The Parent
January, 2023
The Rialto Unified School District's Curtis T. Winton Parent Institute
Message From Wendy & Kenny
It's 2023!, Happy New Year Rialto USD Parents and Guardians!!!
The new year is an exciting time where we celebrate and reflect, a blessing where we're given the gift of 365 opportunities to make this year our best. The Parent Institute will continue to serve the Rialto USD families by providing workshops, trainings, and resources creating an opportunity for our families to reach for the stars with their students and thus ready for anything, "Future Ready"!
The 15th Annual Parent Summit is on the horizon, please place it on your calendars! Saturday, January 28, 2023. It will be at Carter High School from 9AM to 2:30PM, transportation and lunch will be provided.
Remember the Parent Institute staff is eager to serve you and are available to support all your family engagement needs. Please let us know how we can assist. Let’s continue to work together to finish off an extraordinary year.
~ Wendy Gavini & Kenny House, District Parent Institute Assistants
Parents and Guardians, WE NEED YOUR HELP! Please take a moment to complete the following survey so we continue to build the most effective student support.
Family & Community Engagement Events
Register Here:
S.M.A.A.R.T. Your Childs Strengths
Register Here:
Love & Logic
Rialto Unified School District's Special Services presents Love and Logic a series of workshops designed to help parents and guardians equip kids with character, compassion, problem solving skills and more. Their will be six session that will take place every Wednesday starting January 18 from 3:30PM to 5:30PM. For more information please contact the Curtis T. Winton Parent Institute at 909-879-6000, ext. 2903 or 2904 or parentinstitute@rialtousd.org.
Please Scan QR Code in Flyer to Register.
The Rialto Unified School District Garden Network
Multilingual California Project (MCAP)
Parent Institute
Phone: 909-879-6002 ext. 2903 & 2904
If you have any interesting articles or ideas for the next edition of the Newsletter email them to parentinstitute@rialtousd.org