Wildcat Roar Newsletter
Week of Monday, September 11 - Friday, September 15. 2023
Hello Families!
Each day that passes, I am reminded of what a fantastic team we have at CCDSI. It's not one thing or one person. It is all of US working together. Last week was a GREAT and a testament to what is to come. The effort that each of you put into making sure the students know the expectations and see learning as a priority, as well as beginning to establish and build the ever-so-important relationships, was awe-inspiring. Thank you!
Welcome to CCDSI
Let's warmly welcome Ms. Ramirez, our new 2nd-grade Spanish teacher, and Mr. Sandoval, our 4th-grade Spanish teacher. Ms. Morales and Ms. Vivar will assist in their transition.
Let's also congratulate Ms. Morales and Ms. Vivar on their new role. I have no doubt that their experience and passion for teaching and learning will help our students to reach their full potential.
Student Arrival/Dismissal
Our students enter CCDSI at 8:30 a.m. We do not have staff to watch students before this time. Students are marked tardy after 9:15 a.m. If a student arrives after 9:15 due to school bus transportation, the teacher will not mark the student tardy.
We understand the importance of assuring that all students arrive and return from school safely. This year, we have a large number of car riders. For this reason, we encourage all families to remain in their vehicles during arrival and dismissal. Just so you know, dismissal begins at 2:55 p.m. If there are any changes, we will let you know.
Kindergarten Readiness Assessment (KRA)
Our kindergarten students will be taking the KRA this week. The KRA is a statewide assessment that is administered to kindergarten students and is designed to:
- Measure entering students' skills and abilities in relation to end-of-kindergarten prekindergarten standards;
- Identify individual children's needs, gaps in foundational learning, and necessary support
- Assist teachers with data-driven instructional planning, intervention, and enrichment
- Inform decision-makers about professional development needs.
- Inform prior early learning and development stakeholders.
- Provide families with information about their children's learning and development.
Back to School Night
Thank you to all the families for your flexibility this week. We were very excited to have our Back to School Night in person this year. However, due to the increase in COVID-19 cases, we decided to have it virtually instead. The safety of the students, staff, and families is my priority as the school leader. Teachers will be sharing their Back to School presentation via dojo.
As promised, here is the link to the questions that were asked during the meeting.
CCDSI Faculty/Staff Shoutout!!🙌
Every day, we have something happen to us that makes us smile. If one of our CCDSI faculty or staff members made YOU (or your student) smile, please click on this link to let us know about it. We will make sure they see it!!
Teacher's Wishlist
If you are able to donate to your child's class wish list, we would appreciate it!
For those of you who have already donated it, thank you for your kindness and generosity!
Lunch Application
Lunch applications are due annually. If you haven't completed yours, please feel free to complete it in the link below. If you need help or assistance, please feel free to call the school to schedule an appointment with Ms. Garcia at (301) 853-5694 or send an email at lillian.garcia@pgcps.org
Thank you!
My School Buck- Update your student's account
Volunteering at CCDSI
Step 1 – Apply Online
Volunteers must complete the online volunteer application. If you have previously completed the fingerprint background check and CPS clearance process and approved to serve as a volunteer, be sure to indicate that you are a “Returning Volunteer” on this application. Once approved, your eligibility as an approved volunteer will expire on June 30th of each academic year. All school volunteers must indicate their desire to continue as a volunteer each school year by renewing their volunteer application after July 1st of each new year.
Current PGCPS Employees who wish to volunteer must log into PGCPS Oracle Self-Service and select the option “Register to Volunteer.” Next select “Go” and then “Add Application” to initiate your application. Employees are required to provide a personal email address and a telephone number. Employee volunteers are not required to complete Steps 2 and 3 below. Employees are required to complete all mandatory student safety (SafeSchools) compliance modules assigned to them based upon their current position using their employee SafeSchools account.
Step 2 – Complete Background Screening Process
To ensure the safety of our students, PGCPS requires a fingerprint background check and Child Protective Services (CPS) clearance for each person who will provide volunteer services more than once each school year. These fingerprint background checks and CPS clearances help identify individuals with criminal offenses which may disqualify them from serving as a volunteer. The total fee for these clearances is $62.25 per applicant. Please note that this is a one-time requirement for all volunteers. To schedule an appointment to complete the background screening process, please visit https://bithgroup1.schedulista.com/
Note: If you are a returning volunteer who has previously completed the background screening process, go to Step 3.
Step 3 – Complete Mandatory Safety Training Modules
Once you complete the online volunteer application, you will receive an email confirming receipt of your application and assigning you a unique Volunteer Identification Number (VIN). Approximately 48 hours after your application is submitted, you will receive an email with a link to log in and complete the required training modules via the Vector Solutions (formerly SafeSchools) platform.
You must use your VIN as your username and password to login and complete the required training modules. You are required to complete these modules annually. The mandatory training modules for volunteers can be located at the following web address: https://pgcpsvolunteers-md.safeschools.com/login You must use the volunteer link and sign-in using your Volunteer Identification Number in order to receive credit for completion as part of the volunteer approval process.