Rāpare Thursday 1st Paenga-whāwhā April (T1: Wk9 of 11)
Our Tumuaki Principal
Kia ora koutou.
We have come to the end of a shorter week for Week 9 (four days). I hope you all enjoy a relaxing and fun Easter.
Here are some snippets from me...
- Southland Athletics: There were impressive results for our athletes representing our LMV (Lower Mataura Valley) zone at the Southland Athletics held on Saturday. Zoe Muir got first in the 1500metres and 800metres. She is developing into an adept and skilled middle-distance runner. Piper Muir got first in the 60metres and 100metres. A real speedster. The 10-year-old boys' relay (Diesel Ross, Beau Pemberton, Ruben Raath and Arlo Weston) got first in their heat and fourth overall. It was also great to see past students going on to achieve: Hudson Roy (3rd 800m, 3rd 1500m), Leo Lenssen (3rd long jump) and Rocco Roberts (1st shot put). Thank you to the parents who helped and teachers Miss Laura McVicar, Miss Caci Mineur and Miss Kim Nicol who went along to organise the long jump and support the relays.
- Extended Absence: A reminder, that if your child/ren are going to be away from school, for an extended period of time, apart from sickness, we have a form that must be filled out. We are required to account and code every absence and so must have a reason for the absence. Office staff will ask for this reason as it is a Ministry of Education national requirement for all schools.
- ANZAC Day: Each year we walk in the ANZAC parade that is held here at the Edendale cenotaph. Our Student Council presents a wreath on behalf of the school. Children who would like to be part of this must be there before the start time in full, clean and tidy uniform. Wearing a poppy is encouraged. More details as they come to hand.
- Made to Move: Edendale Primary School is part of the Eastern Southland Schools' Physical Education and Health programme called Made to Move. On Tuesday, for our staff meeting, we had Emma and Cheyanne come out and work with us on tips to introduce movement into every day inside classroom routines. It was fun and practical. We know that active children are fit, healthy and happy children.
Thank Yous - Team Edendale
- Miss Kim Nicol: A big thank you to Miss Nicol for the work that she did behind the scenes in organising our Whanau Day. There are a lot of details to bring together to get it to work. Thanks for putting the thinking into this.
Ka kite and have a great Easter long weekend.
David McKenzie
10 Year Old Boys Relay
Sprint Ace
Middle Distance Runner
LEGO MASTERS: Edendale Primary School's Principal's Voluntary Home Creativity Challenge: Term One
The Challenge:
Design and build a lego land-based vehicle (for example tractor, car, bicycle, truck, motorbike, campervan)
Age Groups:
- New Entrants
- Year One
- Year Two
- Year Three
- Year Four
- Year Five
- Year Six
- It must be your design and not a kitset.
- It must clearly fit with the theme.
- Entries are due Tuesday 13th April.
- Entries must be in a safe box/container with your name and year level on it.
Our Events Coming Up
Week Nine (of Eleven)
- Friday 2nd April Easter Good Friday (School Closed)
Week Ten (of Eleven)
- Monday 5th April Easter (School Closed)
- Tuesday 6th April Easter (School Closed)
Week Eleven (of Eleven)
- Friday 16th April Last Day of Term One
Our Kaitiaki Board of Trustees
Board of Trustees - General Meeting Report
The BOT held its second general meeting for the year. After a recent course, the structure and focus of the agenda has been altered to represent the advice for the New Zealand School Trustees Association. Here's a general overview.
- Strategic Decisions
- Being a good employer: The BOT would like to acknowledge the work and contribution of Tracey Lockhart and Mrs Amy Smith to our cleaning, Miss Laura McVicar in her leadership roles around sport, Miss Sanne den Boon and Miss Kim Nicol for their work with the Senior Camp and Car Boot Sale. The effort put in is really appreciated by the BOT.
- External Property Project: This is almost complete bar a few finishing touches and tidy ups. The safety of our children and the overall presentation of the school has lifted with this project. The final phase is work is to occur for a windbreak for the senior block next to Room Three.
- Administration Remodel: There is behind the scenes progress with the internal remodelling of the administration block in order to include a space for the Learning Support Coordinator. The Principal's Office will be moved and renovated for this space. The Principal's new office will be in the renovated storage room. New cupboards will be put up to help with storage.
- School Chaplain: Our school chaplain Denise Fodie has been confirmed for 2021.
- Monitoring
- Annual Plan: The progress in relation to our Annual Plan was presented by the Principal allowing the BOT to know what has been advanced, since the last BOT meeting, in relation to goals for 2021.
- Variance Report: The annual 2020 student achievement variance report, required by the MOE, was presented to the BOT.
- Writing Achievement: The report on the schoolwide writing programme and student achievement was presented by Mrs Jenny Coyle.
- Annual Financial Audit: Our draft Annual Financial Report was presented.
- Monthly Financial Report: The February financial report was presented.
- Compliance Report: The compliance report was presented by the Principal that details what has been occurring at Edendale Primary School since the last BOT meeting.
- Strategic Discussion
- Charter Changes: Changes are occurring around the structure and requirements of Charters, strategic plans and annual plans and the need for them to align to new National Education Learning Priorities (NELPs).
- New Boiler: We are at the paperwork end of replacing our boiler with consideration beginning around what option that may look like. This project is part of a national-wide government decarbonisation project at Edendale Primary School.
- Swimming Pool Roof: This is the next project that the BOT is seeking to advance as part of their next Five Year Property Agreement with the Ministry of Education.
Situations Vacant - Relief
We are looking for a person or people who could be a relief cleaner or relief After School Care coordinator. Email: with your CV if you are interested.
Our Kura News and Information
After School Care - Help Us Help Your Child
This week, for those children in the After School Care programme a short survey went out to help us here at school ensure that the programme fits with their needs and desires. This is especially important if there are specific health and well-being aspects that we need to be aware of. Thanks in advance for getting those surveys completed.
Whanau Day - Thursday
Thank you to all the families who came to our Whanau Day, had a look through the classrooms, ate lunch together and then got involved with some games. It was a great way to end the week.
Easter - This Week (and Daylight Saving Ends)
Easter is next week. We have Friday 2nd, Monday 5th and Tuesday 6th of April as holidays.
Remember Daylight Saving ends in the early hours of Sunday 4th April where clocks go back one hour from 3.00 am to 2.00 am.
We will see the children back to school on Wednesday 7th April.
Positive Behaviour for Learning (PB4L) - Term One Manaakitanga Respect
We show manaakitanga respect when we...
Use our manners and talk politely to each other.
Follow rules and instructions.
Listen actively.
Are aware of the needs of others and offer to help.
Term Two - Haepapa Responsibility
Term Three - Tohungatanga Excellence
Term Four - Ponotanga Integrity
Principal's Values Award
This week the Principal Tumuaki would like to acknowledge Isla Hodges for being a contributor of values to our school.
Writer of the Week - Simone Cupido
“Oh no! My kib is gone!” I cried.
My kib is half cheetah and half eagle. He is my only friend and pet. He could have flown somewhere into the forest, but I don’t want to go into the forest as it is too creepy in there.
I went into the forest to find my kib but the goblins were on my tail, just behind me! One of the goblins bit my leg and the goblins led me to their leader in their village.
I met the leader’s henchman. His name is Captain Crook Hook. He has a hook and a pirate hat.
“Oh no!” I thought. “They have my kib in a cage!” The goblins had a whole bunch of kibs in cages in the village.
The goblins suck up the kibs’ magic into their own bodies, to control the magic creatures. The creatures and their magic are unstoppable when they are working together with the goblins!
Community Notices
Edendale Netball Club - 2021 Season Players
Netball season is starting soon. There are a variety of options for keen players.
- Years 1-4: Future Ferns skills sessions run every Friday at the Wyndham Netball Courts from approx. 3.30-4.30. Free.
- Years 5-6: games on Friday, with practice during the week. Subs $20.
- Adult senior/social teams welcome too.
Email to register: and join our Facebook group for updates.
The season starts on Friday 7th May 2021.
President: Mel McKenzie 021 1338778
(Acting) Secretary: Amy 021 02718066
Edendale Junior Rugby Club - Player Registration
If any children missed last Wednesday's Registration Day but are keen to play rugby please contact Rachel on 027 848 6993.
Gore Aquatic Centre - Easter Opening Hours
Good Friday, 2 April CLOSED
Saturday, 3 April 10.00am - 6.00pm
Sunday, 4 April 10.00am – 6.00pm
Easter Monday, 5 April 1.00pm – 5.00pm
Southland Anv Day, 6 April 1.00pm – 5.00pm
Our Contact Information
Location: Edendale Primary School, 24 Salford Street, Edendale 9825, New Zealand
Phone: 03 206 6959
Twitter: @EdendaleSchool