Merrill FAQ
All About Merrill - Frequently Asked Questions
Who should I contact?
Health Information/Questions/Concerns
Click here for the Merrill Health Website, which includes information regarding physicals, dental screens, immunizations, etc.
Mental Health Information/Questions/Concerns
What information is available in Infinite Campus?
Student Progress
What is the best way to communicate with teachers?
Meeting (Phone Call, Teams, or In-Person)
Standards Referenced Grading (SRG)
Learning Targets
Student progress for learning-target scores is entered in Infinite Campus using the following notations:
Exceeding Target (ET)—demonstrated learning above the grade-level expectation
Achieving Target (AT)—met the grade-level expectation (demonstrated proficiency)
Progressing Toward (PT)—working toward the grade-level expectation
Not Meeting (NM)—did not meet the grade-level expectation
No Evidence Submitted (0)
Topic Scores, and Semester Grades
Once the teacher determines that there is enough evidence submitted for each learning target in a unit of instruction, he/she/they will then determine a numerical topic score.
At the end of the semester, topic scores are averaged to create a semester grade.
- SRG 1-Page Summary
- SRG Overview for Families
- Video for SRG Overview: https://www.loom.com/share/6d2ea29b8f0849ceb2ffe66cfe650961
- Click here for a PDF about navigating SRG on Infinite Campus.
- Video for how to navigate Infinite Campus: https://www.loom.com/share/53845d73788247708c22ff6e88a9ec81
Cell Phones
What is the Merrill policy?
At Des Moines Public Schools, we are fortunate to have a computer for each student which allows us to address the educational needs of our students. While we recognize that cell phones are a part of our everyday lives, they are not a necessary requirement to meet curricular outcomes. In fact, cell phones are often a distraction to our students’ ability to engage in their learning. To maintain an optimal learning environment for all students and to ensure safety and limit distractions, cell phones may only be used before school and during lunchtime if they are used appropriately. Cell phones should be off or silenced and kept in the student’s pocket or backpack at all other times.
Why is the policy in place?
How can students and families contact each other during the day?
How do I learn more about the events/activities at Merrill?
Simply click here to enter your information and get your personalized code. Then, download the app, use the code, select your preferred language, and you’re connected! Messages from the district or your school arrive on your phone instantly and are kept in a social media-style feed for easy reference.
Merrill Website
Email or Phone Call
Top 5 Tips for Merrill Students
1. Get involved!
2. Speak up!
3. Technology
4. Practice
4. Practice continued.
5. Give it time.
How can I get involved?
Merrill PTA / School Advisory Committee
We have a very active and supportive PTA (https://merrillpta.com/) that walks alongside us and is always there with great ideas, monetary donations, and acts of kindness that bring joy to all. The PTA meets monthly and organizes events such as The Winter Olympics, fundraising drives for books and field trips, Helping Hands, Teacher Appreciation, Merrill Apparel, and anything else that students and teachers might need to enhance the Merrill experience. Thank you, PTA!
The PTA also serves as the Merrill School Advisory Council (SAC), which is a family-led collaborative team that strengthens communication and relationships between schools, families, and the community.
Merrill organized their council in December 2022. It includes parents, students, staff, and community stakeholders. The purpose of this council is to provide feedback to building leadership, develop solutions for policies/practices to improve the student and family experience at Merrill, and create more opportunities for family engagement.
Members engage in strategic conversations that center on three primary focus areas:
• supporting academic achievement
• improving school climate & culture
• strengthening family engagement
For more information, please contact simone.freeman@dmschools.org.
DMPS Community Legislative Action Team
The DMPS Community Legislative Action Team (DMPS-CLAT) is made up of parents and other community members who recognize the need for more awareness of how specific legislative actions affect our schools, and actively advocate for policies that increase student success.
To be successful, this group needs one thing: YOU. It’s important that the voices of parents, grandparents, community members and others are heard by our legislators and the Governor so they know how important education and schools are to our children and all of Des Moines.
Click here to learn more.
Merrill Middle School
Email: brooke.austin@dmschools.org
Website: https://merrill.dmschools.org/
Location: 5301 Grand Avenue, Des Moines, IA, USA
Phone: (515) 242-8448