Mackay Newsletter
Malcolm S. Mackay Elementary School - January 2024

Principal's Message
Dear Mackay Families,
Happy New Year and welcome back! We hope you had a wonderful winter break and that your holidays were filled with warmth and memorable moments with your families. Thank you all for your holiday wishes before the break. Your kindness is truly appreciated by our staff. We are so fortunate to live and work in such a caring and supportive community. Thank you again to everyone who supported our Mackay Gives Back campaign and who donated socks to Take Two NYC. A huge thank you again to our HSA for the support and help. We wanted nothing more than to remind the students how important giving to others is and how wonderful it could make us all feel.
The cold weather is here! Please remember to bundle up your children very warmly for recess. We will go outside for recess and fresh air whenever the real-feel temperature is above 28 degrees. Exercise and fresh air are so beneficial for all of us!
The new year is always a time of reflection. It is a time to take stock and consider where we have been and where we hope to go! It is a time to set goals, think big dreams and put our best selves forward. There is excitement in the air filled with hope and possibility! We are in this together–if you or your child needs any level or type of support, I hope you won’t hesitate to reach out. As you reflect on the first half of the school year, if you feel there are habits or learning strategies that you’d like to see improve for your child, please do let us know. We’re happy to be thought-partners along with you!
I wish you all the best for a happy, healthy 2024! It is a great day to have a great day!
Heidi Chizzik
Upcoming Events
New Year's Day
Monday, January 1st
HSA Meeting
Thursday, January 11th
8:45 AM @ Mackay Library
Dr. MLK Jr. Day
Monday, January 15th
Counselor's Corner
Happy New Year Mackay Families!
The New Year is a perfect time for self-reflection and setting goals. When setting goals, utilize the SMART strategy. Consider that the goals you are setting are:
Start small and set one goal at a time. This will help you feel accomplished and successful. One goal might be to do something that makes you happy! Check out the Happier January 2024 Calendar. Each day has a special suggestion that will hopefully bring you happiness.
I wanted to give a shout out to my Peace Builders! They have created a newsletter for the school. Please click the BUTTON below to see what was shared to the Mackay students and staff in December!
-Mrs. Angerson
Art Room
Happy New Year!!
This month we kick back into full gear with new projects and the continuation of current projects. A new addition to the art curriculum this year has been digital art! All students in grades K-5 will work with our class iPads and Apple Pencils utilizing the art making app ProCreate to create digital works of art whether it be through animation, remixes on characters or famous paintings, and much more! Stay tuned for what is to come!
-Ms. Bracero
Thank you to those who attended the Winter Art Night! We hope you had a fun time.
Music Sound-Off
Welcome back from the Holiday Break! Congratulations to our young musicians on a great Winter Concert. The students really enjoyed sharing our music with you and the school at our Winter Concert, and we can't wait to do it again in May! Chorus, Band, Orchestra, and Super Orchestra will all begin their first rehearsals on the week of January 8th. Mrs. DeJoseph's Ukulele Hootenanny and Hand Chime Ensemble will also begin their rehearsals in January.
First grade has been working really hard during their Flex Music classes, and we are almost done putting together one of our folk dances (Kindergarten will start theirs this month). The students are really getting into the swing of things!
Wishing you and your families a great start to the new year,
-Mr. Fugaban and Mrs. DeJoseph
Mackay's International Week: South Korea!
We are excited to announce this year's country for International Week is South Korea! International Week will take place the week of April 15th-19th.
We will be having a meeting for parent volunteers in late January. Keep a lookout for more information to come!
Milk Program - Session 2
The milk form for the 2nd session is now available! The cost of milk for students who are participating will be $1 per day. Our supplier provides white 1% milk.
Session Dates: February 5, 2024 - June 17, 2024 (81 days)
Amount Due: $81.00 (cash only)
Payment Due Date: Monday, January 29, 2024
Please read the attached letter for more details.
Let's Get Social!
Follow Mackay's social media platforms to keep up-to-date with upcoming events and happenings in our school and community.
Instagram - @principalmackay
Twitter - @PrincipalMackay