Weekly Update
Elm Road School
Class Lists
Virtual Learning
Virtual Learning-What will it look like?
Each morning students will begin their day at 8:00 with a LIVE check in with their teacher and classmates. This 15-minute block will set the stage for the day, activities with relationship building, along with expectations, goals for learning, and morning check-in time.
After the morning meeting students will work through a reading, math, and writing block that will be a combination of live and recorded lessons independent and guided practice learning. Your child's teacher will send home a more detailed schedule with specific times next week.
A 45-minute lunch period will be scheduled into the day. This is uniform across the grade levels. The teachers will be available for instructional assistance during the school day.
Music, pe, and library will be incorporated into a child's learning plan.
Finally, the learning day will end with a LIVE closing class meeting which will incorporate questions/answers, social and emotional learning lessons, and a culmination of learning objectives. (1:30-1:50 p.m.)
* All teachers will be using Google Classroom.
Pick-Up Dates
Tuesday, August 18th-10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m.
Please enter our lot from the south and leave by exiting to the north. We anticipate a number of people on Monday and Tuesday, so please be patient, as we will help each of of you, as needed. Please mark your child's name clearly in your window, and remain in your vehicles.
Help Desk
In order to provide students with after hours academic support during virtual learning, we are piloting a P-H-M homework help desk. We have assembled a team of elementary, exceptional education, and content specific secondary teachers who will be available via email from 7:00-9:00 pm, Monday-Thursday. These help desk teachers will be responsive to student and/or parent emails, providing specific academic support as needed. This might include responding to an email or even an interactive Google Video Hangout to provide academic guidance. Additionally, the help desk teachers will communicate back to the student's regular teacher related to what supports were provided so we can work collaboratively, creating the best possible virtual learning environment for our students.
Students and/or parents can contact the after-hours homework helpdesk by emailing homeworkhelp@phm.k12.in.us starting on Monday, August 24th.
Meal Service during virtual Learning
Elm Road Attendance
August Menu
We are Elm Road Eagles!
Website: http://elmroad.phmschools.org/
Location: 59400 Elm Road, Mishawaka, IN, USA
Phone: 574-259-3743