Blacklick Bulletin
**Updated: September 4, 2023

Message from Principal Groves - Week of October 2, 2023
Dear Blacklick Families,
It was so nice to see so many of you at parent/teacher conferences last week. We have another parent/teacher conference day set for this Thursday, October 5. If you have not signed up for a conference and wish to do so, please contact your child's teacher.
Scheduling a conference with a related arts staff member:
If you would like to meet with your student's related arts teacher during this Thursday's conference night, please email them directly at:
PE: Mr. Bower or Mr. Harvey
Art: Mrs. Perkins or Ms. Petree
Music: Mrs. Wolfe or Mrs. Dawson
Library: Mrs. Ball or Mrs. McGrew
As always, do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns at 614-759-5100 or by email at grovesk@gjps.org.
Kristen Groves
Highlights from FIRST GRADE Related Arts
Physical Education in Grade 1
1st Graders are continuing to practice working in their own space. They are also in the middle of a gymnastics unit where they are traveling across a mat safely while using many different body parts to help them do their traveling.
Music in Grade 1
First graders have been exploring movement with colorful scarves. Music class is fun and educational with songs, chants, books, & games!
Art in Grade 1
First graders have finished their beautiful still life watercolor paintings, and are excitedly moving on to clay! They will get to experience the differences between two types of clay. We will be making pinch pots with kiln fired clay, and then later adding a cactus with air dry clay!
Library in Grade 1
First graders have been listening to the five nominees for the Buckeye Book Award so that they can vote for the winner. This is chosen only by students in Ohio (no grown-ups) so we talk about the importance of their vote. They have also started to explore the nonfiction section so we are reviewing how to choose a Good-Fit book.
Literati Book Fair is Coming to Blacklick!
The Literati Book Fair is coming!
October 13-18 will be preview days. During Library class, all students will make a wish list of books, and bring it home with a flyer. Many details will be on this flyer so be sure to ask your student about it if you haven't seen it by Wednesday the 18th. No sales (and no money) before the 19th.
October 19-20 will be shopping days. Students who bring money to school will shop in a time selected by their homeroom teacher. Teachers will send that info to you.
Students can bring cash, check (to Blacklick PTO), Literati gift cards (info on website and wish list). Some students have asked about a debit card; if parents give permission, please include a note that details how much they are allowed to spend. If you would like to shop with your student during their assigned time, you are welcome - check with your child's teacher about their time.
If you would like to volunteer to help, please sign up at Blacklick Book Fair Volunteers.
The book fair will also be open from 6:00-7:30pm on Thursday, October 19 for family shopping during the Community Celebration!
Our Literati Book Fair website is active now through the end of the fair on October 20.
You are under no obligation to buy. Purchases support the Blacklick Library. If you have any questions, please feel free to email Mrs. Ball. Thank you!
Blacklick Community Night Celebration!
The Blacklick Elementary Community Celebration is a night of FUN for all of the wonderful people in our community.
We will come together to learn and share about the people who make Blacklick special - our families! EVERYONE is invited! Please mark your calendar and plan to attend!
When: Thursday, October 19, 2023 (6:00 pm - 7:30 pm)
Where: The Blacklick Elementary Gymnasium and Cafeteria
A New Addition to Community Night this year: FOOD TRUCKS!
Kona Ice and the Cheesy Truck will be on site for families to purchase dinner!
In addition, the BOOK FAIR will be during Community Night for families to shop together!
Counselor's Corner: Mrs. Warfield, Mr. Rediger & Mrs. Jenkins
We are excited to share with you that our school community will be celebrating Unity Day on Thursday, October 19th this year. Unity Day is an annual event occurring during National Bullying Prevention Month in October that promotes joining together to create healthier communities through kindness, acceptance, and inclusion. It was started by PACER’s National Bullying Prevention Center in 2011 and is now celebrated around the world.
For more information on the history of Unity Day and its impact, please go to https://www.PACER.org/bullying/about/history.asp.
Blacklick PRIDE Partner PTO (Parent/Teacher Organization)
The next PTO meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, October 10, 2023 in the Blacklick library at 6:30 PM. Mrs. Groves will be sharing information about the new dyslexia law and the third grade reading guarantee.
Parent/Teacher Conferences are scheduled for October 5, 2023. The PTO provides dinner for the Blacklick staff staff on these dates. Please click the links below if you would like to donate an item for our staff dinners. Thank you! The Blacklick staff really appreciates your kindness!
Donations for Thursday, October 5:
Check out the most up to date information from the Blacklick PRIDE Partner PTO by clicking on the link below:
PTO Newsletter - September 2023
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Karen Davidson, PTO President, at ptoblacklick@gmail.com.
Attention Blacklick Students - Yearbook Art Contest
Forms for the yearbook art contest will go home in PRIDE Folders this week with students in grades K-5.
When creating your design, please remember to :
1. Create your design in a COLOR medium such as crayons, markers or colored pencils (press firmly).
2. Use the form that was sent home and create the design below the dotted line.
3. Make sure the design in vertical.
4. Color to the edge of the paper, but keep any text or words 1" (one inch) from the edge of the paper.
5. Be sure to include BLACKLICK ELEMENTARY and 2023-2024 in your design.
Interested students should turn in their entry to their classroom teacher by Monday, October 16.
Blacklick Pop Tab Collection for the Ronald McDonald House of Central Ohio
As a school community we will be collecting pop tabs for the Ronald McDonald House of Central Ohio. Please check your child's PRIDE folder for information regarding this collection.
WHAT: The Pop Tab Program is a fundraising project that supports Ronald McDonald House Charities. By collecting tabs from aluminum cans, RMHC of Central Ohio is able to recycle them in exchange for money that is then put towards paying the utility bills for the Ronald McDonald House.
WHEN: September 5, 2023 - May 1, 2024
WHERE: Students can drop off pop tabs in the boxes located in each hallway at Blacklick Elementary.
GJPS and the Ohio Dyslexia Law
Check out this brief overview of Ohio's Dyslexia Law and our work in Gahanna-Jefferson Public Schools with our Director of Curriculum, Tia Holliman, and K-12 English Language Arts Coordinator, Dr. Erin Schmidt.
Mrs. Groves will be reviewing this information at the October 10th PTO meeting as well. Dr. Erin Schmidt will also be in attendance at the PTO meeting to share additional information.
GJPS Heart and Pride Award
Celebrating Our Staff
We are excited to announce the Heart and Pride staff recognition award! This award is being established to recognize outstanding staff members who make a profound impact on our students and Gahanna-Jefferson Public Schools.
This nomination form will remain open year-round and is open to any member of our staff, regardless of position. Please nominate a staff member you feel is deserving by September 29, 2023 to be considered for October recognition, but if you miss the deadline, please still submit nominations as this is a monthly award.
GRIN (Gahanna Residents in Need): Snack Bags
Gahanna Residents in Need (GRIN) will once again provide weekend snack bags to families who need support with food. This program is meant for those with a need to supplement food at home for their children.
You may follow this link - https://forms.gle/UBsm7G85rhHaVyg66 - to access and sign-up for the program. Please fill out the form and note any special dietary needs.
Free/Reduced Price Meal Benefits
If you believe your family may qualify for free/reduced-price meals, please apply online for free or reduced-price meal benefits with these easy steps:
- Sign in to your Infinite Campus Parent Portal.
- Choose "MORE" in the left-hand column.
Free/Reduced-Price Meal Benefits Online Application Tutorial (PDF)
Community Events
Blacklick School Events
Mark Your Calendar!
October 5 Parent/Teacher Conferences
October 10 PTO Meeting in the Blacklick Library at 6:30 PM
October 11 Family Night Out: City BBQ (S Stygler Road)
October 16 -20 Blacklick Book Fair
October 17-18 Ohio State Test in Reading for Grade 3
October 19 Blacklick Unity Day
October 19 Blacklick Community Night (6:00 - 7:30 PM)
October 23-24 No School for Students
October 27 Report Cards go home with students
November 8 Family Night Out: Chipotle
November 9 Picture Retake Day
November 10 Veterans Day Assembly (Details coming soon)
November 13 No School for Students (Professional Learning for Staff)
November 18 Blacklick Bazaar
November 22-24 Thanksgiving Break (No School for Students or Staff)
November 28 Family Night Out at Glow Putt
December 7 Family Night Out: MOD Pizza
Important GJPS Links
Blacklick, Ohio 43004