North Side Family Flyer
May 2023
Inspire, Engage, Empower!
Safety Concern - Please Read
If you drive to meet your child on Oak St., please consider going through our car line. it is a safer way to pick u your child. If your child is a walker or bike rider on Oak St., please have a conversation with them about crossing streets and taking their time to stop and look both ways at least twice. We do have an employee that crosses our students at our car line exit, but students cross themselves at other spots. We want all of our children to be safe and want them to be cognizant of their surroundings. I appreciate your help with this!
Avoid the Summer Slide...
When children take two months off from school like work, they have what we call the "summer slide". This means they fall a bit backwards in their academic achievement from lack of exposure. You can help avoid this over the summer!
Set up a weekly schedule with shorts amount of time for some academic exposure. It could be three times a week for 15 minutes each. It does not have to be a large amount of time. Students could join the libraries reading program, read books on Raz-Kids, complete activities on iReady reading and/or math, and below is a site for more math activities.
Make it fun and help them learn to enjoy it! Contact me if you need more ideas!
Your partner in education,
Stephanie Leasure
Stem Class Creations
In honor of Earth Day
More Stem Class Creations
Upcoming Events:
Monday, May 1st - Friday, May 5th - Staff Appreciation Week (See below for student's ways to appreciate teachers/staff
Monday, May 1st - Friday, May 12th - Coin Wars, see flyer above
Monday, May 1st - Friday, May 5th - ILEARN testing finished up
Monday, May 8th - Shot Clinic for 5th graders, You must sign them up
Monday, May 8th - Student Council, 3 p.m.
Tuesday, May 9th - 4th grade field trip to History Museum
Tuesday, May 9th - 10:10 a.m. - MS staff will be at NS to speak with students about schedules
Tuesday, May 9th - 5th grade parents meeting @ ENMS, 5:30 p.m.
Wednesday, May 10th - Senior Walk, 1 p.m.
Thursday, May 11th - Spring Music Program for Grades 1st, 3rd, and 5th
Friday, May 12th - 3rd grade field trip to Smith Field Airport
Monday, May 15th - PTO Meeting, 5:30 p.m.
Wednesday, May 17th - Thursday, May 18th - EOY iReady Reading Assessment
Thursday, May 18th - 1st grade field trip to Fort Wayne Children's Zoo
Friday, May 19th - Monday, May 22nd - EOY iReady Math Assessment
Tuesday, May 23rd - Parent HA Meeting @ NS, 5 p.m.
Wednesday, May 24th - 2nd grade field trip to Botanical Conservatory; 5th grade field trip to McMillen Health Center
Wednesday, May 24th - Board Meeting @ WC, 6 p.m.
Thursday, May 25th - 4th grade field trip to Sauder Village; 5th grade field trip to JA Biztown
Friday, May 26th - Field Day
Monday, May 29th - NO SCHOOL, Memorial Day
Tuesday, May 30th - Annual 5th grade vs. Staff Kickball Game, 1:30 p.m.
Thursday, June 1st - Students Last Day, Report Cards go home
Inspiring Ideas with Miss T
The school bell may be ending soon, but summer is a great time for all kinds of learning opportunities for kids. Yes we all need downtime, play and rest, but you don’t want two months to go by without your child being engaged in some time of learning. Check out the link below to explore 25 activities that will keep your child’s brain active this summer!
Summer Activity Link: https://www.educationworld.com/a_curr/profdev073.shtml
Front Office Guidance with Mrs. Hilterbrand and Ms. Myers
KINDERGARTEN Pre-Assessments are here!!! If you know anyone who had not signed up for kindergarten, please let them know to stop by the North Side office to sign their child up. The cut-off date is October 1st.
We are entering our last month of school. There are many events scheduled. Please try to get your child(ren) to school on time so they don't miss a field trip or school event.
Please remember to call your child into school if they will not be in attendance. This is for their safety, so we know that they are accounted for. You may reach us in many ways, they include: calling our voicemail anytime at (260) 347-1354, calling our office between 7:30-9:00 a.m. to notify office staff that your child will be absent, or sending an e-mail to our attendance secretary, Taylor Myers at tmyers@eastnoble.net or Treasurer/Secretary, Jane Hilterbrand at jhilterbrand @eastnoble.net. We appreciate your support with this!
School hours:
Mondays - 8:45-2:40, Doors open at 8:15 a.m.
Tuesday - Friday - 8:00 - 2:40, Doors open at 7:30 a.m.
In Tune with Attendance and Safety with Mr. Perlich
Attendance –
We are on the home stretch of another school year! Let’s finish off the year strong with great attendance. Testing will continue this month and end of year assessments. Your child being present at school is important for them to get the most of their education. Getting to school on time is also important as it starts the day off right! Communication is the best way to work together to figure out your child’s attendance.
Safety –
In the month of April, we participated in a few shelters in place and conducted our monthly fire drill. These drills are to help us prepare for the worst-case scenario. The month of May will see us practicing the following drills:
- Fire drill
- Reverse evacuation
- Lockdown/Shelter in place drill
Safety is an important part of preparing our students and staff in case of an emergency. Talking to your students about safety will help them be prepared for an actual emergency. Stress to them not to panic and react to each situation with confidence and calmness.
If you should have any questions regarding attendance or safety, please contact me at the school or by email at jperlich@eastnoble.net.
The Nurses Nook
A shot clinic will be provided for 5th graders on Monday, May 8th for needed vaccinations before entering 6th grade. Parents will be required to complete paperwork prior to this date, if you have any questions, feel free to e-mail me at waumsbaugh@eastnoble.net.
The Kindergarten Health Fair is on July 27th, from 6-8 p.m.
Nurse Whitney
Nutrition Notice with Mrs. Yates
As the end of the year comes to a close, we must watch the number of charges on student accounts. Please help us to keep track of this and put money on your child's account when it is getting low. We appreciate your help and support in this matter.
Breakfast opens at 7:30 a.m. each day. If your child is a car rider, we recommend dropping them off between 7:30-7:40 a.m.
Champions Fall Enrollment 23-24 SY
Champions Current SY
Summer Camp '23
North Side Elementary School
Email: sleasure@eastnoble.net
Website: ns.eastnoble.net/
Location: 302 Harding Street, Kendallville, IN, USA
Phone: (260) 347-1354
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NSElementary
Twitter: @NorthSideElem