The Husky Herald
Week of February 10th
A Message from Mr. Carabatsos
Dear Sullivan Families,
This month our celebrated theme is Inclusive Practices. We are a proud school community embracing and celebrating differences in cultures, languages, ethnicities, races and religious beliefs. We pride ourselves in support of individual identities and as a community of rich diversity. In today's political climate, it is especially important that we stand together in support of everyone's basic human rights. Please review the message below from Superintendent Skinner regarding our immigrant families. We stand together in support of all of our families.
Please join our School Site Council meeting on Thursday, February 13th at 5:00 in our library as we continue planning for next school year. Our monthly PTO meeting is also Thursday, February 13th at 6:00.
Quarter 2 Awards Assemblies will continue on February 14th for Grade 7. All families are welcome to attend and enjoy a hot breakfast after the assembly with your children. Staff will also be available during the breakfast to answer any questions or address any concerns you may have.
Is there a staff member that you would like to acknowledge? Please fill out THIS form and send them a Sullivan Shout-Out!
Please continue to join us on Social Media: Facebook (@lpsdsullivan); Twitter @SullivanLPS. See links below. In addition, please join us on Instagram.
Grade 6 Students of the Month - Inclusive Practices
Quarter 2 Awards - Grade 6
High Honors
MCAS Testing Dates
Knowledge Bowl 2025
We are looking for students with a wide-breadth of knowledge, who are well-read, who are strong in math and who are not afraid to be on a stage , to compete in March against the other Lowell middle schools.
Please join us on Tuesdays & Thursdays from 2:15 - 3:15 in Room 213 with Ms. Wesolowski and Ms. Kinney.
English Class for Families
Mrs. Gould, our sixth-grade newcomer teacher, will continue teaching a free English class for parents on Monday afternoons. The class will be at the Sullivan School from 2:30-4:00pm. Please register with the QR code if you are interested in learning English in a fun, stress free environment!
We kicked off our Challenge 5 Attendance Campaign. We are challenging students to limit their absences to 5 or less for the entire school year. As part of this monthly campaign, students will be acknowledged and celebrated for their attendance.
Congratulations to the winning students in grades 5-8 for their perfect attendance. Two students from each grade earned a swag bag or a $25 amazon gift card during a live raffle.
January Homeroom Attendance Winners
Grade 8 Mr. Purcell 95%
Grade 7 Mr. Stinchfield 93.8%
Grade 6 Ms. Tubridy 94.3 % * 3 months in a row!
Grade 5 Ms. Pizzano 94.3 %
*repeat winners
Winter Sports
Congratulations Lady Huskies!
A tremendous team effort propelled our Huskies to a championship win against the Wang School. A special thank you to our coaches Andrew Stewart, Arianna Drane and Aidan Collins.
Expand and Explore Program (After-school program)
The Winter Session began on TUESDAY, JANUARY 21st and will end on THURSDAY, MARCH 20th. The Winter Session runs Monday through Thursday, from 2:15 - 4:00. Students must attend a MINIMUM of 2 days per week, but can attend every day if they so wish. This session, we are adding programming on FRIDAY (2:15-3:15). At dismissal, students will report to the cafe for a snack (2:10- 2:30), then attend Academic Academy (2:30-3:15), followed by an fun, Enrichment activity (3:15 - 4:00).
Transportation is not provided. Students attending the program must provide their own transportation. As a reminder, students must be picked up PROMPTLY at the end of the program.
Please use the link below to register your child for the WInter Session of the afterschool program. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Ms. DaSilva by email adasilva@lowell.k12.ma.us or by phone 978-937-8993.
Drop Off / Pick Up Procedures
To ensure the safety of all students, families and staff please review our drop off and pick up procedures. Cars will proceed in one line to drop off and pick up students. Drop off should only occur in the designated drop off area ( marked in yellow). Please pull your vehicle all the way to the front of the line and remain in your vehicle.
If you need to enter the school, please park in the designated areas on Draper Street. Please do not park on the right hand side of the street. Additionally, please do not park in the driveway between 7:00 - 7:40 am. Students are considered tardy after 7:40. A reminder the school doors open at 7:20 and students should not be dropped off unsupervised. Dismissal begins at 2:05 and similar pick up procedures apply. Thank you.
- Girls Championship Game - 2/10 (6:00) ( Lowell High School)
- Knowledge Bowl Practice - 2/11 & 2/13 ( 2:15 - 3:15)
- School Site Council Meeting - 2/13 ( 5:00)
- PTO Meeting - 2/13 (6:00)
- MCC Dental Screenings - 2/14
- Second Quarter Awards Assembly - Grade 7 - 2/14 ( 7:45 - 8:30)
Community Events
Annual School - Based Drills - 2024 - 2025
Community School Overview
What is a Community School?
A community school is both a place and a set of partnerships between a school and other community resources. Its integrated focus on academics, services, supports and opportunities leads to improved student learning, stronger families and healthier communities.
The Outcome of Community Schools
Miss fewer days of school
Have fewer disciplinary incidents
Have improved math scores
Are more likely to graduate on time
¡Bienvenidos al Sullivan! ¿Sabías que Sullivan es una escuela comunitaria?
¿Qué es una escuela comunitaria?
Una escuela comunitaria es tanto un lugar como un conjunto de asociaciones entre una escuela y otros recursos comunitarios. Su enfoque integrado en lo académico, servicios, apoyos y oportunidades conduce a un mejor aprendizaje de los estudiantes, familias más fuertes y comunidades más saludables.
El resultado de las escuelas comunitarias
Faltan menos días de escuela
Tener menos incidentes disciplinarios
Han mejorado sus puntuaciones en matemáticas.
Tienen más probabilidades de graduarse a tiempo
Bem-vindo ao Sullivan! Você sabia que a Sullivan é uma Escola Comunitária?
O que é uma Escola Comunitária?
Uma escola comunitária é ao mesmo tempo um local e um conjunto de parcerias entre uma escola e outros recursos comunitários. O seu foco integrado em atividades acadêmicas, serviços, apoios e oportunidades leva a uma melhor aprendizagem dos alunos, famílias mais fortes e comunidades mais saudáveis.
O resultado das escolas comunitárias
Perder menos dias de aula
Tenha menos incidentes disciplinares
Melhoraram as pontuações em matemática
São mais propensos a se formar no prazo
Health - Sex Education Opt Out Form
The district now has a uniform opt-out form to be sent home to parents/guardians prior to the teaching of any sex education unit of study. The opt-out form is available below with ample time for parents/guardians to review curriculum materials if they so choose. Under Massachusetts General Law, Parents/Guardians must be provided with an opportunity to review sex education curriculum.
Husky Kutz
- The barbershop will operate on Mondays from 9 AM to 12 PM starting on September 30th and will continue throughout the entire school year.
- Both boys and girls can sign up for haircuts (please note, there won't be any shampooing).
- Haircuts are provided at no cost.
- To book an appointment, students need to fill out a Google Form ( see below)
- If a student is absent on the day of their appointment, they'll need to wait for the next cycle.
- I will follow up with a guardian prior to haircut
- "Walk-ins "may be a possibility due to availability
Please sign up your child for a free hair using the enclosed form: https://forms.gle/DqKgB75ziNBi2YuNA
Sullivan Middle School PTO Lowell MA
School Dances / Movie Nights
Holiday Bazaar & Craft Fair
Spring Carnival / Book Fair
Email Contact
2024-2025 MEETINGS
2nd Thursday of the month 6:00 pm (Library)
September 5* ( Open House 9/12)
October 10
November 14 (Conferences 5-6:30)
December 12
January 9
February 13
March 13
April 10
May 8
June 12
2024-2025 PTO BOARD
Marie Sullivan
Vice President
Danielle Sotirakos
Colleen McGrath
Bob Montgomery
Keep in Touch
Be sure to connect with us through social media!
Facebook, Twitter, and our website get updated often with important information as well as announcements and pictures from our staff.
Website: https://www.lowell.k12.ma.us/Domain/15
Location: 150 Draper St, Lowell, MA, USA
Phone: 978-937-8993
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lpsdsullivan
Twitter: @SullivanLPSD