is to ensure high levels of learning to facilitate continuous growth of the whole child.
Our Vision:
We envision a school in which staff provide a safe, caring, and positive learning community for all children; create a collaborative culture among children, families and staff; establish high levels of learning by frequently monitoring student progress; and demonstrate a personal commitment to the academic success and general well-being of each child .
2014 National Blue Ribbon School
Weather Update
An Update from Mrs. Ralston
It was wonderful having our Eagles back in school! It's amazing how much they grow over long breaks. I love it!
Please continue to pre-screen your child before sending them to school each day. If they are having any COVID symptoms then we ask that you keep them at home. Refer to the District's "Can My Child Go To School Today" flow chart below. You may also call Nurse Corbit if you are unsure.
All safety protocols are still in place. Don't forget to pack a water bottle and a mask (or two) for your child. Students were so good at wearing masks last semester but we understand it may take a few days to get back into practice. We will continue to remind everyone to keep their masks on in all common areas (such as hallways, restrooms, library) and in their classrooms.
Report cards for the second nine-weeks grading period will be available in Parent Access by this week. If you do not have a PAC account, I encourage you to sign up for one. You can access your child's report cards, progress reports, daily grades, and attendance. Report cards will go home on Tuesday for our In-Person learners.
At Giesinger Elementary, we strive to create a school in which staff provide a safe, loving and positive learning experience for everyone. We are glad you are here!
Thank you for your continuing support. Eagles Soar to Excellence In All We Do!
Melissa Ralston, Principal
Parent Access Login
To access your child’s information online you must register for an account.
Please go to the following link and follow the directions below:
Click the “Student/Parent” tab
Click on “Parent Access Center”
Click “Register”
Congratulations Yearbook Photo Finalists!
Mary Ellen M. - 1st grade
Ardyn C. - 2nd grade
Kiersten S. - 3rd grade
Sathini A. - 4th grade
Free Virtual Love & Logic Training
Open the Parent and Family Engagement Newsletter above for the link to register.
Tuesday, Jan 12, 2021, 07:00 PM
Literacy Resources for Parents
Parents and Caregivers,
In collaboration with your school leaders and teachers, we are eager to support your children’s learning in and out of school. We at the Teachers College Reading and Writing Project at Columbia University recognize that you are working tirelessly to support your child’s reading and writing, and we want to help. To that end, we have created free offerings for families. We hope these will bring more joy into home literacy learning. We will be adding to these regularly; check this page for updates and additions! One note - our first office hours for families are this Wednesday, December 16th and Thursday, December 17th, both from 8-9 pm. Here’s what we have overall to support you:
Family Videos
In these family videos—each less than ten minutes—we draw on a combination of research, classroom experience, and educator knowledge to help you support young people with their reading and writing. Some of these videos show you games to play at home while others help you support phonics, avid reading, writing, study skills, research, vocabulary, or abstract thinking. We’ll add to this collection regularly. You can access these collections via our YouTube Channel or Padlets: Pr-K-2nd Grade, Grades 3-5, Grades 6-9.
Book Collections
Want help finding some books your child will love to read? We’ve curated book collections of all-time and brand-new favorites, designed to hook readers young and old. We have lists for fantasy novels and graphic novels, for high interest series, and even a collection of courses of study for your teen readers. Find these collections here.
Office Hours for Parents and Caregivers: Ask a Literacy Expert
Have questions about your child’s reading or writing? Talk over Zoom with Lucy Calkins and experienced Reading and Writing Project faculty. These office hours are free and open to all, on Wednesday and Thursday evenings. Registration information is found here.
-Grades Pre-K-2 Families: Wednesdays 8-9 PM EST
Dates: December 16, January 6, January 13, January 20 (with more to come!)
-Grades 3-9 Families: Thursdays 8-9 PM EST
Dates: December 17, January 7, January 14, January 21 (with more to come!)
You might…
Check in about your child’s literacy development.
Ask what you can do (and should not do) to support your child at home with particular literacy issues, or in general as reader and writer.
Inquire about what to expect across developmental stages in reading, writing or language acquisition, early to later years.
Parent and Caregiver Workshop Days (free, synchronous, virtual)
If you’d like to learn more about ways to support your child’s literacy education at home, or learn more about what or how they are learning in school, or how to best engage in home literacy projects, consider attending part or all of our virtual workshop days for parents. These free days are typically about 3 hours, composed of a series of 15-minute small-group presentations. Parents and caregivers can choose the workshops that match their needs and are invited to come for one workshop or many. These sessions are not recorded; the days are live. Registration information will be posted here.
Upcoming date: Thursday, January 28, 1-3 PM EST.
Nurse's News
Note from the Nurse-
PLEASE send a mask and a water bottle with your child daily. With the nice weather, all grades have been going to recess for the full time allowed. Thank you for not sending medications to school with children. Even cough drops are considered a medication and are not allowed. Peppermints are allowed to help sooth tummies and allergy symptoms. Lastly, please refer to the District document “Can My Child Go To School Today?” This will help you keep your child healthy and others healthy, too. You are welcome to call the clinic with any questions!
Sincerely, Dana Corbit RN and Patty Terreo, Clinic Aide.
Counselor's Update
2020-2021 yearbooks are now on sale. You can order your yearbook by going to www.balfour.com
Class Rings, Yearbooks, Graduation and Gifts | Balfour Celebrate your milestone achievements and events with custom designed class rings, graduation announcements, letterman jackets and yearbooks.
and typing Giesinger in the search bar. You can also pay cash or check (made out to Giesinger PTO) by filling out the paper order form that was sent home and is attached.
Positivity Project
This week's character trait is Prudence. See the character card above for more information. This is a great trait to learn in the new year.
2019-2020 Texas Academic Performance Report
- Go to "Our School/Campus"
- Click "View School Profile"
- Select "Accountability Reports"
- Click "2019-2020"
- Select "Texas Academic Performance Report"
Dates To Remember:
01/18 - Martin Luther King, Jr. Day - No School
02/10 - 4th grade writing benchmark
02/11 - Giesinger Drive-Thru Game Night (with PTO and Title 1 information) 5:30-6:30
More Details Soon!
02/15 - Presidents' Day - No School
02/16 - Progress Reports available in Parent Access
02/18 - 3rd grade writing benchmark
Giesinger Elementary Amazon Wish List
Giesinger Elementary would like to thank you for your continuing support.
Conroe ISD is Now Hiring
Students in grades 3-12 are required to wear face coverings in all areas, including classrooms, and when social distancing of at least 6 ft. is not possible.
Students in grades PreK-2 are asked to wear face coverings.
All students (PreK-12) will wear face coverings, as developmentally appropriate and feasible, on buses, during transitions, and in school common areas.
Wearing masks reduces the chance of being quarantined if a child is exposed to a person who tests positive for COVID-19. Masks protect students and staff, and they protect the school year. By wearing a mask, students increase the chances that in-person instruction can continue.
Meal Distribution
Beginning October 1, Conroe ISD will offer Free breakfast and lunch meals to ALL in-person students, remote/online learning students, and children 18 and younger in the community. Meals will be at no cost through December pending funding availability from the United Stated Department of Agriculture.
Due to federal regulations, Conroe ISD will distribute curbside meals as follows:
- Thursday, December 17 ▪ meals distributed for two days as opposed to three.
- Tuesday, January 5 ▪ meals distributed for one day as opposed to two.
- Normal curbside meal distribution with multiple meals will resume on Thursday, January 7.
Remote/Online Learning Students and children 18 and younger who are not attending school on campus may receive Free Curbside meals at the following schools Tuesday and Thursday 10 am-12 pm on the bus ramp or designated location. Parents should go to the school in their child’s school feeder zone to pick up meals.
- Peet Junior High School
- Stockton Junior High School
- Moorhead Junior High School
- Irons Junior High School
- York Junior High School
- McCullough Junior High School
- Knox Junior High School
Instructions for properly storing and heating food are located on the Conroe ISD Child Nutrition website.
If children are not present in the vehicle when picking up meals, parents/guardians MUST have an approved form of ID for each child to receive meals. Acceptable forms of ID:
- Student ID Card
- Official letter/email from school or daycare that shows enrollment
- Student report cards
- Attendance record from school
- Birth certificate for children not in school.
Students who attend school in person are not eligible to receive Curbside meals. Picking up meals at multiple campuses is not permitted.
Pre-Screening Each Day
Our parents are valued partners in our Roadmap to Reopening Plan. In addition to wearing cloth face coverings, social distancing, washing hands, and regular cleaning and disinfecting of frequently touched surfaces, an essential element in helping slow the spread of COVID-19 at school is each parent’s commitment to screening their child daily for symptoms. Parents are also asked to keep any student exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19 at home and to notify the campus. A copy of the current screening process which outlines the symptoms are tabbed below. Please review the information and be sure to keep your child at home if he/she is exhibiting any of the symptoms described.
Please note that all campuses are closed to visitors at this time to help stop the spread of COVID-19. If you must visit a campus, we ask that you screen yourself prior to leaving your home. All visitors that come on a campus/facility will be required to use the Access Intercom system or call the front office from their vehicle. Once the reception area identifies the person and their need to be on campus, they will be allowed in the building. All visitors will be required to sign in using the visitor program. Each visitor will be asked the screening questions. If a “yes” response is given to one of the questions, the visitor will be asked to leave the campus immediately.
Thank you for helping to keep our school community safe.
Melissa Ralston
Parent Visitors
Many parents are used to coming to the campus to eat lunch with their child or bring lunch from a restaurant. Unfortunately, these practices will not be allowed. We will not be able to accommodate parents who bring lunch to the campus. If a student forgets their lunch at home, they will be able to charge a lunch from the cafeteria.
You will notice curb-side parking signs that are placed in the first row of parking spots in front of the school. If you are picking up something from campus, you will be asked to to phone the receptionist from your car. We will help you as soon as we can. Please do not park and walk up to the building without first calling to make arrangements as we will not be able to let you in.
If you need to pick up your child early for any reason, you will need to drive up to the curb and call the front desk. We will then call your child from class and walk them to your car. This process may take longer than how we did this in the past so please plan accordingly. Please know that we will not call your child out of class until you have arrived on campus.
Thank you for supporting our efforts to keep our students, staff and families safe. This won't last forever. We will eventually be able to welcome families to our building.
Technology Help Desk FAQs
- What is my student’s chromebook login? It is usually part of the last name with part of the first name. You will need to get this information from your child’s teacher. You do not need to add the @conroeisd.net in the username field. The password is stu+6 digit student ID. You must put stu in front of the number in the password.
- What if I need a hotspot in order to have Internet access at home? Contact your child’s campus.
- What if I need a chromebook or iPad for remote instruction? Contact your child’s campus
- What if the hotspot I checked out from my campus is asking for a password? There should be instructions inside the box. For some models, there is a button on the top of the hotspot that when pressed will reveal the password. For the other models, the password is on a sticker on the bottom of the hotspot.
- What if I don’t know my Student’s student ID number in order to sign up for Parent Access? Contact your child’s campus. We are not able to give out student ID numbers at the district office.
- How does my student access Canvas or Seesaw? Your student will login to the Conroe ISD SSO and click the appropriate tile. sso.conroeisd.net For Seesaw, your child’s teacher will send a Home Code invitation with instructions to login to the Seesaw Class. If you have not received this invitation, contact your child’s teacher.
- Why is my chromebook saying it is locked? Chromebooks that were not turned in after the spring semester were locked until returned to campus. Contact your child’s campus to get this chromebook unlocked.
- How do I get a Parent Canvas account? First create a Parent access account. You will use the same login for Canvas.
- Parent Canvas Account Video
- Parent Access Account Video
- Why are there no courses in my child’s Canvas account? Students in grades 3-12 will receive their courses at 6am on August 12. If your child is missing a course on August 12, contact the teacher of the missing course.
- What is the best device to use for online instruction? Most PK-2nd grade students work best on an iPad. Most 3rd-12th grade students work best on a chromebook. Google Chrome is the best web browser for Canvas.
- Do I need to download Zoom on the Chromebook checked out by my campus? No- All district chromebooks have the Zoom extension installed automatically.
- The Chromebook I got from the school just has a spinning circle? The chromebook by default tries to connect to CISD. Click the wireless icon in the lower right and connect to your home wireless or your hotspot.
Conroe ISD Technology Help Desk
Weekdays beginning Monday, August 10th
7:30 a.m. until 9:00 p.m.
You can call 936-709-7658 or email help@conroeisd.net
*Canvas users can also click the "Help" button prior to logging in.
Would You Like to Join the Giesinger PTO?
Our PTO believes in the students, staff, and families at Giesinger. By contributing to our fundraisers, you are making all kinds of quality programs and events available to ALL of our students!
Membership Donation Levels:
$10 Bronze Individual Membership
$25 Silver Individual Membership
$50 Gold Individual Membership
The purpose of the Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) is to:
(a) promote the welfare of children at Giesinger
(b) to foster cooperation between parents and teachers in the education of children at Giesinger
(c) to unite school and community efforts in securing for all children the best education
(d) to engage in fundraising activities for the educational and recreational benefit of Giesinger, its children, teachers, and staff as determined by the PTO and in accordance with the PTO by-laws.
Meal Distribution Continues
- Breakfast and lunch meals will be available curbside at every campus for students to purchase or free to students who qualify.
- Meals will be available on the bus ramp (or designated location) at each school Tuesdays and Thursdays 10 AM-12 PM.
- Tuesday: 2 breakfast meals/ 2 lunch meals
- Thursday: 3 breakfast meals/ 3 lunch meals
- A student meal card located in Parent Access must be presented to scan and identify the student when meals are picked up.
- No change will be made for cash transactions- any change will be applied to student's meal account. Pre-payments can be made at www.myschoolbucks.com .
- Meal prices and the free and reduced meal application are available on the child nutrition website. https://www.conroeisd.net/department/child-nutrition/ .
Giesinger Elementary Protocols
General Information
- All parents and students are asked to self-screen for COVID-19 prior to leaving home each morning.
- Utilize good hygiene throughout the day.
- Practice social distancing as much as possible.
- At this time, third and fourth grade students in Conroe ISD will be required to wear masks at school. We highly encourage students in pre-kindergarten through second grade to wear face masks at school as well.
Arrival Protocols
- Separate entrances are provided for bus/daycare riders, walkers/bikers, and car riders.
- Hand sanitizer stations are provided at each campus entrance and in each classroom and students/staff will use this upon entering the campus and classrooms.
- Entry doors will be propped open for no touch entry. Staff will supervise to ensure unauthorized persons do not enter opened entry doors.
- Staff will supervise arriving students to ensure hallway safety protocols are followed.
- Students will not congregate together in large enclosed areas waiting to report to staff.
- Parents will not be allowed to accompany students into the school at any time, including the first day of school.
- Students who buy breakfast will eat in their classroom to avoid congregating in the cafeteria during arrival.
Dismissal Protocols
- Students will be dismissed in staggered departure times by walker/daycare, car riders and bus riders from their classrooms to decrease the risk of congregating. The CISD Car Rider and Bus Hub app will be utilized to communicate with teachers regarding dismissal of students.
- All available (non-classroom) staff will be utilized to supervise departing students.
- Hand sanitizer stations are provided at each campus exit and in each classroom and students/staff will use this when exiting the campus and classrooms.
- Exterior doors will be propped open and supervised to minimize contact.
- Parents must remain in designated area (walkers) or in their vehicle (car riders) as they wait for their student(s).
- In the event that a parent has to pick a student up before dismissal, they will use the Giesinger curbside protocol (see below).
- All students will be dismissed from their classroom to avoid congregating in their classroom. Students will be dismissed as their family arrives or bus/daycare arrives.
- Campus will follow new dismissal protocols for walkers, car riders, bus, and daycare.
- Walkers will be dismissed from the playground gated area along White Oak by grade level. Parents/guardians should social distance when waiting for students to exit. Students will be released by grade level according to the following times:
3:20 PK/K
3:30 1st/2nd grades
- Car riders will be dismissed as “flights” and students will be at cones to wait for their families.
- Bus/Daycare will be dismissed from the back of the campus.
Transition Protocols
- Students and staff will stay to the far right side of the hallways and throughout the campus to reduce the possibility of contact. Campus wide visuals and language will be used to remind students of this procedure “Walk Right, Stay Right”.
- Classroom doors will be propped open to reduce high touch areas when possible.
- Classrooms will stagger releases from each class (when traveling to common areas-lunch, recess, specials) to limit the number of students in the hallway during transitions, when possible.
- Students will use visual cues (arrows and dots) on the floor to assist in social distancing and relay hallway expectations of “Walk Right, Stay Right”.
- All available (non-classroom) staff will be utilized to supervise transitions and maintain social distancing.
- Teachers, along with support staff, will supervise restrooms to ensure social distancing and safety protocols are followed.
Students will use visuals (social distance dots on the floor) to know where to stand when waiting for the restroom. The amount of stalls in the restroom will determine the capacity of the restroom. (For example, if a restroom has two stalls, only two students will be allowed in that area at a time. Other students will have to wait on the dots outside until one becomes available.
When possible, grade levels will use a designated restroom to minimize contact.
- Students will use hand sanitizer during each transition upon entering and exiting the classroom and/or common area.
Lunch Protocols
- Cafeteria capacity will be based upon current guidelines.
- Physical distance will be provided around each available seat.
- Seats will be marked by visual (dot) so students are clear on where to sit that maintains social distancing. Students will be provided a bar code identification card that will be used to purchase breakfast/lunches and avoid using a keypad to purchase their breakfast/ lunch. Break-away lanyards will be provided by the school to attach to student identification cards and will be stored in the classroom each day to minimize contact.
- Seating charts will be used to log all students at all times in the cafeteria.
- Students will use visual cues (arrows and dots) on the floor to reinforce physical distance and traffic patterns in the cafeteria.
- In the event that students are not able to lunch in the cafeteria, classrooms as well as other designated areas will be used to create social distancing.
- Lunch times are subject to change in order to reduce the number of students in the cafeteria at one time.
- Hand sanitizer will be provided at cafeteria entrances and exits.
- All available staff will be utilized to supervise cafeteria procedures and maintain social distancing.
- No visitors will be allowed in the building for lunch.
- Parents are encouraged to make prepayments on students’ accounts using MySchool Bucks, cash, or checks to avoid cash transactions during meal service.
- Cafeteria meals will be pre-packaged in boats/bags for easy transport to classrooms, if necessary, and to prevent food from being exposed to others.
- Food will be pre-packaged for quick selection to decrease the amount of time spent in line.
- A la carte items will be limited to limit time spent in line.
Recess Protocols
- All grade level teachers will be on duty monitoring students at recess.
- Recess schedules are subject to change in order to limit the number of students on the playground at a given time.
- Staff will supervise students on the playground to supervise procedures and maintain social distancing.
Classroom Protocols
- Students will use hand sanitizer upon entering and exiting classrooms at all times. Students may wash their hands in lieu of hand sanitizers when the classroom setup allows for hand washing.
- Hand sanitizer will be provided by CISD and available to classrooms at all times.
- Teachers and staff will make every effort to distance students away from one another as much as instructionally possible.
- Students will use their own supplies. Sharing of supplies will be limited and in the event that it is necessary, will be cleaned and wiped down with disinfectant between student use.
- Students will use backpacks to hold school supplies. Backpacks may be used to transport materials to departmentalized teachers as well as art classes.
- Teachers will develop and implement classroom procedures that limit student movement such as turning in assignments and passing out materials.
- Students will be taught procedures to sanitize their personal work space with hand sanitizer or cleaning wipes.
- Teachers will have students engage in supervised handwashing following proper handwashing guidelines (at least 20 seconds at least two times each day) in addition to washing hands after using the restroom and before eating
- Visual cues and school wide common language will be used to help students with social distancing and proper handwashing.
- Commonly-touched surfaces in classrooms will be cleaned and disinfected between student groups.
- Ongoing instruction will be provided to students on appropriate hygiene practices as well as campus protocols.
Visitor Protocol
- Only visitors essential to school operations will be permitted to enter Giesinger Elementary.
- Virtual meetings will be used to reduce the number of campus visitors.
- All individuals entering the building must wear a face mask covering their mouth and nose at all times.
- Visitors will be required to complete a COVID 19 screening form in the reception area prior to entering the building.
- Parents needing to drop items off for a student will contact the school to arrange a curbside pick-up.
- Visitors and staff will maintain appropriate social distancing for student meetings, including ARD’s and 504 meetings.
- Deliveries to students including lunches will be limited and on an emergency basis only. Students who forget their lunch will be allowed to charge a meal to the cafeteria.
- PTO meetings will be held virtually to minimize outside contact.
Clinic Protocols
- There will be a separate area designated for “sick” and “well” visits to the clinic.
- Mrs. Corbit will make classroom visits to students in order to minimize movement in the hallway.
2020-2021 CISD Calendar
Get Connected!
Stay in touch with CISD by downloading our new mobile app!
Download the app on your mobile device today and select ‘yes’ to receive push notifications with the latest news and updates from the District.
Key Features:
- Push Notifications - Select ‘yes’ when you download the app to receive the latest push notifications from the District.
- Calendar Events - Add events to the calendar on your personal mobile device directly from the calendar section on the app.
- News - Check out the latest District-wide and school news all in one place!
School Messenger
All SMS messages received from the Conroe ISD District Office and your child's campus will begin with "Conroe ISD:" and come from the subscribe code 67587. If you have not yet opted-in to receive SMS messages, you can do so at any time throughout the school year by texting "Y" to 67587.
Amazon Smile~ You shop. Amazon gives.
Select Giesinger Elementary School as your charity!
What is AmazonSmile?
AmazonSmile is a simple and automatic way for you to support your favorite charitable organization every time you shop, at no cost to you. When you shop at smile.amazon.com, you’ll find the exact same low prices, vast selection and convenient shopping experience as Amazon.com, with the added bonus that Amazon will donate a portion of the purchase price to your favorite charitable organizationHow do I shop at AmazonSmile?
To shop at AmazonSmile simply go to smile.amazon.com from the web browser on your computer or mobile device. You may also want to add a bookmark to smile.amazon.com to make it even easier to return and start your shopping at AmazonSmile.How do I select a charitable organization to support when shopping on AmazonSmile?
On your first visit to AmazonSmile smile.amazon.com, you need to select a charitable organization to receive donations from eligible purchases before you begin shopping. We will remember your selection, and then every eligible purchase you make at smile.amazon.com will result in a donation.School Information
- Our doors open at 7:30 for all students.
- Students are counted "tardy" after 8:00. Instruction begins promptly at 8:00 and we want our students present and ready to learn!
- Please do not drop off students before 7:30 as there is no adult supervision on the front porch.
- Breakfast is served from 7:30-7:55.
- Transportation changes need to be made by 2:00. Emergency transportation changes can me made no later than 2:30.
- Students will not be checked out after 2:30.
- Dismissal begins at 3:10.
- Please display your car or walker sign when picking your students up each day. This is for the safety for all students and to help our staff and substitutes on duty.
- Thank you for your continued support. Eagles Soar to Excellence in All We Do!
Connect With Us!
"Eagles Soar to Excellence In All We Do!"
Email: giesinger@conroeisd.net
Website: http://giesinger.conroeisd.net
Phone: 936-709-2600
Facebook: www.facebook.com/GiesingerCISD/
Twitter: @GiesingerElementary
The Conroe Independent School District (District) as an equal opportunity educational provider and employer does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age, or disability in educational programs or activities that it operates or in employment matters. The District is required by Title VI and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, as amended, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act, as well as Board policy not to discriminate in such a manner.
For information about Title IX rights or Section 504/ADA rights, contact the Title IX Coordinator or the Section 504/ADA coordinator at 3205 W. Davis, Conroe, TX 77304; (936) 709-7752.