Stories and updates from Bay City Public Schools
Western High and Middle School renovations complete!
Last week, Western High School and Western Middle School hosted a ribbon cutting ceremony celebrating the completion of the new gym and refurbished auditorium. In addition, we celebrated WHS's State Championship Equestrian Team. Entertainment was provided by the WHS jazz band. The new gym and refurbished auditorium will help to provide Western students many valuable opportunities many years to come. The construction was made possible by the passage of the 2020 bond. A huge THANK YOU to the community for supporting our schools.
Bay City Public Schools
BCPS Calendar Update
Plan ahead: there will be no school December 19th - January 2nd for winter break. Classes will resume Tuesday, January 3rd.
Tawas and Hale teachers visit Auburn Elementary!
Auburn Elementary welcomed Tawas and Hale area teachers into their classrooms to observe literacy in action. The Tawas and Hale schools are researching literacy programs and reached out to arrange the visit. Auburn shared their literacy journey, the pilot process, and the resource implementation guides with supporting documents.
Auburn teachers Lisa Krol, Maria Markey, Nicole Green, Katie LaFromboise and Julee Dillon graciously gave their time for interviews. Whitney Legner and Amy Bailey answered building questions as well as some behind the scenes information that is supporting their literacy journey.
It was an amazing visit that created new connections for the future. We are an organization that learns and it was wonderful to have an opportunity to showcase our journey at Auburn Elementary!
Washington Elementary Presents: Winter Celebration of Arts
STEM Access & Equity Grant - Simply Science w/ MMCM
This month, all BCPS Young 5 classrooms visited Mid-Michigan Children's Museum, finalizing a series of lessons for students around the topic of "Amazing Properties of Air". Funding from a Great Lakes Bay Region STEM Access & Equity Initiative Mini Grant ensured all BCPS Y5 students received visits from the Museum in their classroom, a field trip to the Mid-Michigan Children's Museum, and follow-up lesson ideas for their classroom. We thank MMCM for partnering with us as part of the BCPS K-12 Common STEM Experience Plan and look forward to continued partnerships.
McAlear-Sawden chosen as SVSU "Hour of Code" applicant
The Hour of Code is a one-hour introduction to computer science, using fun tutorials to show that anybody can learn the basics. BCPS students travelled to SVSU to participate in their version of "The Hour of Code" program which consists of 60 minutes of coding (the process of writing a computer program using a programming language). In addition to writing code, they also had a tour of the Marshall M. Fredericks Sculpture Museum. The students were led in a STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts, mathematics) activity. They also enjoyed lunch at the Marketplace, SVSU’s on-campus dining facility.
Quick links
Strategic Plan
Board of Education Meeting
BCPS joins New Tech Network
Vision: Bay City Public Schools: Diverse opportunities, exceptional experiences, empowered to transform the world!
Mission: We provide an engaging, diverse, and supportive learning environment that will allow each student to reach their fullest potential.
Email: info@bcschools.net
Website: bcschools.net
Location: Bay City Public Schools, 601 Blend St, Bay City, MI 48706
Phone: (989)-686-9700
Facebook: facebook.com/BayCityPublicSchools
Twitter: @stephencbigelow