Jaguar Messenger
Week of 9-5-23
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Fall MAP Testing
- September 5: MAP Reading Test
Curriculum Night
Messages from the Jackson PTA
Click here to sign up and join the Jackson Middle School PTA. Stay involved and receive information about upcoming PTA events!
Back-to-School Parent Social
Please join the PTA in celebrating the start of the 2023-2024 school year! The PTA social is a trivia night that will take place on Saturday, September 16, from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. at the Lombard Community Building at 433 E. St. Charles Road. Tickets will be $45 and include food and drinks. You can access the informational flyer here. Tickets can be purchased using this link. We encourage everyone to come and enjoy trivia, raffle prizes, and meeting other Jackson families!
First Restaurant Night Fundraiser
Our first restaurant fundraiser will be held Wednesday, September 20, at Dairy Queen on St. Charles Road in Villa Park. Families can order at the window and the PTA will receive 20% of proceeds. Please show this flyer when ordering!
Next PTA Meeting
The next PTA meeting will take place on Thursday, September 21, at 6:30 p.m. The meeting will take place in the Jackson LRC. We hope to see you there!
Health Reminders
Attention 6th grade parents/guardians: As a friendly reminder ALL 6th grade students are required to turn in a current physical with updated immunizations (TDAP and Meningococcal required) by October 15 to avoid exclusion from school. Please turn in paperwork to the Health office at your earliest convenience. If you have any questions please call the Health office at (630) 516-7588.
Any students with medical conditions requiring medication in school are required to turn in a completed medication authorization form found on the District website or by clicking here
Any students interested in participating in interscholastic sports at Jackson are required to have a current (within past 13 months) complete IHSA physical on file with the Health office. Please see the school nurses with any questions.
Message from Willowbrook High School
Greetings from Willowbrook High School! We hope the start to the 2023-2024 school year has been awesome for you and your child(ren).
As the school year continues and Willowbrook hosts events that are open to the community (i.e. sporting events, concerts, etc.), we would like to remind you that elementary/middle school students must have a parent/guardian present when attending these events. Students who arrive without adult supervision will not be allowed entrance to the event.
This expectation is in place for the safety of your student(s) as well as all who are in attendance.
Willowbrook High School students who attend these events are held to the same expectations for behavior as they are during a regular school day and the same is expected of non-Willowbrook spectators.
Thank you in advance for your assistance with these expectations and thank you for your continued support of Willowbrook High School.
With Warrior Pride!
Daniel Krause, Ed.D.
Jackson Daily Happenings
PowerSchool Parent Portal
PowerSchool is a proactive communication tool parents/guardians can use to stay informed about their child’s academic and work habits progress in school. Please click on this PowerSchool Parent/Guardian Quick Guide link for more information about how to navigate the PowerSchool portal. There is a mobile app version of the PowerSchool Portal for families. The interface of the mobile app is slightly different from the web version. If you experience any difficulties accessing PowerSchool, please email Mrs. Aparicio, the Jackson secretary who oversees PowerSchool. Her email address is
A friendly reminder that it is the responsibility of a parent/guardian to contact Jackson in the event his/her child will be absent from school. Please plan to report your child’s absence, prior to 9:00 a.m., by calling our attendance line at (630) 516-7368. Parents/guardians will leave a voicemail reporting their child’s absence. In the voicemail, please include the following information:
Child’s name and grade level
Date of absence
Reason for absence
Student absenteeism should be kept to the minimum; however, the School Board recognizes that some absences are unavoidable. The following are valid causes for a student's absence and will be considered “excused,” as specified in Section 26-2a of the Illinois School Code:
Observation of a religious holiday
Death in the immediate family
Family emergency
Other situations approved by the school principal