Conqueror Corner
DEC - 2023

D E C E M B E R - 2 0 2 3
With Mrs. Weiss & Mrs. Vandiver
Wow, here we are at the end of the year already! First semester has flown by. We hope you were all able to relax and enjoy the Thanksgiving break with your loved ones. We of course wish you a very Merry Christmas as we officially begin the Christmas season this December.
As we enter this festive time of year we have lots of fun planned but we will continue to work hard to reach our learning goals as a school family. The week of December 4th all students will be taking their ELA iReady Benchmark 2 and then the week of December 11th the Math iReady Benchmark 2. This assessment lets us check not only the students' achievement and learning but our teaching as well. We will use the data from these benchmarks to plan lessons and establish small groups to support all our students to grow academically. During these weeks please make sure your student is fueled and ready to learn each day. Get plenty of sleep, eat a good healthy breakfast and arrive at school on time each day throughout the 2 weeks.
We look forward to seeing our students each and every day. We have some attendance incentives in place school wide to encourage everyone to be on time and at school each day. Each month students who have 90% or better attendance will receive a certificate of recognition with a coupon. Each homeroom class is also working to earn lunch on the stage with the principal. Every day everyone in the class is on time and present they get to add a letter to spell the word dessert. Once a class spells the entire word as a class they earn lunch with the principal including a small special dessert.
Merry Christmas!
Heather Weiss & Crystal Vandiver
What to Put on the Calendar
December Dates
12/02/23 National Special Education Day
12/06/23 Early Dismissal For Students; Staff PD Day
12/07/23 Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day
12/15/23 Bill of Rights Day
12/19/23 Board of Education Meeting
12/21/23-12/30/23 No School for Students and Staff -
Winter Break
12/25/23 Christmas Day
1/04/2024 School Resumes
With Nurse Kreitler
- Make sure to update your child’s medical information with Nurse Kreitler if anything changes throughout the school year! We want to take the best care of your child.
- ALL GRADES: Please keep a change of winter appropriate clothes in your child’s backpack, just in case! Write your child's name on the items so they don't get lost!
- If you borrow a set of clothes from our nurse, please make sure to wash and return them. We are running low on clothing items.
We are so happy Nurse Kreitler is back, but we are thankful for McDaniles!
Title 1 Reading With Mr. Roux and Ms. Cheek
For example:
Question: Why is rhyming important?
Answer: One reason rhyming is essential is that it helps students recognize words' middle and ending sounds. This is called phonological awareness, and it is crucial to developing reading because it allows students to hear all the sounds of a word. Then, as they begin to read, they can apply the phonics process to tying those sounds to letters.
Question: How do I help my child remember that I in ink sounds like an /e/?
Answer: The I in ink is different because of the nasal ending. When words like bank, ink, and fang are sometimes used, the /n/at the end will change the vowel sound. The best way to help your child remember this is to teach them one example and give them different words that repeat the rule.
Click the link to fill out the form if you have questions.
With Ms. Gilliam
December is CODING MONTH! In the library we will be participating in Hour of Code, learning about professions that use coding, reading books about coding, and using tools to test out different types of coding like our Artie Max, Pyxel pet, and code and go mice!
Feel free to check out the Hour of Code website to learn more about coding with your student! You can also watch the quick introduction video below if you're interested.
Click below to explore the Hour of Code website with your child!
Try the activities tab to practice coding using blockly!
As always, please reach out to Ms. Gilliam if you have any questions: kgilliam@farmington.k12.mo.us
With Coach Hibbits
Feel free to participate in this fun way to get up and moving with your student!
With Mrs. Sancegraw and Mrs. Molten
With Mrs. McDaniel
First Grade - Livia
Mrs. Heiar
Fourth Grade - Kaylynn
Mrs. Moreland
Second Grade - Graci
Ms. McKinney
Third Grade - Brooklyn
Ms. Long
🎨Great job everyone, and thank you Mr. Smith for featuring some amazing talent!
See Any Familiar Faces?
Perfect attendance crew!!
THANK YOU for your donations to get a new PA system. Our teachers loved getting a pie in the face!
Veterans Day Breakfast and Assembly was a hit
4th graders had guest speakers come visit yesterday to help learn about different types of energy and the ways it is converted!
Mrs. Moreland helping demonstrate the gear by touching live power!
We LOVE when Frida comes to visit us!
Friends who read together stay together!
4th grade took some time last half day to test out new makerspace materials!
Third grade created their own balloons for the Macey's day Parade!
We love building with legos!
WF partied with Dancing Dan the Attendance Man in November for our spectacular attendance!
Giant Makerspace Materials call for teaming up!
Click the link to see what color each day is supposed to be.
Washington Franklin Elementary
Website: https://www.fsdknights.com/apps/pages/index.jsp?uREC_ID=1188397&type=d&pREC_ID=1433121
Location: 103 Murphey Ave, Farmington, Mo 63640
Phone: 573-701-1350
Facebook: facebook.com/Washingtonfranklin