Easley Weekly Update
Everything You Need to Know for the coming week.
May 30, 2022
a note from the principal
EOG Testing
Our third through fifth grade students will take the EOGs this week. The best thing you can do is to ensure your child gets a good night sleep and has a good morning. At school we’ve encouraged them to think of the EOGs as an opportunity to show how much they’ve learned and grown all year and not as a high stakes test that in any way defines their intellect or ability. Please also ensure your child arrives on time as testing will begin promptly at 8:00 AM and any late students will have to take the test on a later date. Our students will be taking the reading test on Wednesday and the math test on Friday.
Next Year's School Improvement Team
We have three parent seats opening up for the 2021-2022 school year. The SIT is the governing body of the school and positions are elected. The team meets once a month in the evening from 5:30-6:30. The time commitment on this team is minimal beyond the monthly meetings. As a member of the team you will learn a great deal about the inner workings of our school and programs and become a part of the decision making process in terms of budgeting and programming. An electronic ballot will be sent out before the end of the school year. Our first meeting will be held in early August. If you are interested in serving on the SIT please complete this Google Form no later than Friday, June 3rd.
Medication Reminder
If your son or daughter has medication at school, please be reminded it needs to be picked up by the last day of school and new orders need to be in place for next year. A letter explaining the process in greater detail will be going home this week. Should you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact Ms. Solomon at the front desk or our School Nurse Hannah Donahue at Hannah.Donahur@dpsnc.net
Last Day of School
Please be reminded the last day of school, Friday June 10th, will be an Early Release Day and students will be dismissed at 12:15 PM.
Easley Garden Days
Come out and help with Easley's gardens. . . whenever is convenient for you! Please add your name to the task/area you would like to help with over the next 2-3 weekends. Click here to view the Sign-up Genius.
SIT Meetings @ 5:30 PM
June 7
PTA Meetings @ 6:30 PM
June 6
COVID Information