Newspaper Access
What has happened & what IS happening in our world today?
Access Library of Congress & NCWiseOwl through the CMHS Media Webpage
Library of Congress: Chronicling America-Historic American Newspapers
Search America's Historic Newspaper Pages from 1769 - 1963!
What were the headlines? READ the actual articles from multiple newspapers.
https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/Use NCWiseOwl to access Newspapers and Current Events
Use these steps to access information and current events from newspapers in NCWiseOwl:
(When you access this from home, you will need a password. Your teacher will have the password posted in Canvas for you.)
Newspapers and Current Events
Newspaper Source Plus
Use the NCWiseOwl password, not a Google login.
Choose Publication Type: Newspapers. Search.
Refine Results (I choose Full Text)
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And fill in a search term
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Under Publications- choose Show More
Joanna Wright
Library Media Coordinator
Cox Mill High School
Email: joanna.wright@cabarrus.k12.nc.us
Website: https://www.cabarrus.k12.nc.us/domain/1596