Counselor Corner
. . . A Few Good Vibes For My Tribe!
All juniors will take the ACT for free on February 25 during the school day. Juniors will need to bring a charged Chromebook for the ACT. At the same time, the sophomores will take the practice ACT via paper/pencil. Students do not need to register for either of these tests; however, juniors will be given some non-test questions to complete, and create their ACT account prior to the test. Students will use this account to send future ACT test scores for college applications and scholarship opportunities. Additional information will be provided in the coming weeks.
Our spring state testing at the high school includes the following subjects and dates:
English II: April 23 and 24;
Biology, American/US History ,and American Government: May 5;
Algebra I and Geometry: May 6 and 7.
AP testing will begin on May 5th through May 16th. By registering in the MyAP.collegeboard.org account, students are automatically opted-in for the exam. Students will use this account to send future AP scores for college applications. Any student enrolled in an AP course this school year may see their AP teacher or the school counseling office if they have any questions. Please note the testing dates assigned to students and the courses are national testing dates and we do not have offer make-up dates.
Registration Night
Students who would like to enroll in summer CCP courses at Lakeland Community College can begin summer registration starting March 3, 2025. Anyone who missed our College Credit Plus information night may view the video located on the high school guidance website.
The LEAF page is another great resource. Stop in and see your school counselor should you need assistance.
Class of 2025 Webpage
Parent/Teacher Conferences
Our spring parent/teacher conferences will be held on Thursday, February 20th from 4:00-8:00 p.m. The conferences default to in-person; however, you can request to meet virtually. Counselors and Mrs. Soeder are also available for 1-on-1 registration meetings during this time.
Meet the School Counseling Department
Guidance Department:
Lisa Gigante - School Counselor (A - K): gigantel@perry-lake.org
Kelly Holderman - School Counselor (L - Z): holdermank@perry-lake.org
Amy Sorine - Counseling Department Secretary: sorinea@perry-lake.org
Guidance Related Services:
Magen Corbett - LEAF Advisor: mcorbett@leaf-ohio.org
Russell Newman - District Social Worker: newmanr@perry-lake.org
Rita Soeder - Career Exploration Specialist; teacher: soederr@perry-lake.org
Kali West - Student and Community Connector; Teacher: westk@perry-lake.org