MES Monday Messenger
December 5, 2022
Admin Corner
Timeliness & Instructional Time
Our school day is packed with rich learning for our students. We teach starting at 8:00am and continue through the end of the day. This week we have had excessive tardies - 68 on Monday and 77 on Tuesday. All of those students are missing instructional time, and it takes away from the whole class learning. Please leave early to avoid the congestion in the parking lot. There are very few cars between 7:30-7:45. Our goal is to have fewer than 5% of our students arrive late.
Also, for our MMSST riders, it is very important to remember that our school day does not end at 12:30. Students who are checked out early miss important class time. Take this into consideration when choosing which days to ski/snowboard. Please communicate regularly with your child's classroom teacher.
We are committed to our targeted learning focus for the school:
Ponder, Persevere and Prove It!
Cross Country Ski News
Sign ups for the MES Cross Country PE grades 3-5 will begin this week, December 5th. Forms will be available in the MES office or through Mrs. Quirsfeld. The program does fill on a first come first served basis and there’s room for 30 students. The program runs concurrent with the MES Ski and Snowboard PE program and begins January 12th. We leave MES at 12:05 and return by the 2:40 bus each Thursday. There is a suggested $5.00 donation each week and your child will need ski pants, jacket, glasses for sunny days and goggles for snowy days. It is also suggested that your child wear good gloves, a beanie and good ski socks. If you have questions, please reach out to Mrs. Quirsfeld through ParentSquare or mquirsfeld@mammothusd.org.
MMSST Ski and Snowboard Team News
Afternoon Check out
We support students who are eligible for MMSST teams and allow for afternoon checkouts; however, this needs to be clearly communicated with the classroom teachers prior to checking out students. Maintaining clear communication with the classroom teacher is so important to a successful academic and ski/snowboard career. Also, it is very important to remember that our school day does not end at 12:30. Students who are checked out early miss important class time. Take this into consideration when choosing which days to ski/snowboard.
Students will be called for check out at 12:30pm. Parents/guardians will wait in the foyer and sign out students. Students may only leave with adults on their emergency contact lists. We will not make individual calls, so we ask families to wait patiently until the all-call.
Ski Eligibility
Mammoth Mountain Ski Area and Mammoth Unified School District work together to develop academic and behavior standards that must be maintained in order to participate in the MMSST programs.
• ACADEMICS: All academic standards are monitored by individual teachers. A student cannot be missing assignments or getting less than passing grades, as set forth by the individual teacher. Grades are checked on a weekly basis. If a MMSST team student is ineligible, he/she does not ski/ride on Wednesday-Friday or until work and grades are made up. Any mountain team student that is not eligible for the week may not be represented by the Mammoth Mountain Race Dept. at competitions away from home on the weekend. They may also not travel with the team for that same reason.
• BEHAVIOR: Students receiving a referral at school on a ski day are not allowed to ski on that day. If a MMSST member has missed skiing for three consecutive weeks or four
weeks total in a season, the child will be removed from the team. In this case, the ski pass is revoked.
• RULES: When buses start, students must get to the bus on time after skiing. Buses depart at specific times. Students will not be allowed to ski the following week/day if they are late for the bus. Students may not use candy/soda machines during the school days. Students may not purchase food in the cafeteria on a school ski day.
Attendance Hotline
Mono County LIbrary
Biblioteca del condado de Mono
Mono County Library
MES Winter Music Assembly Grades 3-5
- Who: Performances by 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade students. Parents/guardians and supporters are welcome
- What: MES Winter Music Assembly
- When: Friday, December 16th. 8:15am start time (roughly 1hr)
Upcoming Events
12/8/22 - MUSD School Board Meeting @MHS
12/9/22 - MES ASB Ugly Sweater Day
12/13/22 - MUSD Minimum Day - all MES students dismissed @ 12:35pm
12/16/22 - MES Winter Music Concert in MPR(students in grades 3, 4 & 5) 8:15am - 9:15am
12/16/22 - MUSD Minimum Day - all MES students dismissed @ 12:35pm
12/23/22 - 01/02/23 - Winter Break - No School
01/10/23 - MUSD Minimum Day - all MES students dismissed @ 12:35pm
01/16/23 - Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday - No School
12 Days of Festive Fashion Fun
Mammoth Elementary School
Learning Director - Mrs. Polanco
Instagram - @mammothelementary
Attendance line - (760) 934-7162
Email: mmcmillian@mammothusd.org
Website: Mes.mammothusd.org
Location: 1500 Meridian Boulevard, Mammoth Lakes, CA, USA
Phone: 7609347545
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MammothES/?view_public_for=1432211007057906
For questions or complaints, contact Title IX Compliance Officer:
461 Sierra Park Road, Mammoth Lakes, CA 93546, 760.934.6802