FPS Summer Reading - Walsh Edition
June 16, 2021
Welcome to Summer Reading 2021!
This S'More has for:
6-8 Summer Reading - English
6-8 Summer Reading - Spanish
6-8 Summer Reading - Portuguese
Middle School Sumer Reading and Learning (includes Math and activities)
K-12 Summer Reading and Learning
FPS 9th grade Reading List
Keefe 9th grade Reading List
LibGuide (how to videos)
Library Stars Announced!
FPS K-12 Summer Reading and Learning List
2021 Summer Reading list in English, Spanish and Portuguese.
9th grade Keefe reading list
This is the Keefe 9-12 reading list.
9th Grade FHS Reading list
This list for FHS rising 9th graders.
Teodora Dedic and Pedro Moura are the Library Stars!
Congratulations to Teodora Dedic and Pedro Moura, the 2019-2021 Library Stars! They showed enthusiasm for reading and the Library. The Collection was improved with their suggestions.
Job well done!
Mrs. Carlson
Don't forget to look for eBooks and audio books this summer. Click the green bar that reads " My school is MLS Commonwealth eBook Collection." Check Framingham Public Schools when asked for your school. Uses your school Gmail account to sign in.
Follow Cloud icon to our LibGuides.
Click on the cloud to link to our Libguides. There are videos and written instructions to help you use SORAapp.com
Play outside and Read a lot!
Enjoy your summer! Do play outside and read a lot. I am retiring this year. It has been my pleasure to lead the Walsh Library for two years.
Mrs. Carlson