WBE Parent and Family Center
August Newsletter
What is the WBE Parent and Family Center?
The WBE Parent and Family Center is a place for all WBE families to receive parent engagement and educational opportunities. Books and pamphlets addressing a range of family and educational topics are available. The center provides online and in-person classes and workshops. Take-home family engagement activities are sent home from the center throughout the year. The Parent and Family Center is located in room 300 and open M-F, 9am to 2pm.
Andrea Beckert, Title 1 Parent Educator
Welcome to Burton Elementary Parent and Family Resource Center. I am Andrea Beckert and I am your WBE Parent Educator. I began my career with Fort Bend ISD 25 years ago, working with the Pregnancy, Education and Parenting program. This is my 5th year serving as Parent Educator at Burton. I am excited to provide your family with resources, parenting education classes and support. I believe that family engagement is key to a student’s success and I am here to foster that engagement.
Email: andrea.beckert@fortbendisd.com
Website: https://www.fortbendisd.com/Page/46352
Phone: 281.634.3129
Twitter: @wbeparentcenter