The Paw Print
January 15-19, 2024
Important Reminders....
* Use the crosswalk - this is for everyone's safety. DO NOT walk in front of the driveways.
* Parents must wait for their students on the grass, not by the school exits (grades 1-6)
What's Happening This Week
Monday 1/15
No School - Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
Tuesday 1/16
9:45 - Running Club @ recess, weather permitting
2:15 - Play Rehearsals
Wednesday 1/17
Wear College/Career Gear
1:15 Dismissal
Thursday 1/18
9:45 - Running Club @ recess, weather permitting
2:30 - PAL Meeting
Friday 1/19
Wear Brookhaven Spirit Wear
2:15 - Ice Cream Sales
Coming Up...
1/22-26 - Great Kindness Challenge Week
1/23 - Coffee with the Principal 8:00 a.m.
1/23 - Student Council Meeting
1/25 - Ducks Game! (see information below)
2/7 - Restaurant Night: Porky's Pizza
Dear Parents/ Guardians:
Our school is proudly participating in The Great Kindness Challenge, a week-long program dedicated to creating a culture of kindness and compassion in communities worldwide.
To help our students practice kindness and put their compassion into action, they will receive a Great Kindness Challenge checklist. We will also be celebrating each day with special activities, events, and/or dress up days (all optional).
We will encourage all students to complete as many acts of kindness as possible at school and hope they feel inspired to continue them at home!
Together, we will lift each other up, cheer each other on and show the
Reflex and Frax Information
Attendance Line ~ 714-986-7110 and press 3
If students are out ill, please call the office to clear absences.
Brookhaven PTA
Upcoming PTA Events...
* Brookhaven Night with the Anaheim Ducks on Feb. 25 (more details and link to purchase tickets coming soon)
* Jr. PTA Meeting on Feb. 28 immediately after school
* Fun Run will be held March 8
* Family Magic Show on March 22
Help Wanted
PTA is looking for you to join their board for next year! Contact PTA President, Neisha LeVecke at brookhavenpresident1@gmail.com for more information.
It's not too late to join our fantastic PTA. Brookhaven PTA helps with so many wonderful things here at Brookhaven! Help support PTA by joining. Our goal is 500 members. Click here to join!
Add your student as a PTA member and they will be invited to the Junior PTA Meeting held in February.
Aladdin, Jr. Play Information
Rehearsals on Tuesdays at 2:15pm for grades K-6th.
It's time to purchase tickets for this year’s musical, Disney’s Aladdin, at the El Dorado PAC. Show times are as follows:
Lamp Cast Show #1 : Thursday, Feb 1st @ 7pm
Carpet Cast Show #1 : Friday, Feb 2nd @ 7pm
Lamp Cast Show #2 : Saturday, Feb 3rd @ 2pm
Carpet Cast Show #2 : Saturday, Feb 3rd @ 7pm
Here is the link to purchase tickets!
Click "view performances"
Click "purchase tickets" under the show you want.
Click on 1 of the 5 blue sections on the left where you would like to purchase seats.
Click on the light grey open seats. Choose as many as you would like to purchase.
Click the bottom left "add tickets to cart" (once done making a selection)
Click "add to cart" again.
Click EITHER "check out now" if you are ready to check out
Click continue shopping if you would like to add additional seats and additional shows.
For more information, contact Michelle at brookhavenmusical@gmail.com
Transitional Kindergarten (TK)
Will your child be turning five between September 2, 2024, and June 2, 2025? Or are you considering keeping your child out of kindergarten for an additional year? If so, enroll them in the district’s award-winning transitional kindergarten (TK) program now offered at all elementary schools!
TK is an early kindergarten experience for children that allows young learners to grow in an environment tailored to meet their academic and social-emotional needs. It serves as a bridge between preschool and kindergarten and ensures developmentally younger children are ready for kindergarten and beyond.
TK students are in school for 3 hours and 20 minutes five days a week. The program includes an AM and a PM model with students attending from 7:50 a.m. to 11:10 a.m. or 9:30 a.m. to 12:55 p.m.
TK Parent Information Night
Learn more about TK at the district’s upcoming Parent Information Night on Thursday, January 25, 2024, from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. at the Placentia-Yorba Linda Unified School District. The address is 1301 E. Orangethorpe Ave. Placentia, CA 92870.
Orange County School of Computer Science at Bernardo Yorba
As you may now be aware, the PYLUSD Board of Education unanimously voted to approve Bernardo Yorba Middle School to become a district-affiliated charter school in the 2024-2025 school year. As your student prepares to enter 7th grade we want you to have as much information as possible about the Orange County School of Computer Science.
Additionally, we want to invite you to tour the new charter school. You will have the opportunity to see a Computer Science lesson in progress and see a couple classes in action. There will also be a Q & A session. Please complete this google form if you are interested in attending a parent tour.
If you are interested in enrolling, it is anticipated that spots will be limited. Enrollment is now open and priority enrollment closes on Friday, February 16, 2024. Click here to access the enrollment form if you are interested in completing the enrollment process now.
For up-to-date information, we encourage you to follow them on Instagram @OCSCSEducation and please visit their website for the details of their learning model and Computer Science Immersion program by clicking here.
The Building Blocks of Success: 20 Minutes of Math & Reading Each Day
Reading and mathematics skills are the foundational building blocks for all other areas of learning, including science, social studies, and even technical fields. By building a strong foundation in these areas, students will successfully grasp more advanced, complex concepts.
Help your student build a strong foundation for success, spend 20 minutes each evening practicing math fact fluency and reading with your student. Learn more and access district-provided online resources at www.pylusd.org/buildingblocks.