RMS Wildcat Weekly
Week of September 28, 2020
Contact Us
Find Their Purpose & Fuel Their Passion
Our Vision:
Renaissance Middle School prepares students to achieve their dreams by charting a path to their purpose.
Email: hawkc@fultonschools.org
Website: www.renaissancemiddle.com
Location: 7155 Hall Road, Fairburn, GA, United States
Phone: (470)254-4330
Twitter: @RMS_Wildcats
PHASE III Continues this week & Phase IV begins on October 5th
Wildcat Families,
Parents, please see below for the Phase IV days of attendance and sample schedule. I will also text your scholar's days of attendance for Phase IV next week. Please look for the text.
Is It an A-day or a B-day...Please see the calendar below!
Please see below for the A/B calendar rotation for RMS scholars. Feel free to download and place it on your refrigerator. The A/B days will not change during each phase.
Need Help Finding Your Scholar's Bus Information?
Please visit the FCS Transportation webpage often for updated Bus Stop Information pick-up and drop-off times.
masks are required for all students, staff, and visitors
- The masks must be consistent with CDC recommendations (gaiters and masks with valves are not recommended)
- Masks are required by students during face-to-face instruction and while on the school bus. Additionally,
- Schools should have reusable student masks available to students as needed
- Students should not share masks
- Masks should be worn during CTAE, performing arts, and indoor classes
- Masks are not required when students are participating in aerobic activities
- Students are required to provide a doctor’s note if requesting an exemption to wear a mask
- An employee/student may wear a face shield in conjunction with a mask but not instead of wearing a mask
- Those refusing to wear a mask will not be allowed to enter into the facility or interact with others.
Effective immediately, we will no longer be able to swap out devices or parts (chargers/keyboard) for devices at the school level. All inquiries for device technical support will be handled through the FCS Hotline. Please direct all device issues (login issues/password resets) or hardware issues (device locked, stop working, cracked screen, keyboard not working) to the FCS Hotline at 470-254-2300. Wait times may be longer than usual, as the representatives are servicing the entire district, so please be patient. If your call is disconnected please try again.
If you have questions or concerns in reference to device deployment or scheduling a pick up please contact Ms. Miller-Axam at millerj12@fultonschools.org. Thank you and have a wonderful week of instruction.
Student Password Reset
Student Password Reset
Fulton County Schools prides itself as a district “Where Students Comes First”, we have embraced Digital Citizenship as an important part of educating today’s students. A major requirement for Digital Citizenship is keeping students’ information safe. To reduce unauthorized access to student accounts, all students are advised to change their password.
- Starting 9/25, all students are advised to change their password using the FCS IT Support app which appears on their Desktop. This requires students to restart the device.
- Starting 9/29, when students (4-12) return to F2F learning and they have not changed their password, they will receive a “popup” to prompt them to change their passwords. Students can cancel pop up, but the pop up will continue daily (when students are on an FCS network only) until they change their password.
- Students Password requirements are:
- At least 8 characters long and contain 3 of the following:
- At least 1 uppercase letter (A, B, C)
- At least 1 lowercase letter (a, b, c)
- At least 1 number (1, 2, 3)
- At least 1 special character (#, %, etc)
- Cannot be the same as a previously used password
- Cannot contain the username
If remote students need assistance, they are directed to contact the FCS Remote Learning Hotline (470-254-2300). Students who are coming to the building for face to face instruction can get help from a member of the school device team.
Please have your scholar join in with us for spirit week
FCS Free Meal Pick Up
It's not too late to complete the CENSUS!
If you missed the annual title I Parent Meeting & Explanation of the Phases for the Reopening of school, please click below to view.
FCS Code of Conduct
Each year Fulton County Schools ask ALL Students & Parents to please acknowledge receipt of the Student Code of Conduct handbook and to confirm that you have read it. We are trying to reach a goal of 100% this school year, LET'S GO WILDCATS, just click on the link, read, and sign.
2020-2021 Code of Conduct
Acknowledgment of Receipt
Community Corner
Please see the reminders and flyers below for events that are happening throughout our community! If you have an event that you like to be included in the community corner, please email Diantha Parker at parkerd3@fultonschools.org
All Parents/Guardians ~
The District Parent and Family Engagement Plan is now available in English & Spanish (attached). Please take a minute to read over this important Title I document which can also be found on the school's website www.fultonschools.org/renaissancems under the Title I tab - Title I District Information.
If you would like a hard copy of the District Plan, contact Mrs. Parker - Parent/Community Liaison parkerd3@fultonschools.org or (470) 254-8553.
Mrs. Parker
Parent/Community Liaison