Regional Inservice Center
Athens State University
September-October-November 2022 Newsletter
There are a lot of opportunities to attend sessions to strengthen your practice and content knowledge. We hope you will join us.
As always, if you have any specific requests for support or ideas for sessions, please let us know.
Patty Maze, Director
Leigh Ann Todd, Program and Financial Assistant
Who May Attend
Any public school teacher, administrator, or board member may attend professional learning sessions hosted by an Alabama Regional Inservice Center (ARIC).How to Register
All professional learning sessions are listed in PowerSchool Professional Learning. Educators can register for sessions using PowerSchool Professional Learning accounts. All professional learning sessions have hyperlinked registration links. Look for the Register Here wording under each session. Contact district PowerSchool personnel or district technology administrators for assistance with accessing the platform. Retired educators no longer with a school district or without a local education agency (WOLEA) can send a support request to PLadmin@alsde.edu for support.
PowerSchool Credit
For your credit to show on your transcript, you need to complete the survey attached to the complete course. You can find this survey in your "Courses" tab in the "My Survey" section.
Please note, all session confirmations are sent to the email associated with PowerSchool accounts. Please verify contact information in PowerSchool (e.g. email addresses, phone number, etc.)
2022-2023 Alabama Regional Inservice Center (ARIC) Statewide Needs Assessment
2022-2023 Statewide ARIC Needs Assessment: The voices and opinions of teachers and administrators are crucial to this process; therefore, we need your help!
The Alabama Regional Inservice Centers want to provide quality and relevant professional learning for all educators across the state. Please take a few minutes to complete the 2022-2023 ARIC Regional Inservice Center Needs Assessment.
The survey opens on September 1. Please respond by October 1.
Shortened URL: https://forms.office.com/r/wcpzExgp9n
Description: Ensuring high levels of student learning requires schools to engage in developing a sharp focus on this fundamental question: What is essential for every student to learn in every grade, every subject, every course, and every unit—regardless of the teacher to whom he or she is assigned? Additionally, schools must ensure that teachers have adequate time and resources to effectively teach the curriculum? In this workshop, educators to learn how to implement this type of guaranteed and viable curriculum. Over the course of two days, participants will learn how they can leverage learning progressions, or proficiency scales, to align instruction, assessment, and grading to the Alabama state standards.
Date: September 8-9, 2022
Time: 8:30 AM - 3:30 PM
Format: In Person
Location: Alabama Veterans Museum Event Center
100 Pryor Street
Athens, AL 35611
Facilitator: Jan Hoegh, Marzano
Clock Hours: 6 Hours
TEAMS Approved PD
Date: February 13-14, 2022
Time: 8:30 AM - 3:30 PM
Format: In Person
Location: Beasley Center-Athens First United Methodist Church
202 W. Bryan Street
Athens, AL 35611
Facilitator: Jan Hoegh, Marzano
Clock Hours: 6 Hours
TEAMS Approved PD
Description: Effective teaching is the most important tool educators have at their disposal to positively affect student learning. Hence, the HRS model places heavy emphasis on effective teaching in every classroom and a continuous, research-based, data-driven focus on improving instructional practice. During this workshop, leaders and educators will consider how they can work collaboratively to create sustained systems that ensure high levels of instructional effectiveness. Over the course of two days, participants will learn how schools can cultivate a clear vision as to how instruction should be addressed, how leaders can support teachers through focused professional development and clear feedback, how coaches can support and provide teachers with opportunities to observe and discuss effective teaching, and how teachers can engage in deliberate practice to improve their instructional expertise.
Date: September 19-20, 2022
Time: 8:30 AM - 3:30 PM
Format: In Person
Location: Alabama Veterans Museum Event Center
100 Pryor Street
Athens, AL 35611
Facilitator: Jennifer Alvarado, Marzano
Clock Hours: 6 Hours
Register Here - FULL
TEAMS Approved PD
Date: February 7-8, 2022
Time: 8:30 AM - 3:30 PM
Format: In Person
Location: Beasley Center-Athens First United Methodist Church
202 W. Bryan Street
Athens, AL 35611
Facilitator: Jennifer Alvarado, Marzano
Clock Hours: 6 Hours
TEAMS Approved PD
Description: The main purpose of a school is student achievement, and school leaders must maintain a single-minded focus on this goal in order to attain and sustain it. During this highly interactive workshop, leaders and leadership teams will be challenged and equipped to achieve high levels of student learning by reaching a high level of reliability as a school. Over the course of two days, participants will learn about all levels of the High Reliability Schools framework, with an emphasis on the New Art and Science of Teaching and Proficiency Scales as they are situated in levels 2 and 3, respectively, of the model.
Date: October 5-6, 2022
Time: 8:30 AM - 3:30 PM
Format: In Person
Location: Alabama Veterans Museum Event Center
100 Pryor Street
Athens, AL 35611
Facilitator: Mike Rutle, Marzano
Clock Hours: 6 Hours
TEAMS Approved PD
Date: March 1-2, 2022
Time: 8:30 AM - 3:30 PM
Format: In Person
Location: Beasley Center-Athens First United Methodist Church
202 W. Bryan Street
Athens, AL 35611
Facilitator: Jan Hoegh, Marzano
Clock Hours: 6 Hours
TEAMS Approved PD
Bobbie Faulkner - Component 4: Everything You Wanted to Know But Didn't Know to Ask
Title: ATH RIC 2022 ATH-NBCT Component 4: Everything You Wanted to Know - But Didn't Know to Ask
Description: A 2-hour webinar for National Board Candidates on the topic: Component 4: Everything You Need to Know - But Didn't Know to Ask by Bobbie Faulkner. Bobbie Faulkner is a veteran 38-year K-6 teacher. She is a National Board Certified Teacher, Renewed and author. She has worked with National Board Candidates since 2002 and currently is a Professional Learning Facilitator.
Date: September 13, 2022
Time: 4:00 - 6:00 PM
Format: Virtual
Facilitator: Bobbie Faulkner
Clock Hours: 2 Hours
Monthly NBCT Support Sessions (North Cohort)
Description: Component 4 is The Effective and Reflective Practitioner component. Collaborate with colleagues to design, plan, and reflect on lesson and assessment ideas. This component is a classroom-based portfolio entry that includes analysis of student assessments, professional learning, students' needs, and collaboration with community to be reflected on in your writing.
Date: September 27, 2022
Time: 4:30 - 6:30 PM
Format: In Person
Location: Morgan County Educator Resource Center
235 Alabama Highway 67
Decatur, AL 35603
Facilitator: Ellen Thompson
Clock Hours: 3 Hours
Description: Component 3 is The Teaching Practice and Learning environment. Collaborate with colleagues to design, plan, and reflect lesson ideas. This component is a classroom-based portfolio entry that includes a video of your interactions with students to be analyzed and reflected on in your writing.
Date: October 25, 2022
Time: 4:30 - 6:30 PM
Format: In Person
Morgan County Educator Resource Center
235 AL Hwy 67
Decatur, AL 35603
Facilitator: Ellen Thompson
Clock Hours: 3 Hours
Description: Component 2 is Differentiation in Instruction. Candidates will collect student work samples that exhibit a student's growth over time and how your instructional choices lead to that growth. Candidates will review student samples and discuss next-steps of instruction to facilitate student growth.
Date: November 8, 2022
Time: 4:30 - 6:30 PM
Format: In Person
Morgan County Educator Resource Center
235 AL Hwy 67
Decatur, AL 35603
Facilitator: Ellen Thompson
Clock Hours: 3 Hours
Monthly NBCT Support Sessions (South Cohort)
Description: Component 4 is The Effective and Reflective Practitioner component. Collaborate with colleagues to design, plan, and reflect on lesson and assessment ideas. This component is a classroom-based portfolio entry that includes analysis of student assessments, professional learning, students' needs, and collaboration with community to be reflected on in your writing.
Date: September 27, 2022
Time: 4:30 - 6:30 PM
Format: In Person
Location: Cullman City Board of Education
301 1st Street
Cullman, AL 35055
Facilitator: Jennifer Priest
Clock Hours: 3 Hours
Title: ATH RIC 2022 ATH-NBCT Component 3 Instructions and Planning (South Cohort)
Description: Component 3 is The Teaching Practice and Learning environment. Collaborate with colleagues to design, plan, and reflect lesson ideas. This component is a classroom-based portfolio entry that includes a video of your interactions with students to be analyzed and reflected on in your writing.
Date: October 25, 2022
Time: 4:30 - 6:30 PM
Format: In Person
Cullman City Board of Education
301 1st Street NE
Cullman, AL 35055
Facilitator: Jennifer Priest
Clock Hours: 3 Hours
Title: ATH RIC 2022 ATH-NBCT Component 2 Instructions and Planning (South Cohort)
Description: Component 2 is Differentiation in Instruction. Candidates will collect student work samples that exhibit a student's growth over time and how your instructional choices lead to that growth. Candidates will review student samples and discuss next-steps of instruction to facilitate student growth.
Date: November 8, 2022
Time: 4:30 - 6:30 PM
Format: In Person
Cullman City Board of Education
301 1st Street NE
Cullman, AL 35055
Facilitator: Jennifer Priest
Clock Hours: 3 Hours
NBCT Maintenance of Certification Support
Title: ATH RIC - NBCT Maintenance of Certification (Support)
Description: Participants in this course will be provided an overview of the NBCT Maintenance of Certification process and a follow-up on two professional growth experiences (PGE). This course is 1.5 hours in length.
Date: September 6, 2022
Time: 4:00 - 5:30 PM
Format: Virtual
Facilitator: Patty Maze
Clock Hours: 1.5 Hours
Dyslexia Awareness Training - Dyslexia: An Overview
Title: ATH RIC Dyslexia Awareness Training- Dyslexia: An Overview
Description: Experience Dyslexia is designed to increase awareness of the difficulties and frustrations that people with dyslexia, as well those with the characteristics of dyslexia, encounter daily. We hope this experience will provide insight into working more effectively with these students and lead to greater empathy and understanding.
Date: September 27, 2022
Time: 8:30 - 11:30 AM
Format: In Person
Location: Athens State University Regional Inservice Center (AMSTI Building)
1115 Hwy 31 S
Athens, AL 35611
Facilitator: Patty Maze
Clock Hours: 3 Hours
Date: September 27, 2022
Time: 12:30 - 3:30 PM
Format: In Person
Location: Athens State University Regional Inservice Center (AMSTI Building)
1115 Hwy 31 S
Athens, AL 35611
Facilitator: Patty Maze
Clock Hours 3 Hours
Rise to the Challenge Fall 2022 Dyslexia Conference
Register for Alabama’s 2022 Fall Dyslexia Conference Today!
When: October 13 and October 14, 2022
Where: St. James United Methodist Church, 9045 Vaughn Road, Montgomery, AL 36117
Join us for two days of learning, sharing, and fellowship. We are excited to have nationally recognized literacy expert Nancy Mather; national dyslexia leader, Josh Clark who is the Chair of IDA’s Board of Directors; and a variety of Alabama literacy experts joining us as we share ideas and best practices to support students with dyslexia.
Register via the following link.
Sound Wall Training
Title: ATH RIC Fall 2022 Sound Wall Training
Description: Six hours of professional development to address:
What is a sound wall & why should I replace my word wall with one?How does a sound wall align with Science of Reading?
How do I set up a sound wall and explicitly teach all 44 phonemes to my students?
How do I incorporate a sound wall into my DAILY phonological awareness and phonics instruction?
How do I use my sound wall to gather formative assessment information and provide differentiated instruction?
Date: November 16, 2022
Time: 8:30 AM - 3:30 PM
Format: In Person
Location: Athens State University Regional Inservice Center (AMSTI Building)
1115 Hwy 31 S
Athens, AL 35611
Facilitator: Rhonda Ayers
Clock Hours: 6 Hours
All registered participants will receive a complimentary Sound Wall starter kit.
Course of Study Overviews - Math and ELA
Title: ELA Phase I Transition to the 2021 ELA COS Standards (K-5)
Description: This professional learning will provide K-5 educators with a deeper dive into the 2021 ELA COS. Participants will have an opportunity to explore the content standards, as well as take a look at their own grade-level standards. They will be able to interact with, not only teachers who teach the same grade, but other grade levels to explore the similarities and differences as students move through the progression of English Language Arts standards. This is a summer offering of all of the sessions ARI Local Reading Specialists facilitated to K-5 teachers throughout the school year in 2021-2022.
Time: 8:30-3:30 PM
Format: In Person
Location: Athens State University Regional Inservice Center (AMSTI Building)
1115 Hwy 31 S
Athens, AL 35611
Facilitators: Tim Cobb and Kim Hargett
Clock Hours: 6 Hours
AMSTI-MTH-2019 ALCOS Mathematics Overview K-5 and 6-12
Description: This COS Overview for Grades K-5 is professional learning for elementary, special education teachers, paraprofessionals, and elementary math coaches. Learn about the conceptual framework: Position Statements, Mathematical Teaching Practices, Student Mathematical Practices, and the K-5 Content Areas.
Date: October 20, 2022
Time: 8:30-11:30 AM
Format: In Person
Location: Athens State University Regional Inservice Center (AMSTI Building)
1115 Hwy 31 S
Athens, AL 35611
Facilitators: AMSTI Math Specialists
Clock Hours: 3 Hours
Description: COS Overview for Grades 6-12 is professional development for middle grade, special education, and high school teachers. This 1/2 day session will focus on understanding the new 2019 Course of Study: Mathematics and its conceptual framework, grade level changes, and focus standards.
Date: October 20, 2022
Time: 12:30-3:30 PM
Format: In Person
Location: Athens State University Regional Inservice Center (AMSTI Building)
1115 Hwy 31 S
Athens, AL 35611
Facilitators: AMSTI Math Specialists
Clock Hours: 3 Hours
Implementing Alabama's Core Teaching Standards to Improve Instruction
Date: November 8, 2022. **New Date**
Time: 8:30-3:30 PM
Format: In Person
Location: Athens State University Regional Inservice Center (AMSTI Building)
1115 Hwy 31 S
Athens, AL 35611
Facilitator: Patty Maze
Clock Hours: 6 Hours
The Athens State University Regional Inservice Center will provide sub reimbursements (up to $75) for all Region 2 educators attending this session.
Overview of the Local Textbook Adoption Process
Date: September 22, 2022
Time: 10:00-11:30 AM
Format: Virtual
Facilitators: Dr. Carolyn Jones (ALSDE) and Dr. Patrick Chappell (Publishers Warehouse)
Clock Hours: 1.5 Hours
MetaMetrics Lexile Framework for Reading
Date: October 18, 2022
Time: 9:00-10:30 AM
Format: Virtual
Facilitator: Jane Scott, MetaMetrics
Clock Hours: 1.5 Hours
MetaMetrics Quantile Framework for Mathematics
Date: October 18, 2022
Time: 1:00-2:30 PM
Format: Virtual
Facilitator: Jane Scott, MetaMetrics
Clock Hours: 1.5 Hours
Frazer United Methodist Church, Montgomery, AL 36117
October 26-27, 2022
Conference Session Information
During the “IMPACT” Conference, you’ll experience the Cognia community and learn about impactful solutions and inspiring successes. You’ll learn from experts, build strong connections with peers, and share best practices with colleagues and friends from across Alabama.
Registration Fees
Non-Improvement Network Members
Improvement Network Members
Alabama Conference on Grading and Assessment for Learning
February 10-11, 2023
If you have any questions about accessing your account, please email schoologyenrollments@alsde.edu for support.
ALSDE Curriculum & Instruction Meetings
ALSDE Curriculum and Instruction Meetings
Fall meeting dates and locations are included below.
Tuesday, 9/13, Athens State University
Wednesday, 9/14, Shelby County Instructional Services Center
Thursday, 9/15, Troy University Montgomery
Tuesday, 9/27, University of South Alabama
Athens State University Regional Inservice Center
Program and Financial Assistant: Leigh Ann Todd (leighann.todd@athens.edu)
Website: https://www.athens.edu/academics/education/in-service-center/
Location: 1115 U.S. 31, Athens, AL, USA
Phone: 256-216-6622
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AthensStateRIC
Twitter: @athensStateRIC