Trillium Tweet
February 21, 2020
Learning from Experts
Thank you to our PTA for providing our students with two excellent opportunities to learn about the arts from experts in the field. On Wednesday, all Trillium students had the opportunity to learn from Newbery Medal winning author, Matt de la Pena. Mr. de la Pena shared his story of how he grew to become an author. He also gave students an inside look at how picture books are made. As he did this, he shared a message of inclusivity with our students. His story and message were interesting, insightful and inspiring. Please be sure to ask your children what they learned from him and what it is causing them to think about now.
Next week, Artist Bumblebeelovesyou will be visiting Trillium Creek. He uses stenciling and mixed media and is best known for creating large-scale murals. His pieces seek to capture a sense of the whimsy, playfulness, innocence, freedom and joy of childhood. Again, a big thank you to our PTA and a generous Trillium family for providing this opportunity to our students. All of Trillium’s students will have an opportunity to learn about this artist’s work firsthand. Our students in grades K-2 will work on individual projects in the style of this artist. Students in grades 3-5 will be going outside to assist the artist in painting a mural in our covered area. We are very excited for this opportunity for our students to learn about and participate in creating a piece of art. Please watch for an email from your child’s teacher regarding the specific day your child should come to school ready to do some painting!
Trillium Creek Adult Social
Buy your tickets HERE.
TCPS Adult Social Scholarship
If you are in need of scholarship tickets to attend this event on March 7 at 6:00 pm at Oswego Hills Vineyard, please contact our school counselor Catherine Ramos at: ramosc@wlwv.k12.or.us or by phone at: 503-673-7957. We hope to see you all there!
Please send in your clipped Box Tops by Monday, Feb. 24th!
This is our last submission for this school year, but please remember to collect over the summer and continue to scan your receipts for participating products! If you would like to see how to do this, go to www.BTFE.com for more information or Click here for a short video tutorial.
Don’t forget…Trillium also has additional ways to earn for our school. Remember you can participate in the following:
*Can/bottle donation inside the Walmart Neighborhood Market in WL.
*Shop thousands of retailers through www.escript.com.
*Link your Fred Meyer number to our non profit number 87801.
*When you shop Amazon, use the website smile.amazon.com.
*Don’t forget to find out if your company does corporate matching!
Thank you AWESOME Trillium parents!!!
Science Fair Projects Are Due on Monday 2-24-20
TCPS Science Inquiry and Engineering Fair 2020
Projects turned in to teacher by Feb 24
TCPS Science Fair Open House on Feb 27, 6-7pm
Girls On The Run
It’s that time of year again! We’re excited for the start to our new season of Girls on the Run at Trillium! This year practices will be held after school onsite from 2:30 - 4:00 Monday and Wednesday beginning March 2nd.
This is a great program for our girls! Info can be found using the attached link. Feel free to reach out to Jennifer Hill with any questions at 702-245-9717.
Hoot ‘n’ Scoot Fun Run is Around the Corner!
It's that time of the year again! We are gearing up for the The 6th annual Hoot ‘n’ Scoot Fun Run at Trillium Creek, held May 15, 2020.
The Hoot ‘n’ Scoot marks the culmination of our yearlong Forest Flyers – Marathon by May recess walk/run program, which is part of Trillium Creek’s “Owl Be Fit” health and wellness initiative. It is also one of the biggest fundraisers of the year for our school.
With the help of their parents, students will collect flat-fee donations with a goal to raise $20,000 to fund year-long activities including the Art Literature program, student scholarships, all-school assemblies and activities like Field Day.
We have a variety sponsorship levels that are tax-deductible. Please support our students through this awesome event!
Contact Sponsorship Chair, Terri Wheeler, at terrilynnwheeler@gmail.com to pledge your support!
It's Time To Order Your Yearbook
Upcoming Events at Trillium Creek Primary
- February 24, K-5 Vision Screening
- February 27, 6:00-7:00 Science Fair
- March 4, 12:10 Early Release
- March 9-12, Forest Flyers
- March 11, 4th grade field trip
- March 11, 6:00 pm PTA Meeting
- March 12, 6:30 pm, 5th grade Music Concert
- March 13, 2nd grade field trip to OMSI
- March 18, 12:10 Early Release
- March 18-19, Spring Conferences
- March 19 & 20, No School for Students
- March 23-27, Spring Break
Important Links
Listserve Subscriptions
Please make sure you are on the current ListServe. To manage your West Linn-Wilsonville ListServ subscriptions please go to the following URL:
Sign up for Flash Alert
For "Inclement Weather Closure Status" sign up on Flash Alert to be notified. Snow will be arriving before we know it: https://www.flashalert.net/login/
Sign up to Volunteer at Trillium Creek
PLEASE remember to register as a volunteer. All parents and guardians MUST be registered as VOLUNTEERS to help in classrooms or attend field trips. You can take care of this at home through our school website, (just click on the parent link).
Trillium Creek Primary
Email: crawfora@wlwv.k12.or.us
Website: https://www.wlwv.k12.or.us/tcps
Location: 1025 Rosemont Road, West Linn, OR, USA
Phone: 503-673-7950