HMS Parent Updates
August 2022
New staff members at HMS
Welcome Parents and Guardians to the 2022-2023 School Year. Working in education is so unique because each year presents a whole new experience and there is opportunity to "begin anew!" We have new faces and changes at HMS, so let's begin:
We have a new line-up with our 8th grade team. Tiffany Gilmore- ELA, Aaron Andes- Science, Caitlin Furlong- Math, and Jeff Herron- Social Studies. 7th grade team has two new additions, Dorothy Page- Civics, and Michael Dawson- Math. 6th grade adds Hope Dahlhoff for Math, so that makes seven new core teachers.
Janine Ferguson joins us to teach Art, and we have a few new faces in the office as well. Jana Siemer is our new nurse, and Casey Lim joins us as our new 7th and 8th grade counselor. I've had opportunity to spend time with all of our new staff members. Also, High and Middle School will have extra instructional support as Valerie Craft joins us as the new instructional coach. Her office is housed in the resource room. I am pumped and expect great things from our staff this school year.
HMS is supercharged with a combination of dedicated staff members who are returning, and also a vibrant new group. I'm somewhat of a Chiefs nerd, so it reminds me of what is going on in Chiefs training camp- a nice mix of experience and youth.
HMS Schedules and Lockers
HMS Back to School Night- August 18th- 4:30-6:30 pm
First day of school is August 23rd
Entering and Exiting HMS Front Lot
HMS Handbook
School Supplies Provided
(scroll down on right)
Water Bottles, Blankets, Cellphones and More!
Another big change is cell phones and earbuds are not to be seen or heard in common areas and classrooms. The only exception is if teachers specifically request students to use ear buds for testing. In the past, teachers have had discretion whether students use cell phones in the classroom, but it presented some extra obstacles to learning, so we've made that change.
Student Extra-Curricular Activities
Students at HMS have the opportunity to participate in Student Council, Student Ambassadors, HMS Honor Society, Math Team, Science Olympiad, Scholar Bowl, after-school club programs, Choir, Band, and a variety of sports. All students participating in interscholastic sports must have a physical examination by a physician before being eligible to participate. Students must have a physical, insurance, and sign up for the random drug-testing pool, per district and MSHSAA guidelines.
If you need to contact a teacher or coach, email the first letter of their first name, the entire last name, and add For example: Nathan Martin is
HMS Football, 7th and 8th grade
Head- Nathan Martin
Assistant- Anthony Taylor
Assistant- John Bockover
HMS Volleyball, 7th and 8th grade
Head- Chris Hertzog
Assistant- Emily Ringen
HMS Cross Country, 7th and 8th grade
Head- Ben Kiger