Husky Nation Highlights
Community Newsletter - December 17, 2023

Newsletter on Break until 2024 ๐ฅณ
The newsletter will be on hiatus until Sunday, January 7, 2024. We will see you in the New Year!
Gate 5 remains CLOSED ๐
Gate 5 (Barranca @ Casuda Canyon) continues to be closed. District Facilities has been notified. We apologize for the inconvenience. Please use the nearby Marquee Gate instead. Once the gate is open, we will message that to the community. Thank you for understanding.
RAIN!! ๐ชโ๐
Forecasts show a storm system entering the LA area on Monday evening and lingering all week. We've seriously considered canceling the Winter Program in light of the forecast. Typically, on rainy days, students eat in the Cafeteria (with tables down) so a live performance (with folding chairs) would not be possible.
We know many parents have taken time off and are looking forward to seeing their children perform. We also know teachers have spent many hours prepping students. Most importantly, students are excited to perform for their parents.
Hence, we will pivot and facilitate students eating in their classrooms for both breakfast and lunch on Tuesday and Wednesday so that the Cafetorium can stay configured for a live performance. The show must go on! Students might get more wet as a result of this plan, so please make sure to send them with an umbrella and appropriate attire for the weather.
There's no perfect way to do everything, but we hope you are understanding and flexible with our plans.
2023 Winter Program (Revised) - 12/19 and 12/20 ๐
We're very excited to announce that our Winter Program has expanded this year to include several grade levels and the Instrumental Music Program! The program will be held on-campus during school hours. In anticipation of large crowds, we have revised the schedule.
Our Cafetorium has limited space and we need it to run our meal program, so a few guidelines are in place:
- We will have two showings of each program (primary and upper grade). A recording of the combined program will be created and published on our school website over the Winter Break.
- We can only seat parents according to their ticket color (see below). Please plan to arrive for your scheduled ticket time. Thank you for understanding.
- Tickets will be made available to your child by their homeroom teacher. We can only issue 2 tickets per child. Thank you for understanding.
- Please stay for the duration of the program (~45 minutes) to limit distractions for performers.
- Red Ticket Showing is 8:15-9:00am
- Green Ticket Showing is 9:15-10:00am
Wednesday, December 20 - Grades TK, K, 1st, 2nd and 3rd will perform for each showing
- Blue Ticket Showing is 8:15-9:00am
- Yellow Ticket Showing is 9:15-10:00am
Husky Nation Clubs! ๐
Shoutout to some of our Husky Nation clubs and advisers! These clubs have been busy bees lately. These middle school clubs are serving LEAD spirit in and out of school!
- Tobacco Use Prevention Education (TUPE) Club - Mr. McNeil, Adviser
- Highlands Service Club (HSC) Club - Ms. Cheng and Ms. Kim, Advisers
HSC students volunteer at Santa's Village!
Thank you to MPK Parks and Rec for the opportunity!
Huskies bringing Holiday Cheer to the community
HSC volunteer at Rose Parade Float Decorating!
Thank you to the Tournament of Roses for the opportunity to serve!
Husky students looking forward for the 2024 Rose Parade!
TUPE Students promote a drug and vape-free Husky Nation!
Huskies use their Husky Bucks to learn about TUPE and enter a raffle
Two lucky middle schoolers won a bicycle, donated by Mr. McNeil!
Moved? Please Update Your Address ๐ก
If you have moved or plan to move in the new year, please notify the school office to update your address in PowerSchool.
Per Education Code: children must attend their school of residence. If children are not found living within school boundaries, appropriate procedures must be followed to ensure enrollment at current school. If procedures are not followed, students are subject to disenrollment.
If you have moved outside Monterey Highlands boundaries, you will need to complete a permit for your child to remain enrolled at Monterey Highlands. You can find more information about permits at the AUSD website.
No Soda at School ๐ฅค
This is a friendly reminder that carbonated soft drinks/soda are not allowed at school. These beverages often have high levels of sugar and/or caffeine and undermine a healthy school lunch program. Students with carbonated soft drinks/soda will be asked to surrender those beverages to an adult until the end of the day. Thank you for your understanding.
Thank you to our Volunteers! ๐ค
As 2023 comes to a close, we wish to thank our community for your support, involvement, and participation. Parents, students, volunteers, school staff and admin, all contributed to the success of our recent Art Reflections competition, Spooky Bash, Holiday Shop, Dia de los Muertos program, Popcorn day, and Book Fair. Thank you!
Looking forward to the New Year, we are now planning for our next event, the Husky Fun Run. If you are interested in helping to plan and organize this event, please click here to join our committee.
Thank you!
Upcoming Volunteer Opportunities ๐ค
We are grateful for our volunteers. Here are some of our volunteer needs at this time:
- Morning Valet (School) - mornings (7:30am-8:00am)
- Husky Fun Run Planning (PTA)
Staff Favorites ๐
Back by popular demand, please find our Monterey Highlands Teachers and Staff favorites list for 2023-24, courtesy of PTA!
Mr. Calvin Ly, Adviser
The Associated Student Body (ASB) oversees all fundraising and school activities at Monterey Highlands. The ASB Cabinet meets weekly on Fridays to review activity and fundraising requests.
Useful ASB Information:
- Parents or teachers interested in creating a fundraiser can complete this Google Form Link. Approved fundraisers are listed on this Fundraising Calendar.
- Students are invited to submit artwork or videos showcasing a talent, hobby or interest. Student may use this link to upload an entry: http://bit.ly/Husky-Spotlight
- The ASB Cabinet produces our monthly Wonderful Wednesday assembly. December's theme is Display Kindness featuring Kindergarten students! Check out the video below!
6th Grade Science Camp Meeting - Recording ๐ฌ
If you missed our 6th Grade Parent Meeting regarding Science Camp, you can watch the full video recording at this link. Should you have any questions about current/future 6th Grade Science Camp, please contact Mr. B or Ms. Janet Lees, Assistant Superintendent for Educational Services.
NOTE: Highlands is committed to 6th Grade Science Camp this year in May! If you haven't donated, any donation is welcome. Cash or checks are accepted. Checks should be made payable to Monterey Highlands ASB.
Approved Fundraisers ๐ค
Benefitting the 8th Grade Class of 2024 Promotion Activities ๐
Blaze Pizza Fundraiser
- Wednesday, January 24, 2024 from 5-11pm
- 100 E. Main St, Alhambra (@ Garfield)
- In-person, Blaze App or Blazepizza.com orders accepted
Online Orders: Orders must be placed online via the Blaze Pizza App or blazepizza.com.
Enter code 1086A the โPromo Codeโ field at checkout to have your transaction count check which that 20% of your transaction will be counted into the total donation toward the fundraiser.
8th Grade Pajamas and Pancakes ๐ฅ
The 8th Grade Class of 2024 is well on their way to their fundraising goals! Thank you so much to 8th grade parents for coordinating this wonderful, family-friendly event! It was a hit. Thank you to 8th grade students who served breakfast! Thank you to 8th grade for making this event free to school staff. Thank you for the love ๐๐
A new tradition is born! What a fun day!
Thank you to 8th gr students for serving breakfast!
Thank you to 8th gr parents for cooking and making this a wonderful event!
Winter Spirit Week โ๏ธ
Monterey Highlands ASB Cabinet, proudly presents Winter Spirit Week! We won't let the rain dampen our spirits!!
- Monday - Grinch Day (Wear Green)
- Tuesday - Hawaiian Christmas (Wear Hawaiian clothing)
- Wednesday - PJ Day (Wear your favorite comfy PJs)
- Thursday - Santa Day (Wear Red)
Donations Welcome! ๐งผ
Our classroom teachers welcome donations of Kleenex and Disinfecting Wipes at school. This helps us keep classrooms germ-free, especially during Flu/COVID/Cold season. Donations may be dropped off in the Front Office or the Valet Line. Please write the teacher's name on the items so that we can deliver items.
Thank you for your generosity!
Kleenex Boxes (any size)
Lysol or Clorox Wipes
Construction Update ๐๏ธ
This week, we hit several construction milestones: solar electrical panel complete, replacement fence complete, blacktop resurfaced.
Remaining work items include: padding for solar panel support posts, marquee construction at Gate 4, repainting game areas on blacktop.
We have also requisitioned outdoor furniture for the Lower Blacktop area to enhance community access after hours.
Solar panel enclosure complete โ
Blacktop paving complete โ
West blacktop fence replacement complete โ
Apollo Afterschool Newsletter ๐๏ธ
Apollo Afterschool has been up to some great things. Registration is open for Trimester 2!
The program will be publishing a newsletter every two weeks to keep the community updated.
Options for Learning ๐
Options for Learning provides part-day preschool and before- and after-school programs for students in grades TK-8 at Monterey Highlands.
Options is located on the eastern end of our property across from the tennis courts in Highlands Park.
Options is operated independent of Monterey Highlands School or the Alhambra Unified School District.
Upcoming Dates ๐
- 12/19 - Winter Program (Grades 4-8) at 8:15am (red ticket) in the Cafetorium
- 12/19 - Winter Program (Grades 4-8) at 9:15am (green ticket) in the Cafetorium
- 12/20 - Winter Program (Grades TK-3) at 8:15am (blue ticket) in the Cafetorium
- 12/20 - Winter Program (Grades TK-3) at 9:15am (yellow ticket) in the Cafetorium
- 12/20 - School Office Closes at 1:30pm for Staff Holiday Celebration
- 12/21 - Minimum Day - School Office Closes at 1pm
- 12/21 - Safety Committee Meeting at 3pm is CANCELED
- 12/22/23 to 1/7/24 - WINTER BREAK (NO SCHOOL)
- 1/8 - School Reopens
- 1/15 - Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday (NO SCHOOL)
- 1/17 - School Site Council Meeting (on Zoom) at 1:15pm
- 1/17 - PTA Association Meeting (@ 5:30pm) & Math Night (@ 6:30pm) in Cafetorium
- 1/18 - Alhambra PTA Reflection Ceremony @ 6pm in MKHS Cafeteria
- 1/19 - Shelter-in-Place Drill
- 1/22 - Pupil Free Day - Certificated Staff PD @ MH (NO SCHOOL)
- 1/23 and 1/24 - PBIS Kickoff for Winter/Spring
- 1/25 - Student of the Month (Being Fair)
- 1/29 to 2/6 - PTA Husky Run Fundraiser
Monterey Highlands School
๐ฅ Email: highlands@ausd.us
๐ Website: www.montereyhighlandselementary.org
๐ Location: 400 Casuda Canyon Drive, Monterey Park, CA, USA
๐ฒ Phone: (626) 570-6220