Giesinger Elementary
A Resource for Families
March 26, 2020
Dear Giesinger Families,
We hope all of our families are doing well. We recognize how difficult this situation is for everyone. The Giesinger staff and has been working hard to identify meaningful instructional activities for your children to do while he or she is at home for an extended period of time. Our goal in this work is to provide you with activities that are aligned with what your children typically do during the school day. Recognizing it will not be the same as being in the classroom, but the activities should be familiar and engage your children in academic learning for approximately one to two hours each day.
This newsletter will serve as our "landing page." This page will be used as a place where you can access all the instructional activities. I will be sending this newsletter weekly just as I send the Giesinger Gazette. You and your child may access this using your phone or any computer. Paper copies are available each Friday from 9 AM -12 PM at Giesinger Elementary.
Paper copies completed last week may be turned into designated tubs on the front porch every Friday morning from 9 AM - 12 PM at Giesinger Elementary. Teachers are available for questions or support so please email them also.
Please click on the "buttons" below for grade-specific activities. Our Special Subjects team also has activities for your children and Mrs. Barton, counselor, has added her own "button" for additional support below.
We certainly know there is a lot going on for families right now. Our intention is to provide you with resources to keep your children actively learning and engaged while they are not at school.
If your child experiences any frustration, please feel free to have them discontinue the activity or make adjustments to it.
To support you in this time, you will also find links with resources to help you talk to your child about COVID-19 and to help ease their fears.
We appreciate your partnership as we navigate this unknown territory together. Please feel free to reach out to any of our staff members through e-mail if you have any questions or concerns along the way.
We know that Eagles Soar to Excellence In All We Do! We love your children and miss them dearly!
Thank you,
Melissa Ralston,
Principal, Giesinger Elementary
Counselor/Nurse Request Forms
Nurse's News from Mrs. Corbit
While the school is closed for the COVID-19, I will be sharing health tips that you can review with your children at home and include some great YouTube video links to share with your children.
- Hand washing is key and this is still a very important topic as most people do not wash their hands properly. Hand sanitizer is a great alternative BUT nothing beats soap and water!
- Wash your hands for 20 seconds. Wash your hands often can prevent the spread of germs. If you can’t wash your hands with soap and water then use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60%-95% alcohol. Young children - ages 4 and under need help and guidance with hand washing properly.
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XWQARQrH3yA
Lets be proactive and follow advice from the CDC:
- Stay home when you are sick. If possible, stay home and this includes errands when you are sick. You will help prevent others from catching your illness. Avoid close contact with people who are sick by keeping that person in another room and limit contact with them. You don’t want to forget them but limit them being in the same room with others who are not ill.
- AVOID touching your eyes, nose and mouth. Germs spread this way!
- Cover coughs and sneezes. Use a tissue and then dispose of the tissue OR cough/sneeze into your elbow.
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mQINuSTP1jI
- Clean and disinfect surfaces or objects. Clean frequently touched surfaces at home. Have the kids clean the doorknobs daily and faucets and counters. This is a great way to get them involved and help you!
At this time, our country and community want to limit the spread of the virus so following social distancing and the above advice can help with this.
- Social distancing is staying around 3-6 feet from other people and not hugging or shaking hands. This does not mean you cannot take your children outside for fresh air and to take a walk or play, but remind them to not run up and hug their friend at this time.
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ypm34dEGa2o
- Covid-19 Q&A call line that will be managed by some of our great CISD nurses.
Monday-Friday 8am-3pm 936-709-7791
- DSHS Covid-19 Q&A call line
7 days week 7am-8pm dial 211 option 6
If you have any questions, please reach out to me by email at dcorbit@conroeisd.net
Please stay safe!
Nurse Corbit
Kids and Coronavirus
Many kids be asking a lot of questions about Coronavirus. What is Coronavoirus? or Can I catch Coronavirus? While as parents we are cautious of what is shared with our kids, in reality they are establishing their own thoughts and fears from what they hear on TV or in passing conversations. As we change to learning at home for this period of time, kids might express more anxiety for this change in their routine. I found the handout below to be extremely helpful in guiding conversations about Coronavirus. It is also helpful in providing tools to help minimize stress and worry.
Mrs. Barton
Giesinger Counselor
Positivity Project
We continue to see the #OTHERPEOPLEMATTERMINDSET mindset during this time and over the past week. Community members, families, and teachers have all reached out to help others in ways that are needed. Continue with this belief as we move through the weeks ahead.
Below is the Character Card for this week. Our character trait for the week is FAIRNESS. Use this card to guide learning and family discussions.
How to Talk With Your Child About COVID-19
Please use the following resources to support conversations with your child about COVID-19 and help reduce any fears he or she may have.