Hornet Herald
October 15, 2023
Hello Hornet Families!!!
As we embark into the new grading period, I would like to take a moment to express my heartfelt gratitude for your amazing support and contributions this school year. We started the new school year with new administrators and a host of new teachers and staff. Our students, staff, and community have been nothing but supportive, allowing us to have a better-than-expected start to the school year. Just this past week, your contributions our Staff Development, the Hallway Dance Party, and Principal Appreciation Week, truly warmed our hearts, brought JOY to so many and made these events memorable.
Principal Appreciation Week: Your thoughtful notes and gifts during Principal Appreciation Week were unexpected but truly appreciated. Our students and staff got involved by leaving me notes of gratitude around my office or delivering them to me in the hallways. I could not ask for a better group of students, staff, and community to serve.
Hallway Dance Party: I have to be honest. When I am approached about hosting school dances, my anxiety levels shoot through the roof (I have trauma from supervising high school dances for six years 😉). However, the Hallway Dance Party was a joyful experience for our students, thanks to the dedication of our wonderful families, our hardworking teachers, and our amazing CRPBIS team. Your enthusiasm and participation helped create a joyful environment for our students.
Support for Students: During challenging times, it is important to address sensitive matters in our world that may be impacting our students, families, and community. We understand that our students and staff may have concerns and need to process the recent events in Israel and Palestine. Our school counselors and licensed mental health professionals (LMHP) are here to provide support for any students and staff who may need to discuss their feelings, thoughts, or questions related to these events. Please feel free to reach out to our counseling team (Alex Felan - alejandro.felan@austinisd.org Sharon Franklin - sharon.c.franklin@austinisd.org or Sarah Key (LMHP) sarah.e.key@austinisd.org) if you would like them to check in on your student.
Once again, thank you for your support and commitment to our school community. Your dedication and involvement assist us in creating safe and welcoming environment and amazing educational and middle school experiences for our students.
Have a great week!
Mr. Estes
Campus Information
Upcoming Dates
- October 16 -19 - Transportation Employee Appreciation Week
- October 16 -19 - Girl's Basketball Tryouts
- October 16 - Football vs. Small @ Burger Stadium
- October 19 - CAC Meeting
- October 19 - Boy's Soccer Meeting @ 3:00
- October 23 - NJHS Student Forms Due Date
- October 24 - Football vs. TBD @ Nelson Field
- November 4 - Soccer vs. Paredes @ Paredes
- November 9 - PTA Membership Meeting
- November 9 - Kealing Showcase
- November 11 - Soccer vs. Murchison @ Murchison
- November 13 - NO SCHOOL/Staff Development
From Ms. Tenorio: Diana Hernandez Perez, I love your perseverance in the face of a challenge, your coachability, and your dedication to your studies. Slay queen!
From Ms. Harkins: David Cortez always shows the value of Loyalty in the classroom by working diligently and helping his tablemate every chance he gets!
From Ms. Hyche: Taylor Hunter is an ART STAR. Her LOYALTY to her academics is unmatched: she’s spent an extra 5 hours on her current project putting in the WORK and it looks AMAZING. Shout out to Taylor because her dedication sets the bar for ALL my students! Fantastic job Miss Artist! You totally ATE that project!!!
From Ms. Hyche: Savannah Trevino-Barrientes has been absolutely crushing it in Art class because she is tremendously LOYAL to her academics in art, RESPECTFUL and KIND to her classmates, and I am so impressed by her willingness to go above and beyond in her creative ideas for projects. She wrote an extra 10 sentences just for brainstorming the next project! Scholar in the making. You Go Girl!
From Ms. Lorenz: Uzsha Ybanez always shows the value of KINDNESS in the classroom. She is gracious and a model student, regularly helping other students who need it. I can always count on her to be a good role model to her peers and put her 100% effort into everything she does.
From Ms. Harkins: Margo McAlister deserves a shout out for LOYALTY because she always goes above and beyond to be helpful and do her best work every day.
From Ms. Randolph: Both NiNi Compean and Aloe Watson have been going above and beyond to come to office hours, work together 1:1, make up missing work, and overall work on progressing their learning. Great job! Your hard work does not go unnoticed.
From Ms. Jones: Aarav Karnik is an exceptional student and human who is consistently respectful and kind to those around him, is loyal to his academics by consistently turning in thoughtful, high quality work. Our class is better because of Aarav’s presence.
From Ms. Jones: Whether it is in U.S. History or Advisory, Violet Leal exudes kindness towards those around her. She is always willing to work with any student in the classroom and does so with a sweet smile and kind words. Thank you Violet for exemplifying what it means to be kind!
CONGRATULATIONS to this week's Stinger Salute recipients!!!
Our first Hallway Dance Party was a huge success. Our students earned this dance party for earning more than 500 Hornet Tokens during the first grading period.
Thank you to our amazing families and dedicated Kealing staff who volunteered their time and energy to make our Hallway Dance Party a truly special event for our students. Your collective support and dedication is appreciated. You made the day unforgettable for our students.
Outside of a few, national hiccups experienced by College Board, the PSAT administration at Kealing was a success.
The students did an awesome job in having their devices charged and ready to go on the PSAT day. Out of 374 students, only 20 needed or had to exchange a device for various reasons. The application that is used to manage the PSAT was down until 8:15 but our students were ready to go around 7:45. Students and staff waited patiently then had a successful testing environment.
Thanks to the students, staff and parents as it took everyone to make the testing day a success.
Thank you for the GT nomination that you have requested for your student. This calendar will provide information for the nomination process. Please review the calendar and let me know if you have any questions or concerns.
RoLanda Hood Williams, rolanda.williams@austinisd.org
There are 6 AISD middle schools that have been presenting to 5th graders each week about our respected campus. So far we have presented to over 30 elementary schools and we have about 40 more to go. The students are joining Zoom in a webinar fashion so they are able to see the presentation and ask questions.
The feedback from the 5th grade teachers and counselors have been positive as we bring forth energy when presenting to the students. In the presentations, we cover what makes our schools unique, sports, clubs, homework, uniforms, our Showcase night dates (Kealing: November 9th from 5:30-7:30 PM), and the application process. The schools that are on the roadshows are Kealing, Lively, Sadler Means, Gus Garcia, Ann Richards, and Martin (only presenting to their feeder elementary schools).
It’s been a fun opportunity to talk about our schools to the incoming 6th graders. Seeing their questions in the Q&A makes me excited to have them here next year.
The Kealing Volleyball teams wrapped up the season as they both battled for third place in the AISD North Zone Tournament. Our 7th grade team will took down Bailey Middle School to capture 3rd place. The 8th grade team fought hard against Lamar Middle School but were unable to overcome the Scotties in the end.
Congratulations to all of our volleyball players and coaches on a strong season.
This week our football teams will be in action Monday, October 16th against Small Middle School at Burger Annex starting at 6:00pm to begin AISD's Football Championship Tournament. Win this game and we will face Lamar Middle School on Tuesday, October 24th at Nelson Field.
Must have a completed AISD physical packet, dated after April 15th 2023.
Late activity busses will run this week.
Please wear athletic attire, sneakers and bring a water bottle.
Parents, please make sure you can pick up your daughter promptly at 5pm if they are not riding the late activity bus.
If you have questions, please email jaime.brynie@austinisd.org.
Those interested in playing soccer must have a sports physical on file in order to participate in tryouts.
To be eligible to join NJHS, students need a grade average of 85 or higher in all core classes and world language (if applicable) for the previous semester. Once the course invite is accepted, students can access all parts of the candidate form on blend. Candidate forms must be fully completed and turned in by October 23rd. Please encourage your student to complete all parts by the deadline if they are interested in NJHS; extensions are limited to individuals with multiple absences between 10/9-10/23.
If your student accidentally declines the course, or was not added to the blend course but are eligible, please email Chambers at rhiannon.chambers@austinisd.org. In order to add your students to the course, I'll need your student's name, ID #, and a screenshot of their grades from last year (the screenshot will need to include the class subjects along with the grades).
You can check out our videos on Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube by using the QR codes below.
- Mental health support and resources;
- Preventing and responding to critical incidents; and
- How we’re investing in school safety and mental health.
Events will take place at the following locations:
- Tuesday, Oct. 3, 6–7:30 p.m., Travis ECHS
- Tuesday, Oct. 10, 6–7:30 p.m., Eastside ECHS
- Wednesday, Oct. 11, 6–7:30 p.m., LBJ ECHS
- Tuesday, Oct. 17, 6–7:30 p.m., Anderson HS
- Wednesday, Oct. 18, 6–7 p.m., Join via Zoom (English)
- Wednesday, Oct. 18, 7–8 p.m., Join via Zoom (Spanish)
All events will have ASL interpretation, and in-person events will have small groups facilitated in English and Spanish.
World of Engineering is a free, open house-style outreach event for K-12 students and their families. Attendees can participate in engineering-based activities led by current UT Engineering students.
To find out more information and RSVP for the event, click here.
HORNETS, we are two weeks into October and halfway to our fundraising goal. Thank you to those who have already donated. Our families who are still considering, please know that your donation goes directly to supporting our students and teachers, purchasing equipment, supplies and programing, and fund educational experiences for our student that our district budget does not cover. Remember, EVERY DOLLAR COUNTS towards supporting ALL Kealing students and staff.
Donate today: PTA No-Fuss Fundraiser & Membership Form (jotform.com)
Questions? Reach out to vpfundraising@kealingpta.org
Some of the ways the PTA has helped Kealing students, staff, and administration get the year started include:
- Partnered with Kealing administration to support New Student Orientation.
- Purchased “Thrive in the Hive” staff shirts.
- Hosted two Teacher Appreciation luncheons.
- Hosted Welcome Back Sunset Cruise for teachers.
- Partnered with administration to support Back to School Night.
- Kicked off the Secret Pals Program
- Purchased Spanish software subscriptions.
- Purchased classroom supplies for teachers.
- Purchased tools and novels for ELA classrooms
Your membership empowers us to continue these efforts. Join us today and help make a difference in your child's education.
The 18th annual HopeFest Family Resource Fair is coming up on Saturday, October 21st at Northeast Early College High School from 9:30 am to 3 pm.
Every year, HopeFest brings approximately 4,000 attendees together with 170+ exhibitors and performers to provide a day of fun, food, music and connections to lots of resources and opportunities for families.
This year's event is looking amazing! Here are some of the free services available at HopeFest . . .
- FREE immunizations for children and adults (arrive early-supply limited)
- FREE eye exams and eyeglasses (arrive early-supply limited)
- FREE flu and COVID-booster shots
- FREE health and dental screenings
- Job Fair with 25+ employers and childcare providers on-site
- Insurance screenings with ALL local Medicaid/CHIP/MAP providers on-site
- Connections to health, prenatal, parenting, housing, legal, financial, adult education, colleges and youth services and other resources for families
- AMAZING children's craft zone
- FREE BOOKS for all children
- Bike rodeo, climbing wall, orbitron, bounce houses, ponies, kiddie train, games and more for children
- Zoo animals (Capital of Texas Zoo)
- Free lunch for all attendees
- FREE trees from TreeFolks
- Fresh Food from Central Texas Food Bank
- Raffle for children's bikes/gift cards
- Live music and dance from school and community performers, including the Northeast Soul Raider Band
Sponsored by Austin Voices for Education and Youth, Northeast Early College High School vertical team schools and community partners.
We are excited to extend a special invitation! The African American Youth Harvest Foundation’s Youth Summit, featuring special guest speaker Martin Luther King III, is coming to the Austin ISD Performing Arts Center on Saturday, Oct. 28, 9 a.m.–1 p.m.
Your students and staff will have the incredible opportunity to hear Martin Luther King III share his insights and experiences on youth empowerment, social justice, and leadership. The summit aims to inspire and motivate young people to make a positive impact in their community.
FREE tickets may be secured through Eventbrite. Mark your calendars and get ready for an unforgettable experience at the AAYHF - Statewide Youth Summit. Registration is free, but space is limited.
The event includes panel discussions and networking opportunities. Participants will have the chance to connect with like-minded individuals, learn from Black leaders, and gain valuable skills to create change.
MLK Oratory Contest
The Austin Area Heritage Council invites student to participate in the 19th Annual MLK Oratory Competition! We would be so very delighted to offer this opportunity to continue the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and most importantly, for the students who are the future of this country.
The competition is opened to individual 4th, 5th and 6th grade students on your school campus. (Unfortunately, previous winners of this competition are not allowed to participate in this year's event).
Any student who is interested in participating should notify Mr. Estes. The deadline for our school to accept the invitation will be on Thursday, November 2, 2023.