HS Counselor Newsletter
#3 October 5th, 2022
Fall Is My Favorite!
Fall is finally here! Campbell ISD has a lot going on this month. Calendars are posted below. This edition has a lot of information!
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We had a great HOCO Week!
2022 HOCO Court
Congratulations to our nominees!
2022 HOCO King and Queen
Casson Casselton and Samantha Dominguez
Gotta Love A Good Theme Day
PJ Day!
College Corner
📆 Attention Sophomores and Parents/Guardians!!!
Wednesday, October 10th Sophomores will taking the PSAT on campus. This test prepares them for the SAT and gives a detailed report of strengths and weaknesses. Please see the presentation below for facts and tips about the test. There are videos your student can watch to prepare them for the test. They were also given a student guide to help prepare them as well.
This is a great website for parent/guardians and students to answer your questions about the PSAT. Click below for more information.
Attention Seniors and Parents/Guardians
Forms to fill out before the meeting on Oct. 17th.
Create Your FSA ID#: https://studentaid.gov/fsa-id/create-account/launch
TRIO Intake: https://botform.compansol.com/201667246174053
TRIO Release: https://botform.compansol.com/202884048659063
Mental Health
November Is National Anti-Bullying Month
Parents/Guardians, the video below gives tips on how you can empower your child to stand up against a bully.
How To Prevent Your Kid From Being Bullied
Students, "if you see something, say something". Tell Ms. Clifton, Mr. Crow or Mrs. Cummings if you or anyone you know is experiencing bullying. If you do not want to talk in person, fill out the Google form linked on the Campbell website or click the button below.
Bullying Prevention Month
🗓 October Events Calendar
💡 Reminders
Help Is Always Available
24/7/365 - Just dial 988.
Brandy Clifton, School Counselor
Email: bclifton@campbellisd.org
Website: https://www.campbellisd.org/Page/47
Phone: 903-246-9305