PHS Weekly Newsletter
Nov 10, 2023
Schedule for the Week
11/10 - 7pm Varsity Fball v Plano East @ Children's Health Stadium
11/14 - 7:30pm Bays Basketball v Coppell @ PHS Arena
HOSA Blood Drive with Carter Blood Care : November 27, 2023
ASVAB stands for the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery, which is a multiple-choice test that helps you identify which Military Occupational Specialty would be best for you. For more information about the ASVAB test, click here.
Sophomore Guidance
Sophomore Parents:
PHS Counselors will do their sophomore guidance through World History classes November 10th through November 17th. Here is the link to the presentation. Sophomore presentation
Please take the time to view this presentation. Some of the topics covered in our sophomore guidance include graduation requirements, dual credit opportunities, college and career planning and healthy relationships.
We are looking forward to meeting with your students!
Nurse's Notes
Medication and Immunizations
Welcome Eagle Families! PHS clinic is excited to support your student this school year. If your student will need medication administered during school hours, please contact one of our campus nurses (pebell@prosper-isd.net and crroll@prosper-isd.net.) Medication forms are required for each medication that will be dispensed. See link for the Prosper ISD medication forms and emergency plans, as well as policies and procedures for administered medication.
Please expect a delay with updates to medical information and immunizations to new students accounts in Skyward, if your student is showing missing immunizations in Skyward, please disregard unless a campus nurse has contacted you.
Let's GIVE THANKS this month to our wonderful PHS staff... November 15th we will be celebrating Give Thanks Staff Pie Day! We will be serving all staff slices of pie during their lunch breaks. You can sign up to bring pies, or donate online and PTO will buy the pies for you - use this link for both: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0D44ADAE2CA4F9CF8-45780331-bring
On our home page https://phspto.membershiptoolkit.com you can also find out more about YOUR PHS Parent/Teacher Organization, see all of our Spirit Wear & ways to stay connected and support PHS PTO this year. Please feel free to reach out to us with any questions now, or anytime, at Prosperhighpto@gmail.com. It's a great day to be an EAGLE!
Wear Blue on November 14th for Diabetes Awareness Day
Before School Arrival and After School Dismissal Procedures
Parents, please familiarize yourself with the traffic patterns as well as the drop-off/pick-up times and locations at PHS.
How to Check Your Student Out of School
All check-outs must be submitted through Skyward WITH AT LEAST 2 HOURS NOTICE prior to a student being picked up or released. When submitting a partial-day request, you must uncheck the all-day box and enter the time the student needs to leave the school. Partial-day requests entered as full days will automatically be denied. If we do not receive your request at least 2 hours prior to your students' check-out time or if the request is entered in Skyward after 2:00 p.m., it will be denied, and a parent, guardian, or emergency contact will need to come into the front office to check the student out of school. When doing so, a government-issued I.D. must be provided. Please follow the instructions on the following link: https://www.prosper-isd.net/Domain/1034
2023-2024 Cell Phone Policy
Cell Phones are not to be seen or used in the instructional setting
Cell phones should not be SEEN or USED during instruction.
Cell phones can be used in the hallways, cafeteria, during passing periods, before and after school