IECHS Parent Connect
February Edition
A Message from the Principal
This school year is flying by. We are in the middle of the 3rd 9-wks and are closing in on May quickly. It is my strongest hope, with your help, that we can support our students to finish strong. Looking forward to March and Spring Break :)
Mrs. Beal
Mrs. Beal & Mrs. Sautter
Happy National Counselors Week to Mrs. Sautter
school coun•se•lor:
A multitasking detective, who also acts as a project manager in their spare time while resolving conflicts and restoring hope. A pivoting, unaccredited lawyer with insane recordkeeping skills, who mediates and pivots on a dime, usually while under a mountain of paperwork,
a never ending timeline, and copious amounts of stress. Master of empathy. Facilitator of success. See also: shoulder to cry on & scheduling ninja
100 % Accountable - Teaching Students Responsibility
The 4 critical components of 100% Accountable:
1. Own Your Life – If we give away the freedom to act and think for ourselves, we’re more likely to become victims. This happens when we allow the opinions of others and their actions toward us to matter more than our own feelings about ourselves. We must begin the process of owning all aspects of our lives and actions, and take responsibility for every
moment and situation. When we do, we prevent others from asserting control over our lives.
2. Overcome Limiting Beliefs – The greatest limitations in our lives are those we place on ourselves. These come in the form of fears, excuses, and what we call the counter mindsets. It is these limiting beliefs that distort our belief systems and drive ineffective or destructive behaviors. We can, however, reprogram our thinking to overcome and eliminate limiting beliefs.
3. Focus Your Energy – The people who get the most out of life do the most with the 24 hours each day that we all have. These individuals spend more time doing things that give them energy and use this energy to learn and accomplish what’s most important to them. We must constantly restructure our time in order to get the most out of the moments we have. When we do this each day, we take powerful steps toward reaching our dreams.
4. Grow Through Life – Life is about learning, and it’s a process of continual growth. We must recognize this and seek growth from all experiences, good and bad. When we do, we are constantly getting better. We must also proactively develop our strengths and build new skills. As we do this, we truly become 100% Accountable and capable of creating the lives of our dreams.
Helping you Understand HOW ATTENDANCE WORKS during a pandemic...
1. When a teacher is absent, all students' parents receive an email that their student was not present because the teacher, in essence, was not there to take roll. The substitute then takes attendance on a "paper" roster, submits the attendance, and then the attendance is reconciled at the PEIMS department. This will take a day or two because it is done manually but is ultimately reconciled accurately.
2. IF your student is a "remote learner," you can expect them to ALWAYS be marked ABSENT during the official ADA period [which is period 2 on "A" days and period 7 on "B" days]. By marking them ABSENT, the PEIMS Attendance. The attendance clerk captures attendance through CANVAS activity. Again, it is imperative that all students are logging into CANVAS and doing their work.
3. IF your student is an on campus student and/or they are REQUIRED to be on campus, they will always be counted absent if they are NOT "on campus." Students are not permitted to bounce between virtual and face to face learning.
4. We understand the frustrations but please ask questions and work with us as we will always attempt to make things right on our side.
Senior Events...
Thank you.
[prom, graduation, Top10 breakfast, Senior Sunset]