The Preschool Press
August 26, 2022 Parent Newsletter
A Note From the Director
We survived the first full week of school!! Everyone is adjusting to the schedule and doing a great job getting back in the routines.
Thank you parents/grandparents for following our drop off and pick up procedures. Once the morning prayer begins at 8am parents will need to drop off at the office. This helps limit interruptions to the teachers and the children while they begin the morning routine.
Each class at ECDC has their own private Facebook page. Please contact your child's teacher for directions if necessary. This is where teachers will post photos/videos of your child's day as well as calendars, reminders, etc.
Next Week at a Glance
Last day to order pizza for September
ECDC wrestling begins
Tuesday 8/30
Wednesday 8/31
Scholastic book orders due
Pizza lunch
Thursday 9/1
Spirit Dress
Friday 9/2
Spirit Dress
Early Dismisal 11:45-12:00
NO Aftecare
Early Dismissal/ Professional Development Day
On Spirit days your child can wear any Marquette t-shirt on these days. T-shirts are available here in the Marquette spirit store. We also have $5.00 tshirts available in the ECDC office (shirts that say ECDC can be worn any day as a uniform). There will be many more opportunities throughout the year to buy fun shirts.
ECDC students can wear any color bottom on Spirit Dress days. School shoes and socks are required every day for the safety of the children while playing on the playground.
Pizza lunch on Wednesdays
Trivia Night
Round up your friends, register and support the RISE Program:
Approved Pick Up List
Instructions for adding approved individuals:
- Login to your RenWeb account
- Select School
- Select Web Forms
- Select Family Demographic Form
- Select Transportation Form (add to Approved Transportation Form)
Note: The Family Demographic Form is also the place to update contact information, allergies, medical conditions, and emergency contacts. Please ensure this information stays current during the year.
Updated Immunizations
22-23 School Calendar
These dates are tentative to change. Please check here for updates.
Location: 1528 South Quincy Avenue, Tulsa, OK, USA
Phone: (918) 583-3334