March 2023
A Message from the Superintendent
March 17, 2023
Dear Families, Staff and Community Members,
As we near spring break, the promise of rest and relaxation is on the horizon and I’d like to encourage us all to stay the course! This can be a dreary time of year as we await spring, and I see how hard you are working to support our students, ensuring they are enjoying the many activities taking place this time of year, from Spring Sings to Pi Day.
This week, it was exactly three years since we shifted to Remote Learning during the pandemic. We recognize that the pandemic impacted all of our lives. We continue to grow and expand upon the resilience we have developed, keeping in mind that we all benefit from a supportive community. In the spirit of St. Patrick’s Day, I am reflecting on how lucky we are to have:
Incredible teachers who are dedicated to accomplishing the goals in our Strategic Plan and fostering the competencies outlined in our Portrait of a Graduate (check out our Instagram @winnetkapublicschools to see our Portrait of a Graduate highlighted in action this week) while tending to the needs of the whole child;
A community that has invested in pioneering and supporting Progressive Education for over 100 years--no small feat! (Click here for the link to our new podcast episode on Progressive Education);
The impending start of Construction 2023-2025 to support safety and student needs in our schools following the successful passage of the 2022 Referendum;
An engaged parent and teacher community who have volunteered to support so many initiatives, such as: the Dance Marathon, where students in grades 5-8 raised over $80K to support Lurie Children’s Hospital; the Month of Service and Learning at Hubbard Woods School, during which students helped over 1,000 families by gathering, sorting, and delivering donations to Cradles to Crayons with the involvement of teachers and over 40 parent chaperones; a variety of service projects at The Skokie School, including creating care packages, crafting blankets, and making cards for refugees, children in foster homes, adults in assisted living, and children in the hospital; Greeley students collecting and packing over 2,000 materials children need to get ready for school in the morning as part of a Project Rise and Shine event, first graders delivering Valentines to the neighbors surrounding the school, and Kindergarten students supporting Connections for the Homeless; Crow Island students donating 3,000 books to Bernie’s Book Bank, delivering approximately 80 bags of groceries to the New Trier Food Pantry, and packing more than 350 sack meals for A Just Harvest;
…and many other opportunities for our students to learn more about how they can make a meaningful difference in the world, in accordance with our District’s Vision.
As I mention in our latest podcast episode, curiosity can lead to the best kind of learning and best kind of leadership. I challenge us to remain curious about how we can continue to build meaningful connection, support our students’ academic growth and social emotional learning, and model empathy in our community. I am ever-grateful to be your partner in this important work.
Dr. Kelly Tess, Superintendent
Winnetka Voices: NEW EPISODE!
Winnetka Voices Podcast Episodes
Winnetka Voices is a podcast hosted by The Winnetka Public Schools, featuring candid conversations on issues relevant to education and shared resources to support our students and families.
Progressive Education: 100+ Years Strong in Winnetka
Dr. Kelly Tess speaks to School Board President Emily Rose, Crow Island Kindergarten teacher Melissa Brody (both of whom are alumni of The Winnetka Public Schools) and Tom Flemma, Head of School at North Shore Country Day, a private school in Winnetka with a unique shared history in progressive education. Throughout the episode, learn about the unique legacy of Progressive Education in Winnetka, and how our public and private insitutions uphold our commitment to experiential learning. “I hope we continue to push ourselves to be a lighthouse of a District….the future is bright,” says Ms. Rose.
Listen here:
Registration Open for Incoming Kindergarteners & New Students for the 2023-2024 School Year
Registration for the 2023-2024 school year is now open for all students (returning and pre-registered). Email notification was sent to the primary contact on record with the District March 17, 2023. Additionally, families will receive notification via regular mail. Contained within the notification is a unique “snapcode” that parents will need to login. Please contact District Registrar, Margie Karabas via email (Margiekarabas@winnetka36.org) or phone 847-446-9400, with any questions. Additional information and login to the portal can be found on the District Website - Parent Registration.
Literacy Work Underway
The District Literacy Leadership Committee has initiated the curriculum review process. The first meetings have focused on reconnecting with Understanding by Design, the research-based curriculum framework used across the district, examining research on best practice in literacy, and reflecting on current practice. The outcome of the work projected for this spring is to select materials and/or practices to pilot this fall. Learn a bit more about what the committee is studying by reading the article Looking to Research for Literary Success, which outlines 10 ways to support knowledge building which is a component of reading comprehension.
Board Meeting Preview
The next School Board meeting will be held at Carleton Washburne School on March 21, 2023. There will be a public hearing at 7:00 p.m. regarding the E-Learning Program Renewal. The regular meeting is at 7:15 p.m.
The following presentation is on the agenda:
2023-2024 Staffing Plan
In-person seating for the public is on a first-come, first-served basis.
To observe via Zoom:
Meeting ID: 880 9070 7037
Passcode: 353337
The meeting will include an opportunity for in-person public comment. Please note, the Board will be following policy 2:230 and limit public comment to three minutes - however, if there is a high volume of public comment, the Board may need to limit the amount of time dedicated to public comment in order to efficiently conduct business. Community members can send communications to board members at board@winnetka36.org which will be individually reviewed by each board member prior to the meeting.
Winnetka Parents Institute
D36 K-8 Math Programming: An Overview
(Dr. Becky Mathison, Director of ITL and District Math Teachers)
March 21, 2023
Location: Washburne RC
Time: 10:00-11:00 AM
During this session Dr. Becky Mathison, Director of Innovation, Teaching and Learning, alongside a team of math educators from the District will provide an overview of D36 math programming K-8 including an upper grade course map, explain how the approach aligns to progressive education and the portrait of a graduate, and ways to support your student at home. This session will feature a panel of D36 math educators.
Differentiation: What is it? What does it look like in D36?
Dr. Becky Mathison (Director of Innovation, Teaching and Learning)
April 19, 2023
Time: 10:00 AM
Location: SK Community Room
During this session Dr. Becky Mathison, Director of Innovation, Teaching and Learning, alongside a team of educators from the District will provide an overview of what differentiation is, how it is implemented in D36 classrooms, explain how the approach aligns to progressive education and the portrait of a graduate, and ways to support your student at home. This session will feature a panel of D36 educators.
Safety Procedure for Building Visitors
For anyone visiting our school buildings during school hours, we will now be requiring a driver’s license or state ID to be left at the front desk until your guest lanyard is returned. This decision was made in accordance with other safety procedures we are enhancing for the security of our students and staff.
Adventures in Learning: Summer 2023
Adventures in Learning 2023 runs from June 14th-July 19th, 2023.
No camp on June 19th or July 4th.
A decades-long tradition, this summer program includes classes as varied as Athlete's Club, Razzle Dazzle Science Magic, Recyclable Art,Basket Weaving, Camping Adventures, Make Your Own Music Video, Adventures in STEAM, Archery, Computer Animation, Greek Mythology Drama, Coding, Yoga for Kids, AIL Action News (New for 2023), Animal Care,and Spa-Liscious to name a few!
Students in grades 2-8 may choose up to four classes from over 60 options. Younger children (pre-Kindergarten through grade 1) will explore our progressive educational concepts through guided play and outdoor activities.
This year's program will again be held at Washburne for the 2nd-8th graders and Crow Island for the Pre-K (4 years old by June 1st, 2023)and K Primary program (5 years old by September 1st, 2023).
2023 Fees
General (base cost*) and Primary Program
$675 Winnetka residents
$725 Non-residents
*Some General Program classes have an additional supply fee (will be noted in the catalog).
Registration is now open for Winnetka residents.
Project-Based Learning Update
A Message from The Winnetka Public Schools, the Village, and The Winnetka Police Department
This spring, a traffic study will be conducted on and around Crow Island Elementary School’s campus in order to determine the most efficient traffic flow when construction is underway during both the Stormwater Improvements Project and work related to the referendum, which commence in spring 2024. The traffic study will utilize cameras on poles set up at these Crow Island-area locations (between Glendale and Locust; and Mt. Pleasant and Cherry Streets) during the first two weeks of April. Further information on recommended traffic pattern changes, possible road closures, and other relevant information will be shared with residents prior to the launch of these projects.
Follow us on Social Media!
Please follow the District via the following social media platforms in order to see day-to-day happenings and more.
Facebook and Twitter: @Winnetka36
Instagram: @WinnetkaPublicSchools
Parent Education Sessions from District Partner Family Action Network (FAN):
For upcoming events with an array of highly-regarded authors, educators, and more, access FAN’s website here.