January 26, 2024
Dear Chief Sealth International Families,
Thank you for your partnership and support as our school continues to respond to our community’s needs in the wake of this week’s tragedy.
The outpouring of community support has been encouraging and welcomed. Our school-based support teams and staff have done an amazing job wrapping around our community during this time. We are thankful for the continued outpouring and additional support offered by our community partners and central office staff. Our student attendance has been strong this week!
As we look to next week, our students and staff will have continued support through our school-based support teams, school-based health center, and our community-based partners. We are connecting as a community to continue our conversation in working towards advocating for a focus on decreasing community violence and supporting our youth.
If your child has been thinking about, or is currently working with, a therapist or counselor, this is a good time to connect them with those supports. Our school-based support team can help your family connect to community agencies that provide mental health and substance use services. As needed please reach out to our school social workers Shanyn, stgiliotenan@seattleschools.org and Ari Nuñez arnunez@seattleschools.org.
Community Resources
In addition to our school resources, here are community-wide resources.
- 988 – Crisis lifeline. The 988 Lifeline provides 24/7, free and confidential support for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources for you or your loved ones, and best practices for professionals in the United States.
- Teen Link offers young people peers to listen and discuss concerns. Calls and chats are confidential. 1-866-teenlink (833-6546)
- Crisis Connections offers 24-hour support. 1-866-427-4747
- Additional community resources are available on the Seattle Public Schools Mental Health Services department webpage.
Thank you for your patience, resilience and continued support as our school responds to our students and community’s needs. I am forever grateful for your resolve and strength during this challenging time. Please feel free to reach out to me with questions.
Principal Ray Garcia Morales
Chief Sealth International High School