Fairfield Panther Paw
May 5, 2023
From Mrs Tennenbaum
Mrs Yoakum is also retiring at the end of the school year! We appreciate and thank her for her 35 years in education and for her dedication to our young students. We wish her the very best in her retirement. Mr. Trent Miller will be our new Assistant Principal and will be joining us in August.
Dates to Remember
May 5: 1st Grade Moosical 2:15 pm
May 11: Super Games. (KAM, 3rd and 4th grade: Morning, KPM, 1st and 2nd grade: Afternoon)
May 19: 4th Grade Play 2:15 pm
May 22: 4th Grade Picnic and Awards
May 23: May ROAR assembly. 2:00 pm
May 24: Talent Show 10:00 am. 4th grade Clap out: 1:30
May 24: Last Day of School -Early dismissal 2:15
May 30-June 30: Summer School (by invitation)
Who do you contact?
Assistant Principal: Lea Ann Yoakum
Secretary: Daniella Schmidt
Attendance Secretary: Jennifer Todd
School Counselor: Nikki Arnold
School Nurse: Liz Moody-Ganoom
School Nursing Assistant: Jayna Smith
Email: stacy_tennenbaum@plsd.us
Website: www.pickerington.k12.oh.us
Location: 13000 Coventry Avenue, Pickerington, OH, USA
Phone: 614-834-7600
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PickeringtonSchools
Twitter: @ms_tennenbaum
Celebrating awesome!
PTO Update
Teacher Appreciation Week - Help Us Thank Our Teachers & Staff!
It's no secret that Fairfield's teachers and staff are out of this world! The PTO has something special planned on every day of next week to show our teachers and staff just how much we appreciate all they do for our students. We'd love to have your help!
The PTO is treating our teachers to lunch on Friday, May 12. We are looking for donations from our Fairfield families to help round out the meal. Sign up for items here: https://signup.com/go/KEOUzVS. Beverages can be brought to the office throughout the week, but please have all donations to the office no later than Friday morning. Thank you!
As a special surprise for our teachers, we're encouraging our students to color a picture or write a short note thanking a teacher or staff member. They might tell their teacher what they liked about their class this year or share what they appreciate that their teacher does for them. If your students need an idea for their note, we've provided a printable "Thank You" worksheet below, but teachers would enjoy anything your child would like to draw or write in appreciation. Don't forget to bring in your notes for your teachers next week!
Super Games
Don't forget that our Super Games field day is next Thursday, May 11! For our annual field day we contract with a local events company that brings in multiple inflatables, field games, riding games, and water games! The PTO helps the kids cool down after all that play with a popsicle treat at the end of their session. The kids LOVE it! Remember to have your students wear sunscreen, shoes WITH socks, and to bring a water bottle with them on May 11!
It takes A LOT of volunteers to support all this FUN, and historically this has been one of our most popular events with our volunteers as well. If you'd like to secure a volunteer spot during your child's play time, click on the sign up link below! Each play station requires at least two volunteers to help monitor students. Grades 3, 4, and AM Kinders will play during the morning session. Grades 1, 2, and PM Kinders will play during the afternoon session. Please use this link to sign up: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/4090b4aaaae2fa0fe3-super1#/
Save the date for an important PTO meeting! Our May meeting includes our board elections and committee/coordinator appointments. WE NEED YOU! This is our opportunity to talk about how much we can do for our students next year based on the number of volunteers we receive! Mark your calendars for May 17 at 7pm!
Yearbooks On Sale Now
Fairfield Elementary's 2022-2023 yearbooks are on sale now until May 24. All books can be purchased online for $25. Look for the postcard that came home in your child's folder for details on how to order at SchoolAnnual.com, or click the link below:
4th Grade End-of-Year Party
Attention 4th Grade parents! Plans are now underway for the annual 4th grade party to help our oldest students celebrate as they prepare to leave Fairfield for middle school next year. (Get those tissues ready, parents!) More details will be shared soon, but if you have a 4th grader and are interested in helping with the party please contact Melissa at mmeddles3@gmail.com.
23-24 school year
Those who will have 1st - 4th graders, we are doing a two day staggered start so your student with EITHER attend on Aug 15th or Aug 16th. We will be splitting the days by households so if you have more than 1 Fairfield student, they will attend on the same day.
Food service accounts
If your student has a negative balance in their food service account, please pay it off before the end of the school year. You can send cash, a check made payable to "PLSD Food Service" with your student to school, or pay online at mypaymentsplus.com. If you need assistance with My Payments Plus you can reach their parent helpline at 877-237-0946.
Questions? Please call the food service office at 614-833-3645.