Bulldog Bulletin - January 8, 2021
The Latest and Greatest News for Churchill Families
Happy New Year
The Schnoor family was busy making memories over break, including the construction of this incredible snowman! I am very thankful for the pause in our school year that allowed us all to rest and recharge. I am excited to continue on this journey with all of you this school year.
Notes from the Churchill Playbook
Return-to-School Update: At our January 7th checkpoint, we did not meet the metrics required to start our hybrid program on January 19th. Our next checkpoint is January 19th for a hybrid start date of February 1st. More information regarding our plans and updates to our start date will be shared by both district and our building to ensure we are prepared to shift to this new model.
Community Kudos: Thank you to Foundation 153 and their continued support of our educational program here at Churchill. They recently granted funding to our teacher teams for needed remote learning resources. Another thank you to our PTA volunteers who continue to offer their help with special projects throughout the school year.
Leadership and Service: As we approach, MLK Jr. Day, we want to highlight that our students are continuing to engage in social justice standards with their leadership and service teachers and are beginning to make plans for how they will give back and make change in their community. Check-in with your child to see what their ideas are on making a difference.
Heart Heroes
Together with the American Heart Association, we’re helping create a nation of healthier kids! This year, our Kids Hearts Challenge will be online so check out the Virtual Envelope to learn about our heart heroes! ❤
COVID-19 Dashboard
January Lunch Menu
Infinite Campus Gradebook - Parent Portal
Infinite Campus Parent Portal is an important tool for us this school year. Please see the links below for more information on how Infinite Campus Parent Portal can work for you and your family. Screen shots are available in the attached PDF. Connect with your child's teacher or contact the main office should you need assistance in getting connected.
- Infinite Campus Parent Portal Overview - Campus Parent Portal | Infinite Campus
- Using IC iOS Mobile App - Infinite Campus Mobile App for iOS Devices - YouTube
- Using IC Android Mobile App - Infinite Campus Mobile Portal App for Android Devices - YouTube
Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Monday, Jan 18, 2021, 12:00 AM
Asynchronous Learning Day
Tuesday, Jan 19, 2021, 12:00 AM
Churchill School
Email: sara.schnoor@hsd153.org
Website: https://churchill.hsd153.org
Location: 1300 190th Street, Homewood, IL, USA
Phone: 708-798-3424