3rd Grade AAP Learning Guide
May 10 - 14, 2021
Daily Schedule - Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, & Friday
Family Morning Meeting 7:45 am - 8:15 am (General channel)
Mathematics 8:15 am- 9:30 am (3rd Grade Math channel)
Related Arts 9:30 am-10:30am (3rd Grade Related Arts channel)
-Monday: Spanish https://padlet.com/elemhopkins1/h97550t4728kwwac
-Tuesday: PE
-Thursday: Art https://padlet.com/elemhopkins1/1p0wjpghbzvzepl7
- Friday: Music https://www.smore.com/0u1xj
English/Language Arts 10:30 am-12:30 pm (3rd Grade ELA channel)
Lunch/Recess 12:30 pm -1:15 pm
Personal Learning Opportunities (PLO) 1:15 pm - 2:15 pm
*You should be working on Dreambox, Flocabulary, RazKids, incomplete &/or Due by Friday assignments.
Small Group Instruction 1:45 pm-2:15 pm
(Mrs. Smoak - Small Group Instruction channel or Mrs. Barnes- Small Group Instruction channel) Students will be assigned certain days to be logged in to Teams during this time.)
Wednesday, May 12th
Family Morning Meeting 7:45 am - 8:15 am (General channel)
Science 8:15 am- 9:30 am (3rd Grade Math channel)
1. Colors Nearpod Lesson https://nearpod.com/student/ Code: KW9LI
Related Arts 9:30 am-10:30am (3rd Grade Related Arts channel)
Social Studies & Test Prep 10:30 am-12:30 pm (3rd Grade ELA channel)
*Social Studies Weekly # 20 & 21. (We will read the articles and watch the related videos during class.)
-Complete the tests. (Week # 20 has 10 questions; Week # 21 has 5 questions.)
Lunch/Recess 12:30 pm -1:15 pm
GUIDANCE/HEALTH (1:15 pm - 2:00 pm)
Click on this link to access Mrs. Mitchell's Guidance newsletter. https://www.smore.com/8a92p-school-counselor-connection
Scroll down to the bottom until you get to the week May 10 - 14. Find and complete the lesson and activity.
Work on assignments listed below in the "Due by Friday" section. These assignments are due by Friday, May 14th.
Mrs. Smoak's Afternoon Small Group Instruction Channel
MONDAY: (1:45 PM - 2:15 PM) Jalynn, Terri, Jaliyah, JaQuez, Ameer, Morgan & Mekhi
TUESDAY: (1:45 PM – 2:15 PM) Justin, Tatiana, Xi'Yelle, & Alexiah
WEDNESDAY: (1:45 PM - 2:15 PM) Conferences/Make-up Testing
THURSDAY: (1:45 PM – 2:15 PM) 4th Graders
FRIDAY: (1:45 PM - 2:15 PM) 5th Graders
Mrs. Barnes's Afternoon Small Group Instruction Channel
MONDAY: (1:45 PM - 2:15 PM) Skill Group
TUESDAY: (1:15 PM – 2:30 PM) 3rd Graders
WEDNESDAY: (1:15 PM - 2:30 PM) Conferences/Make-up testing
THURSDAY: (1:45 PM – 2:15 PM) 5th Graders
FRIDAY: (1:45 PM - 2:15 PM) 4th Graders
- 60 minutes of Dreambox (time will be checked by teacher daily)
- Math Coach workbook pg. 37 (#1-5) Due Wednesday
- MasteryConnect assignment on Telling Time Test ID: 487854
- Volume and Capacity https://www.liveworksheets.com/c?a=s&g=3rd&s=math&t=ovifyf6sz9&sr=n&l=bj&i=udtzdsc&r=jc&db=0&f=dzduzfuz&cd=pjyoeie1pg4lfqxnzgnpkqk2ngnxgexg
Wednesday's Assignments - Science, Social Studies, & Guidance
English/Language Arts
· complete assigned activities on Flocabulary ("The Three Doors")
· read The Trouble with Exotic Pets & take the quiz (in your RazKids assignments)
· complete & correct Daily Language Practice assignments
· complete the daily writings on the Writing Padlet
· complete all tasks on the Shared Reading Padlet
EXTRA CREDIT: Read and take the quiz for Sled Dogs to the Rescue (RazKids).
Mathematics Learning Intention:
Estimate and measure liquid volumes (capacity) in customary units (i.e., c., pt., qt., gal.) and metric units (mL, L) to the nearest whole unit.
Success Criteria:
- I can estimate and measure liquid volumes in cups, pints., quarts and gallons.
- I can estimate and measure metric units (mL, L) to the nearest whole unit.
- I can describe units that measure mass and know when they are used in real life.
- I can describe units that measure volume/ capacity and know when are used in real life.
- I can measure volume/ capacity and masses of objects using standard units of measure.
- I can represent and solve one-step word problems involving masses or volumes using addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
English/Language Arts Learning Targets:
Test Prep & Review
Learning Intention: I am learning how to use various test taking strategies.
Success Criteria: I will know I have learned it when I can apply different test taking strategies and correctly answer practice test questions.
Having Trouble with Clever? Use Links Below
Bookflix - http://www.rcsd1.org/schools/bookflix/ (Username & password: rcsd2008)
Epic Books- https://www.getepic.com/ (Class Code: lgr0610)
Storyworks Jr (3): https://storyworks3.scholastic.com/ (Class Code: LSmoak)
Flocabulary: https://www.flocabulary.com/ (You have already created an account. You DO NOT need a class code. If you forgot your log in information, email Mrs. Smoak.)
· When you log-in add your teacher's email (laaveria.newton@richlandone.org) and your username and password.
Dreambox- https://play.dreambox.com/login/6g3f/8chs
Reading A to Z- https://www.readinga-z.com/
(Teacher Usernames: 5th - clemon2; 4th - lsmoak; 3rd - lnewton7)
Big Ideas Math- https://www.bigideasmath.com/BIM/login
Destiny Discovery Education- https://search.follettsoftware.com/metasearch/ui/29828
Flipster (Digital Magazines) - located at the bottom of the Destiny Discovery page
(Log in info: Username - hopkinsk5 and Password - HES2021!)
Social Studies Weekly https://app.studiesweekly.com/
USERNAME: your mastery connect number and the initials of your first and last name
PASSWORD: the same password you use to log into your computer
- May 18- SC READY- Writing
- May 19- SC READY- Reading
- May 25- SC READY- Math
- May 27- SC READY- Science
- May 31- No School (students & teachers)
- June 11- Last Day of school for students/End of fourth nine weeks
- June 18- Report Cards mailed
Join Our Class Remind
Remind is a free, safe messaging app that keeps families up to date with what's happening in the classroom.
Smoak's Remind https://www.remind.com/join/f8k9e6
Contact Us
803-783-5541 ext. 3204
Mrs. Smoak (3rd-5th) ELA AAP
803-783-5541 ext. 3303