Crusader Connections
Father Andrew White S.J. School Newsletter
February 7, 2023
Important Dates
February 17: No School for Students
February 20: No School - Presidents' Day
February 22: Ash Wednesday Mass, 8:30 am
February 23: Field Trip (2nd - 5th Grade)
February 24: Field Trip (1st Grade)
February 25: First Reconciliation (2nd Grade)
Catholic Schools Week!
Many pictures were posted from our Catholic Schools Week celebration. Even if you do not have a Facebook account, you are still able to see our posts. Check out the fun we had! https://www.facebook.com/fawschool/
Now Enrolling
Admissions for prospective families opened today, February 7, 2023. http://mytads.com/a/fatherandrewwhiteschool
Father Andrew White Catholic School has opened enrollment to new families for the 2023-2024 school year. We welcome you to consider becoming a part of this amazing, award winning school. Schedule a private tour to discover how our students are "Learning Today, Leading Tomorrow, Living our Faith." Call the office at (301) 475-9795 or email office@fatherandrewwhite.org.
School Store
This quarter, some of our middle school students are operating a school store. They are learning how to take inventory, markup items for profit, and manage the ins and outs of a business. The school store will be open every Wednesday during their elective class time. Items cost anywhere from 25 cents to $10. Please encourage your children to visit the school store! Kindly send in an envelope with money, marked with your child’s name and “School Store” so the middle schoolers know who to expect this week.
Volleyball Signups Begin Today!
Volleyball is back! If your middle schooler is looking to play on our FAW team, please complete and return the interest form below. Practices start in two weeks!
Congratulations Kate on your 2nd Place finish at the Regional Science Fair! 👏
F.A.W. Awards
F. = Follow God...
A. = Always Respectful and Kind...
W. = Willing to Learn...
Honor Rolls
AmazonSmile Program Ending
We wanted to share the news that the AmazonSmile program is ending on February 20, 2023. Over the years our school has earned over $1,000. We encourage you to place orders for Amazon shopping at www.Smile.Amazon.com for the next month to ensure that our school will earn money for the duration of the program. Thank you!
FAW Athletics
📣 🏀 Go Crusaders! 🏀 📣
DI Fundraisers
FAW Destination Imagination is in full tournament mode with its showcase happening in four weeks and the state tournament in less than two months! Please help support our EIGHT DI teams to reach their goals of going to the State Tournament at UMBC and hopefully traveling to the Globals competition in Kansas City, MO by ordering from either Joe Corbi's or Wockenfuss Candies. Both fundraisers are with the Easter holidays in mind. Order some ready to bake pizzas or cookies for those Easter gatherings or order your favorite Easter candies! Orders and money are due by Friday, February 24th. Both Joe Corbi's and Wockenfuss will be delivered before Easter break.
To place an order for Joe Corbi's or Wockenfuss, contact Jody Cacko at cacko@fatherandrewwhite.org OR order from a friendly FAW DIer you know!
Report Cards Posted
Report cards were posted on the Parent Portal last week. You can find the report card in the E-Locker under E-Portfolio. https://www.plusportals.com/FatherAndrewWhiteSchool If you need assistance logging into the Parent Portal, please contact Mrs. Greer at greer@fatherandrewwhite.org.
Are you feeling lucky?
Take a chance (or 2 or 3!) on being one of the 31 winners in the third FAW Lottery Fundraiser! With $2,725 in cash prizes, this is a great opportunity to support the school and have a chance to come away a WINNER!!! Be sure to ask your family and friends to see if they'd like the chance to put a little extra cash in their wallets, too! Please see the flyer below to see how you have 31 chances to win!
FAW News Email
FAW News Email
Do you have an announcement you’d like to put in our weekly bulletin? Or perhaps you went to an FAW event, such as a basketball game, and you’d like to share some information or photos you took. We have created an email where you can send pictures, blurbs, etc. This will help us get new items in our bulletin, on our lobby TV, and on our website. Email: FAWnews@fatherandrewwhite.org Please send anything you’d like considered in the Announcements by Friday evening of the week prior.
The month of February may the shortest month, but even so, there's plenty to be celebrated! Two of those things are American Heart Month and National Dental Month; and it turns out that those two things are actually related. While you're probably familiar with ways to care for your heart, you might not have heard that the bacteria that cause gum disease can also raise your risk of heart disease. Thus, good oral hygiene is also good for your heart. Another less known about heart helper is laughter. Research shows that laughter can lower stress hormones, decrease inflammation in your arteries, and increase levels of your good cholesterol (HDL). Heard any good jokes lately? Here's one: "Q. What did one math book say to the other? A. I don't know about you, but I've got lots of problems!"
Community News
The Ascension Lenten Companion/Fellowship Study starts on Tuesday, February 21st at the St. Aloysius Parish Hall.
The program includes engaging videos by Fr. Toups and an inspirational journal with daily meditations, prayer prompts, space for journaling, original sacred artwork and weekly videos that keep us on track. We would love to walk this Lenten Journey with you. We will meet on Tuesday nights at 6:00pm for refreshments/fellowship followed by 6:30pm with opening prayer, a short video, and small group discussions. Please prayerfully consider this opportunity to pray and walk this journey with fellow Catholics who want nothing less than to pray you to heaven.
This is an opportunity for our whole community to enter into the season of Lent intentionally and receive the grace God wants to give us during this holy season.
Praying for a Student
Please join us in prayer for a fellow Catholic school student from St. Mary's Bryantown. You can follow his journey at Finn's Fierce Fight.
Looking for Service Hours?
Do you love organizing a good party or an amazing event?
The Home & School Association is seeking a Co-Chairperson (or Chair Team) and committees to plan and organize one of our biggest and best events of the year: the Spring Social & Auction! The groundwork has already been laid for the Social & Auction this April, but we need teams in place to continue with the rest of the planning! Here are the positions that we need filled immediately:
- Spring Social & Auction Co-Chairperson
- Spring Social & Auction Planning Committee Members
Duties include soliciting sponsorships and donations, planning details, some marketing, logistics and executing the event. We’d love your outside-the-box ideas! Chairpersons of this event qualify for the complete fulfillment of the Service Scholarship/Volunteer Hours. If you’re interested in helping with this event, please email our HSA President, Jen Tennyson at jntennyson@gmail.com to get started! The Home & School Association (HSA) is grateful for any time or resources you are able to give!
Weekly Reminders:
❏ Send in an envelope with money for your child to shop in the School Store (tomorrow)
❏ Buy Candy Grams
❏ Sell/Purchase FAW Lottery Tickets
❏ Consider Participating in DI Fundraisers
❏ Shop through smile.amazon.com
❏ Send in items for the Brown Bag Auction
❏ Send news and pictures to FAWnews@fatherandrewwhite.org
❏ Submit Volunteer Hours
About FAW
Email: office@fatherandrewwhite.org
Website: https://www.fatherandrewwhite.org
Location: 22850 Washington Street, Leonardtown, MD, USA
Phone: (301) 475-9795
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/fawschool/
Twitter: @FAWcrusaders