Rebel Report
October 3, 2021
From the Superintendent's Desk
Two Items of Importance
First, the California Healthy Kids Survey will be available for parents and students from October 12th thru November 19th. Consent forms will be sent home next week for the students. In previous years, Richmond's parent participation rate was awesome with 100+ parents completing the survey in the Fall of 2019. In the Fall of 2020, only 10 parents participated. This is one of the primary ways Richmond gets feedback from all families. The feedback is used to drive programs, opportunities, and priorities in the next school year's Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP). Your feedback is important. Please commit to completing the survey when it gets sent out on October 12th.
Second, Governor Newsome's announcement (October 1st). Newsome announced that he will be mandating that students 12-17 be vaccinated for COVID-19. The earliest this could be enforced would be in July 2022. I have as many questions as you do but at this point we are all waiting on further details from the State. The Governor's plan hinges on one of the vaccines being approved for use on children ages 12-15. The Governor did not mention medical or religious exemptions in his announcement but I would assume that those exemptions would remain in place as they are for all other vaccinations. The Board will be discussing our involvement in any upcoming letters or petitions at our next Board Meeting on October 14th.
Mr. Cosgrove
Upcoming Events
9/30-10/1 5th Grade Lava Beds Camp
10/7 Cross Country Meet @ Susanville Ranch Park
10/8 Picture Day
10/11 No School - Columbus Day
10/14 Cross Country Meet: Shaffer Scramble @ Shaffer Elementary
10/20 Picture Re-takes
10/29 RCA Trunk or Treat
11/11 No School - Veteran's Day
11/12 Veteran's Day Program 1:45-2:45 pm
11/12 End of the 1st Trimester
11/15-19 Teacher Conferences Minimum Days Release 12:30 pm
11/22-26 No School - Thanksgiving Break
Current Happenings
6/7 Camp Update
Taking Water Samples
Testing Things
Look Mom! I can do the dishes.
RCA Update
The next RCA Meetings is October 12th @ 5pm in the Richmond Gym.
Election Update
President: Ida Bruce
Vice President: Jodi Henry
Secretary: Julie Mallory
Treasurer: Victoria Haproff and Leslie Perez
Trunk-or-Treat: Friday, October 29th from 6pm-8pm in the Richmond School parking lot. There are two ways to participate. Enter your vehicle
Vehicle Entry: Enter your vehicle in our Trunk-or-Treat event. Decorate the back on your vehicle for Halloween and hand out candy to participants going from trunk to trunk for treats. Entry fee is $20.00 (entrants supply their own candy to distribute). There will be a prize for the best decorated vehicle.
Participant: Bring the whole family down to go vehicle to vehicle to collect treats. There is no fee to trick-or-treat. Halloween candy buckets and bags will be available for purchase.
Halloween Decorating Contest Decorate your house, front porch, or yard in Halloween décor, pay an entry fee of $25.00, and enter our contest to win a prize.
Please visit our Facebook Page, Richmond Community Association (RCA), for entry forms and additional information for these fundraisers. Entry forms and additional information will also be posted on our webpage soon. Visit
~ Ida Bruce
Intermural Sports
We are hosting the October 7th cross country meet at Ranch Park and we need parent volunteers. Click here to sign up to volunteer. Currently we need timers and a sweeper for the 5th - 8th race. ~ Mrs. Matchniff
Flag Football
Practices will be Mondays thru Thursdays from 3:00-4:15 pm and begins Monday, October 4th. Students who also participate in Cross Country will only need to attend two practices a week. Games are being scheduled and will be communicated soon. Please have students return the permission form Monday at practice. ~ Mr. Andersen
The Rebel Radar
School Counselor
Mrs. Huffman is our new school counselor and will be supporting students through whole class lessons on social emotional resilience and positive behavior. She is also available to meet with students individually. If the need arises, please contact her at
Please call the office at (530) 257-6163 if your student(s) will be absent. It is important that the school keep detailed records of student attendance as it affects our funding. Absences also influence truancy and truancy notifications. After three days absent without a valid excuse the school is required to send the first Truancy Notification. Single day absences can be excused with a valid excuse but students who are out three or more days due to an illness requires a medical note from your pediatrician or family doctor. Please be sure the doctor states the required number of days they are to be out of school or the date they may return to school.
Homework Club
Homework Club starts this Tuesday, Sept 14th in Mrs. Cluck's classroom. It is available to students in Grades 4-8 who need support completing their homework. Homework Club will meet every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 7:15 - 7:55 am. If your student will be attending, please remind them that it is not a social time but an opportunity to get caught up and get help.
Parent Volunteers
If parents want to help with reading groups or work with students, the school needs to have a cleared background check on file. Fingerprints through LiveScan can be done at LCOE, call (530) 257-2196 and setup an appointment.