Inclement Weather Information
Eatonville School District ~ November 2024
From time to time throughout the school year, weather may force a change in the normal operating routine of the district. Eatonville has in place both a process to make decisions concerning cancellation or delay of school and a communication system to share information with families and staff.
We will make every effort to adhere to the established school calendar, however, the safety of students and staff is the highest priority. The following sections will help clarify how decisions regarding school closure or delay of school are made and how it will be communicated to you.
Closure and Delay Information
Communication Options
- Robocall
- Social Media
- Flash Alert (please see below if you would like to sign up)
Flash Alerts
Flash Alert is a tool ESD has chosen to get emergency communication out to its staff and the community. Flash Alert has the ability to send both emails and push notifications on Android and iOS devices.
To sign up for these alerts and be kept up-to-date with emergency situations, please use the following instructions.
Go to: www.flashalert.net
Select (from the map): Seattle
Select: Pierce County Schools
Select: Eatonville School District
Check: Emergency Alerts
Provide: Email Address
Select: Subscribe
Follow the onscreen instructions from there.
Flash Alert Mobile App
- The Flash Alert App is free and sends push notifications directly to your Android and iOS devices
- Search for Flash Alert Messenger on your device’s App Store and download.
- Android users: The app is only supported for older version of Android phones. If you have an updated version, the app is unsupported.
Automated Weather Line
Preventing Weather Related Incidents
As a district we strive to host a safe place for students to learn and staff to work. Although we cannot prevent all incidents, we advise staff to follow the tips listed below to help prevent injury and keep you comfortable.
Wear appropriate attire/footwear for cold, wet, or icy conditions.
Use caution when temperatures drop as slick conditions may exist without appearing so.
Drive cautiously in parking lots.
Adhere to warning signage.
Keep to cleared pathways if available.
Avoid staying on campus until after temperatures drop (nightfall).
Inclement Weather Contract Language for Staff
Eatonville Education Association (EEA) Staff
The safety of staff is most important to us. In the event of a two hour delay, please assess the conditions in your area prior to departure. If you are unable to arrive two hours late, please alert your supervisor to ensure coverage for your position.
Certificated staff may elect to use Emergency Leave in accordance with Section VIII.12 of the EEA CBA:
Three (3) emergency days per year.
For unforeseen emergencies, hazardous road conditions, and inclement weather.
Emergency leave does not accumulate.
Deducted from sick leave.
Public School Employees (PSE) Staff
In the event of a late start or school closure, classified staff may utilize the following options in accordance with Section VI.13 of the PSE CBA:
Late Start:
Make up time on a straight-time basis or use available leave for late start due to uncontrollable circumstances.
Salary deduction for not making up time.
Employees arriving for their shift paid a minimum of two (2) hours. District may require two (2) hours of work.
School/District Closure:
Less than twelve (12) month employees make up time on a designated make-up day.
Twelve (12) month employees may use leave or make up time.
Salary deduction for not making up time.
Essential employees required to report on closure days notified at the start of the school year.
Employees arriving for their shift paid a minimum of two (2) hours. District may require two (2) hours of work.
Emergency Leave:
- Per Section IX.8 of the CBA , two days of emergency leave shall be granted and deducted from sick leave for suddenly precipitated events.
Bus Snow Routes
When the roads are too slick for regular bus routes to safely operate, we will place our bus routes on snow routes.
School Closures
In the event of a "snow day" or a school closure due to inclement weather:
School buildings are closed.
Students will not participate in Distance Learning (online).
The day will not count as a school day (we will be required to make the day up in-person)
District facilities will be closed for outside use/rentals unless otherwise stated.
Out of district transportation will be canceled.
Two Hour Weather Delay
Often, Eatonville School District experiences icy conditions overnight and into the morning that clear-up as the temperatures increase later in the morning. In these cases, we may operate on a 2-hour delayed start.
On days when the District is on a 2-hour delay:
All schools will open two hours late.
Buses will operate on regular routes but on a two-hour delay (unless noted that snow routes will be implemented).
No out-of-district transportation.
Breakfast will be served at all schools.
Lunch will be served on the regular schedule.
After-school sports and activities will be held as scheduled unless otherwise communicated by the coach, school or district.
As always, students and staff safety is our top priority. We realize the delayed start creates challenges for our families, and we do not make the decision lightly.
The times each school will start on a two hour delayed schedule are below in a graphic.
Two Hour Delay Start Times
How does this impact the Champions Child Care Program?
The District Champions Child Care program follows the district’s inclement weather schedule to ensure consistency and safety. If the district announces a 2-hour delay, Champions will also open 2 hours later, from 6:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m., instead of its usual start time. This means families can count on the same delayed schedule as the district, allowing for a smooth start to the day despite any weather-related changes. Thank you for your understanding and flexibility!
Know Before You Go
- If you wake up and it is snowing, or you hear about snow or icy road conditions anywhere within district boundaries, we encourage you to check your email, the District website, news media, or social media for updates before leaving for school!
- No news is good news! If you don't see information about a delay or closure from any of the above sources, it means schools and buses are on a regular schedule!
Contact Information
Email: communications@eatonvilleschools.org
Website: https://www.eatonville.wednet.edu/
Location: 200 Lynch Street West, Eatonville, WA, USA
Phone: (360) 879-1000
Facebook: facebook.com/eatonville.school.district/
Twitter: @EatonvilleSD