Thursday, Sep. 22, 2016
Technology Tools in the Spotlight!
Blackboard Inline Grading
Inline grading is a great feature in Blackboard that makes grading a breeze! Inline grading allows you to view, comment and grade student-submitted assignment without downloading papers or leaving the grade center. Feedback is an essential part of learning and Blackboard just made it easier to give it with the BB inline grading feature! Find out more at
Tip: Have your students upload a word document because assignment submissions created with the content editor are not compatible with inline grading.
Pixiclip is an online whiteboard/canvas that lets you draw and record audio while you are using Pixiclip. It is free, easy to use and a great way to create messages in motion. Find out more at
Scribble Maps
Scribble Maps allows you to create a free custom map complete with images, drawings, and specialized widgets. Creating a clickable map along with distance and area calculators make this a perfect add to any project. Find out more at
Tip: Have the students create an interactive map sharing where they are from, where they have traveled to share with other students as an icebreaker activity.
Share your favorite technology tool to be featured in ED Tech Thursdays!
Archived Issues
1. COPH Intranet- The archives are located in the middle column on the bottom of the home page. Note: you must have access to the COPH intranet and be in the MCPH building to access archives.
2. Anyone can access the archived issues on Pinterest. While you are there take a look around at the other education boards. You might find something new and interesting. You will need to open a free account if you do not have one using Facebook or an email address.