Annual Title I Meeting
Joseph Brown Elementary School
2023 - 2024 Cookies and Curriculum Annual Title I & Family Engagement Meeting
August 17, 2023
Mr. Nick Davis
Why are We Here?
- Inform you of your school's participation in TItle I
- Explain the requirements of Title I
- Explain your rights as parents and family members to be involved
What will I Learn?
- What is a TItle I school?
- What are my rights?
- What can TItle I funds be used for?
- How does our school use Title I funds?
- What is the SIP?
- What are our schoolwide program goals?
- How is Parent and Family Engagement funded?
- What is the Parent and Engagement Policy?
- What is the School - Family Compact?
- What curriculum does our school use?
- What tests will my child be taking?
- How can I be involved?
- Who can I contact for help?
- Who are our local community sponsors?
What is a TItle I School?
- Title I was passed in 1965 under the ELementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA). It is the largest federal assistance program for our nation's schools.
- Title I schools receive extra funding (TItle I dollars) from the federal government. These dollars are used to:
- Identify students experiencing academic difficulties and provide assistance to help these students;
- Purchase additional staff, programs, materials, and/or supplies; and
- Conduct Parent and Family Engagement meetings, trainings, events, and/or activities.
What is Our School's Designation Status?
- In Accordance with Tennessee's accountability system, the Tennessee Department of Education (TDOE) determines designations for all public schools. Designation include:
- Reward Schools - Reward schools include the top 10 percent of schools.
- Priority Schools - Priority schools are the top 5 percent of schools with the lowest success rates (Using up to three years of data) in the state.
- Focus Schools - Focus schools are the top 10% of schools identified through one of the three pathways:
- Graduation Rate Pathway - High Schools with an average graduation rate less than 60%.
- Subgroup Pathway - any subgroup with a success rate of less than 10%.
- Gap Pathway - schools with the largest gaps between selected groups.
What is the State Report Card?
- TDOE releases an annual report card on Tennessee schools.
- This report displays state-, district-, and school-level data for each school year.
- It includes information on demographics, achievement, academic growth, attendance, graduation rate, and more.
- You can view the data statewide, or you can choose a specific district or school.
- You can view the report card here:
- https://tdepublicschools.ondemand.sas.com/state/assessment
What are my rights?
- The families and parents of Title I students have a right, by law, to:
- Be involved in decisions made at both the school and district level;
- Be provided with information on your child's level of achievement on tests in Reading/Language Arts, Writing, Mathematics, and Science;
- Request and receive information on the qualifications of your child's teacher and paraprofessionals who are working with your child. You can contact the school to receive this information;
- Request opportunities for regular meetings to formulate suggestions and to participate, as appropriate, in decisions about the education of your child. The school is required to respond to any such suggestions as soon as practicably possible.
What can Title I funds be used for?
- Smaller class sizes,
- Additional teachers and paraprofessionals;
- Additional training for school staff;
- Extra Time for instruction (Before and/or after school programs);
- Parent and Family Engagement activities, and/or
- A variety of supplemental teaching materials, equipment, and technology
How does our school use Title I funds?
We are a schoolwide program, which means we plan to spend our funds on the following:
Supplemental staff:
- Facilitator, educational assistants, and interventionist
- PlanbookEdu
- Classroom Materials/Supplies
Teacher Professional Development:
What is the SIP?
- The identification of the school planning team and how they will be engaged in the planning process;
- A needs assessment and summary of academic and non-academic data;
- Prioritized goals, strategies, and action steps to help address the academic and non-academic needs of students;
- Teacher and staff professional development needs; and
- Budgets and the coordination of resources.
What are our Schoolwide Program Goals?
Administrators, teachers, and families have provided input for the creation of school - level goals.
Reading -
- For grades K-2, on the universal screener, JBES will increase the percentage of students scoring above/mid grade level from 38.9% to 46.6%.
JBES will increase students testing on-track or exceeding expectations in Reading and Language Arts on TN Ready to the following:
- For 3rd grade, from 29% to 37.9%.
- For 4th grade, from 19% to 29.1%.
Math -
- For grades K-2, on the universal screener, increase the percentage of students testing mid/above grade level in math from 26.3% to 35%.
- For grades 3-4 TN Ready, increase the percentage of students who meet and exceed expectations from 29% to 37.9%
- For Black and African American students, increase the percentage of students who meet and exceed expectations from 17% to 27.4%.
- For ELL students, increase the percentage of students who meet and exceed expectations from 18% to 28.3%.
Close gaps in out of school suspensions for all students to reduce overall out of school suspensions and decrease missed instruction from 4.5% to 3%.
Data pulled from Student Information System will show an increase in RTI-B placement indicating the implementation of strategies used that promote restorative practices to increase in-class and out-of-class interventions pertaining to major behaviors requiring the school level disposition given by administration pertaining to out of school suspensions; additional data from RTI-B (Response to Intervention) meetings showing positive Tier movement across all grades and subgroups.
Chronic Absenteeism -
How is Parent and Family Engagement funded?
- Any district with a Title I allocation exceeding $500,000 is required by law to set aside 1% of its Title I allocation for Parent and Family Engagement.
- Of that 1%, 10% may be reserved at the district for system-wide initiatives related to Parent and Family Engagement. The remaining 90% must be allocated to all Title I schools in the district.
- You, as Title I parents and family members, have the right to be involved in how this money is spent.
How is Parent and Family Engagement Funded?
Parent and Family Engagement meetings and events
- Annual Title I Meeting
- Reading Night
- Math Night
- STEAM Night
- Kindergarten and 4th grade Promotion/Transition
- Supplies for meetings and events
We want your input on what is needed and helpful!
What is a Parent and Family Engagement policy?
- How parents and families can be involved in decision-making and activities;
- How parent and family engagement funds are being used;
- How information and training will be provided to families; and
- How the school will build capacity in families and staff for strong parent and family engagement.
You, as a Title I parent or family member, have the right to be involved in the development of these plans.
What is the Parent and Family Engagement policy?
- on our website
- https://www.mauryk12.org/page/144
The J. Brown Parent and Family Engagement policy will be shared by August 21 through Class Dojo and Facebook. In addition, the policy can be found on our website.
What is a School - Family Compact?
In addition, the Compact can be found on Facebook, Class Dojo, and our school website.
What is a School - Family Compact?
The Compact must describe how the school will:
- Provide high-quality curriculum and instruction;
- Hold parent - teacher conferences, annually in elementary schools; (We will have them quarterly)
- Provide parents with reports on their child's progress;
- Provide parent reasonable access to staff;
- Provide parents opportunities to volunteer; and
- Ensure regular two-way meaningful communication between family members and staff, to the extent practicable, in a language family members can understand.
What curriculum does our school use?
- The Tennessee academic standards provide a common set of expectations for what students will know and be able to do at the end of a grade for each subject area.
- Tennessee's academic standards form the framework for everything taught at Joseph Brown Elementary School.
- For more information about Tennessee's academic standards, see:
What tests will my child be taking?
- Progress monitoring on Aimsweb in the Fall
- i-Ready Math and Reading (Fall, Winter, Spring) - above the 25th percentile
- TCAP (Spring) - On-Track
- Classroom Assessments
- Running Records
- Phonological Awareness Screener (Kindergarten)
- Phonics Screeners (1 - 4)
- CASE Benchmark Assessment
How can I be involved?
To get involved with the SIP plan, you can email
- Stephen Richardson, strichardson@mauryk12.org
- Mr. Davis, ndavis@mauryk12.org
- Mrs. Jones, jjones1@mauryk12.org
To get involved with the Parent and Family Engagement Policy, email
- Stephen Richardson, strichardson@mauryk12.org
To get involved with the School - Family Compact, you can email
- Stephen Richardson, strichardson@mauryk12.org
What is Parent and Family Engagement?
- Family engagement is a shared responsibility in which schools and other community agencies and organizations are committed to reaching out to engage families in meaningful ways and in which families are committed to actively supporting their children's learning and development.
- Family engagement is continuous across a child's life and entails enduring commitment but changing family roles as children mature into young adulthood.
- Effective family engagement cuts across and reinforces learning in the multiple settings where children learn - at home, in pre-kindergarten programs, in school, in after - school programs, in faith - based institutions, and in the community.
Source: The National Association for Family, School, and Community Engagement (https://nafsce.site-ym.com/page/definition)
What is Parent and Family Engagement?
- Lee and Marleen Canter
Source: Parents on your Side: A Teacher's Guide to Creating Positive Relationships with Parents
What the benefits of Family Engagement?
- Higher grades and test scores
- Better attendance
- More positive attitudes and better behavior
- Higher graduation rates
- Greater enrollment in postsecondary education
For parents and families:
- More confidence and trust in the school
- Increased confidence in their parenting skills
- Creates a home environment that encourages learning
- Encourages families to form stronger relationships with teachers and other families
For schools and teachers
- Improved teacher and staff morale
- Higher ratings of school and teachers by families
- More support form families
- Higher student achievement
- Increased and improved relationships within the community
How can I be involved?
- "The beautiful thing about learning is no one can take it away from you."
Monitor grades and schoolwork on ParentVUE
- Please let us know if you need information.
Attend Family Events and Meetings
- Math Night
- Reading Night
- STEAM Night
- Kindergarten and 4th grade promotion/transition
Observe, substitute, or volunteer in classrooms
Join Parent Vols
- Participate in their events
Communicate with teachers
- Read classroom newsletters, Title I Smore, information on school website, social media pages, and Class Dojo that contain examples of learning activities families can do with students at home.
Who can I contact for help?
- For general questions, call the Front Office at (931) 388-3601
- To reach the principal, Nick Davis, call: (931) 388-3601 ext. 6010
- To reach the assistant principal, Jennifer Jones, call: (931) 388-3601 ext. 6050
- To reach the Title I Facilitator, Stephen Richardson, call: (931) 388-3601 ext. 6072
- To reach the School Counselor, Heather Adams, call: (931) 388-3601 ext. 6100
- For Family Resource Support, call Stephen Richardson: (931) 388-3601 ext. 6072
To reach your child's teacher, call the Front Office or view our staff directory at:
We just want to say..... Thank you!
Joseph Brown Elementary School
Email: strichardson@mauryk12.org
Website: https://www.mauryk12.org/bres
Location: 301 Cord Drive, Columbia, TN, USA
Phone: 931-388-3601
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BrownBearVols/