The Raider Nation Newsletter
News from Principal Novak: October 24, 2023
Save the Date-November Conferences
Dear Atholton Families,
Believe it or not, we are nearing the end of the 1st marking period. It is important that students finish strong and do the best they can in all their classes (or at least the classes they can pass this quarter). If your student did well this quarter, fantastic--reflect with them about what they need to do to continue that success. If your student didn't earn the grades they wanted, the conversation is more about what needs to change to turn things around for the 2nd marking period. More Raidertime help sessions with teachers? More time studying for tests and quizzes? Not sure what to change? That's a good thing to discuss with your child's teacher(s).
You are always welcome to reach out and discuss your child's performance with their teacher(s), but with conferences coming up in November, you may want to wait until that week. Here are some key dates to prepare for (we'll send out a formal announcement once sign ups are "live"):
- Monday 11/6- Conference sign-ups open at 8am
- Thursday 11/16- Conference sign-ups close at 4pm
- Monday 11/20- In-Person Conferences in the evening
- Tuesday 11/21- Online Conferences in the afternoon/evening
- Wednesday 11/22- Online Conferences in the morning/afternoon
You will be able to see which teachers are hosting conferences on each day when the sign ups begin. For now, you can just "save the date."
Go Raiders!
Nick Novak
Important Information-New
Fall Athletics Playoff Update
It’s that time of year. Please come out and support your Raiders as they begin their playoff run.
Wednesday, October 25th – HCPSS Cross Country County Championship
- At Centennial HS, with a start time of 3pm (No entrance fee)
Wednesday, October 25th – MPSSAA 3A Girls South Region Quarterfinals
- Oakland Mills at Atholton; Time: 5:00PM
Wednesday, October 25th – HCPSS Cheerleading County Championships
- At Howard High School with a start time of 6pm
Thursday, October 26th – MPSSAA 3A South Field Hockey Region Semi-Finals
- Atholton at James Hubert Blake; Time: 6pm
Friday, October 27th- MPSSAA 3A Boys South Semi-Finals
- Atholton at Reservoir; Time: 5:00PM
Since these are MPSSAA playoff games, there will be an admission fee to enter the contests. Tickets for all spectators over the age of 6 and will be available exclusively on Please search Atholton High School Special Events or the away high school name. Only MPSSAA coach/admin passes will be accepted instead of tickets. The tickets will likely be posted on GoFan at least a day in advance of the game.
Yearbook Needs Your Photos
The AHS Yearbook is looking for photos of:
1. The Homecoming Game and Half Time Show
2. The Homecoming Dance
3. Girls JV Soccer
4. JV Football
5. Golf
6. Varsity and JV Cheerleading
Feel free to send any other photos you think would be good for the yearbook. Click on the link below to upload your photos.
Vaccination Clinic Thursday 10/26
If you signed your student up for the vaccination clinic on Thursday 10/26, they will receive a pass with their appointment time during their first period class. Students should show their pass to their teacher and report to the auditorium for their vaccination. Please direct any questions or concerns to our school nurse, Mrs. Blouse, at
Planetaid Clothing Donation Update
Since the yellow Planetaid clothing donation bin in front of the school was installed at the start of September, we have been averaging about 200 pounds of clothing per week. That's fantastic! Thanks for your donations and your support. Planetaid pays Atholton by the pound and all that money goes to our student assistance fund. We often receive inquiries about how we can help students and families in need with various school expenses or handling a crisis situation like a house fire. Dropping off clothing donations to the Planetaid bin is a great way to help out. If you are interested in direct financial donations to the student assistance fund, please reach out to our book keeper, Colleen Fowler, at
Important Information-Reposting
Affordable & Convenient SAT & ACT Prep at AHS - Only $149
In-person and live, virtual, eight-hour college prep classes are being offered in partnership with Atholton, Centennial, Hammond, Howard, Marriotts Ridge, Mt. Hebron, Reservoir, and Wilde Lake High Schools and are open to students from all high schools. Families are also welcome to take advantage of our newly launched Personalized College List Service.
- In-Person Prep for the Paper SAT in Partnership with AHS PTSA: M/W Oct. 16 & 18 from 5:30 pm - 9:30 pm will prepare students for the Nov. 4 and Dec. 2 SAT.
- Virtual Prep for the ACT in Partnership with AHS PTSA: Nov. 11 & 12 from 9 am - 1 pm will prepare students for the Dec. 9 ACT and winter ACTs.
- Digital SAT prep classes will prepare students for the inaugural Digital SAT on March 9, 2024.
- The Answer Class Personalized College List Service will provide your student with an individualized list of 20-25 schools that match their background and interests and your family's financial ability.
AHS students can participate in ANY Answer Class offering and AHS PTSA will continue to earn the 20% donation. Visit to view the full class schedule and to register your student.
PTSA Reflections Program
The Reflections Art Program is back and I hope you/your student will participate. As we shared in a previous newsletter, the Reflections Program is a National PTA program that provides opportunities for recognition and access to the arts. The 2023-2024 theme is: “I am Hopeful Because…”. The flyer below contains important details on the submission categories, criteria, and program deadlines. Good luck to all the students making submissions!
Drop-In Tutoring
Atholton offers FREE drop-in tutoring from teachers on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3-5pm. Math is offered both days. Social Studies, English, and Science are Thursday only. Students should go to the media center to get help. Transportation will run to specific pre-determined spots. If you have any questions about transportation or other aspects of the program, please contact the Beyond School Hours program coordinators--Emily DeFilippo or Imani Hinson.
Driver's Permit Testing
We are pleased to announce that Atholton will be continuing to offer permit testing at school. The next MVA Driver’s Permit Test will be on Tuesday, December 5th at 2:50 p.m. in the media center. Students must be 15 years old and 9 months on December 5 to complete the driver’s permit test. Students must return a signed parent permission form. Permission Forms (hard copy only) will be available starting October 5. Forms can be found on Mrs. Bopst's classroom door (room F182) or the front office. Drivers' manuals are also distributed by Mrs. Bopst, the front office, or the media center. Permission forms must be returned to Mrs. Bopst by November 28 \ and late forms cannot be accepted. Students are registered for the MVA Permit Test on a first come first serve basis when the signed permission slip is returned. Spots are limited. If your child needs to use accommodations for the test, then please visit your local MVA branch for support.
*Disclaimer - when your child passes the MVA Permit Test at school, YOU MUST make an appointment with the MVA branch to obtain the actual permit and pay the fee. The paper given to your child when they pass is only a piece of paper and DOES NOT SERVE as their learner’s permit.
Upcoming Events
Please mark your calendars for these important dates:
10/26 Vaccination Clinic
10/31 End of First Marking Period-11:35am Dismissal
11/1 Start of the Second Marking Period
11/5 Daylight Saving Time Ends (set your clocks back 1 hr when you go to bed Saturday night)
11/9 Fall Sports Banquet & Ceremony
11/16 Opening Night of Alice in Wonderland
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- The accessibility toolbar allows you to choose the font size to meet your needs.
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