All Things RE
March 2023
Welcome back sunshine! Waking to the light of morning is so delightful, especially after the short days and long nights of winter. March is said to come in like a lamb and leave like a lion. Regardless of the potential of future snowfall, March brings us Women’s History Month, and a glimpse of spring. After a long hibernation, we are on a path of awakening and renewal. May you enjoy the sun but have peace through the storms.
LaToya Bates
Director of Religious Education
Unitarian Church North
Kids Night Out
Our first Kids Night Out was a success! UCN volunteers hosted children from UCN and the surrounding community. Members donated food and other items for the event. Guests enjoyed dinner and a movie as well as board games and cookie decorating. Fun was had by all. We look forward to our next event.
K4 Through 4th Grade
In February, students learned about faith. On February 5th, we read a story about Nathaniel Stacey, an early Universalist preacher. Students then made chalice magnets as a symbol of UU faith. On February 19th, our lesson was Love Surrounds us in our Search. RE teachers Brian and Jane put on a puppet show, illustrating the different paths people take in search of God.
In March, we explore our voices. On March 5th, we learn how our words matter. Students will focus on Native American customs and will create a personal talking stick. On March 19tth, we’ll talk about Ruby Bridges and why our voices matter.
5th Through 9th Grade
In March, our World Religions class is studying Sikhism. On March 5th, we are learning about Sikh culture and faith. Then on March 19th, our class will drive to Oak Creek and visit the Sikh Temple of Wisconsin. After the visit, we’ll stay for a vegetarian meal and fellowship at Gurudwara. UCN members are invited to join. Please contact Betsy with questions.
COA-Coming of Age
COA students have identified poverty and food insecurity as the social justice area they will work on this year. Members of the UCN Social Justice Committee have been invited to join the group in March. They will talk to the class about their work and the need for social justice initiatives.
Family Fun Registration Closing Soon
Our Family Fun Day is Sunday March 26th at noon at Cedars III Bowling Center, W53N404 Park Cir, Cedarburg, WI 53012. All UCN friends and members are invited to enjoy a game of bowling, food, and shoe rental, sponsored by UCN RE. Registration closes March 20th. Click here to register.
Sunday, Mar 26, 2023, 12:00 PM
W53N404 Park Cir, Cedarburg, WI 53012, USA
Women and Wine Wednesday
Summer Camp 2023, Save the Date!
The theme for Camp UCN is survival. Camp dates are Thursday, June 22nd from 5:30-8pm, Friday, June 23rd from 5:30-8pm and Saturday, June 24th 9am-3pm. Join us, then, for Sunday service on June 25th, at 10am. Campers will share their camp experience with the congregation. Camp is free. Registration starts soon.
Religious Education at UC North
Email: DRE@UCNorth.org
Website: UCNorth.org
Location: 13800 North Port Washington Road, Mequon, WI, USA
Phone: 262.375.3890
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/REatUCN