RES Parking Lot
Dear Roadrunner Families,
We NEED everyone's help in our school parking lot. Safety is our top priority and we are asking for your support with this matter. To ensure the well-being of our students, please remember to unload ONLY in the designated cone zone and not from your car outside of the cone zone in the loop. Your cooperation helps keep our campus safe for everyone. In addition, if parking across the street, ONLY use the crosswalk at the intersection to cross onto the school campus. Thank you for your support!
The school gates open at 8:30am and staff members on duty will begin moving the carline. Ensure you pull all the way forward so we can maximize the number of cars in the cone zone and ensure your child is prompt and ready to quickly exit your vehicle.
~Parking Lot Safety~
~Helpful & Important Parking Lot Information~
~Staff Parking Lot~
~Staff Parking Lot~
The Staff Parking Lot spaces are for RES Staff only. Please do no use these spaces to park at anytime to include taking dropping off and picking up students from BASES.
~School Croswalk~
~School Crosswalk~
There is ONLY 1 crosswalk in the school parking lot and it is painted BLUE which can make it difficult to notice. A staff member is at the crosswalk before and afterschool to cross students. Students can only cross into the parking lot with an adult or with a parent waiting nearby that staff sees. The Staff on duty at the crosswalk helps to fill up the cone zone for loading & unloading and then will stop traffic to cross students.
Students should only walk behind cars in the parking lot if guided by an adult as they are unable to see cars backing up or cars are unable to see them walking by.
Please keep driving speed limit in the parking lot to 5mph.
~If Parking Across the Street, ONLY Use Intersection Crosswalk~
Please model safe pedestrian practices for our school community.
~Cone Zone=Loading & Unloading Only~
~No Unloading~
Unsafe Unloading
Unloading in the drop-off lane prior to the Cone Zone of the Moving Lane is UNSAFE and not permitted.
~Unload after the crosswalk & Mailbox ONLY~
If utilizing the moving lane then unloading students only happens in the cone zone.
Do not unload anyone prior to the cone zone unless using a parking stall.
Unloading students prior to the cone zone or in the passing lane impacts student safety and disrupts the flow of traffic.