WMS Friday Forecast
January 7, 2022
Dear Wredling Families,
Before Winter Break, in a Friday Forecast, I talked with you about bullying at Wredling and referred to a great article that distinguished between mean, rude, and bullying. This is how we are working to reframe what bullying is versus other behaviors.
During the month of December (and for a few classes, this week), we taught this lesson about bullying. We work hard to reduce bullying at Wredling and are increasing our efforts to help students understand how to manage bullying behaviors more effectively.
If your child is being bullied, we encourage you to contact one of our Student Support Coordinators (SSC) who can help your child navigate these issues. They can also complete the D303 Bullying Report Form found on the district and Wredling website under the "Students" menu.
We continually deal with these issues. We not only deal with them reactively but proactively, as well. Our goal is that all students treat each other with respect and kindness, but when that does not happen, we know how to effectively manage bullying.
Thank you-
Volunteers Needed To Share Career and Education/Training Experiences
***Visitors choosing to come into the building must adhere to current D303 visitor protocols. As of 10/1/21 - all visitors must:
- Show proof of vaccination or a negative COVID test received within 72 hours of arriving to volunteer at your building.
- Bring documentation to the front office of your building upon arrival. If you would like to present to our students, please complete this Google form.
Who is the Mystery Parking Cone?
WMS Basketball Spirit Wear Sale
Happy New Year to you All!!
I hope this email finds you well and ready for 2022.
Don't miss out of the chance to purchase some fantastic basketball spirit wear show your support for our RedHawk basketball team!
The online store for spirit wear closes this SUNDAY, Jan. 9th!
We also have a rare opportunity to purchase Redhawk basketball socks. Take a look as they are one of a kind.
You have until MONDAY JAN 10th to place your order for the RedHawk basketball socks!
Coach Grieves
Julia Comfort Dog
PSAT Results
i-ready Winter Diagnostic Reports
Attention All Parents/Guardians:
The I-Ready Winter Fall Diagnostic Reports for both Math and Reading are being sent home with your child on Friday, January 14, 2022, so be on the lookout! You will find the following information included with the two diagnostic reports:
A letter from Mr. Dave Chiszar, who is the Director of Assessment and Accountability, that explains the I-Ready diagnostic report and what is being included in the documents sent home.
A “ How Do I Read the Diagnostic Reports” document that will support you as you look at the data.
Should you have any additional questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to your child’s counselor. Please click here to access the counselor information.
Mrs. Francesca Favero
Assistant Principal
Wredling Middle School
The Peer Leadership Program for Incoming St. Charles East Freshmen
Dear Parents of 8th Graders Attending East,
Peer Leadership is an extracurricular program that matches selected incoming freshmen with juniors and seniors who make the transition into high school fun and easy and mentor them throughout the year. Because this program meets during the school day, it has to be put into a student’s schedule when registering for next year’s classes. Although we would like to be able to offer this to all interested incoming freshmen, our numbers are limited by available classroom space and our budget. Therefore, in order to start the selection process, interested students should apply using the application found HERE.
If your child is interested in the program, please fill out the application and e-mail it to Jim Reed, the Peer Leadership Coordinator (James.Reed@d303.org). Completed applications must be received no later than Tuesday, January 11th, 2022. For more information about Peer Leadership, please attend Future Saints Night in January.
We hope to hear from you!
Important Safety Reminder for WMS Parents
The St. Charles Education Foundation- Making a Difference in RedHawk (and D303) Lives!
We want to thank our St. Charles Education Foundation for making a difference in the lives of our RedHawks. You may not know about the many amazing things that our Foundation does, so I would encourage you to look here to see what they do. I want to give you a Wredling example of what the St. Charles Education Foundation has done to support our students and teachers, in this case, 8th grade teacher Stephanie Bennett. What they do makes a difference in the lives of our students and teachers!
I would encourage you to learn about the Foundation and support them in any way you can!
2nd SEMESTER Non-Attendance Days for Students
- Monday, January 17th - Martin Luther King, Jr Holiday
- Tuesday, January 18th - School Improvement Planning
- Monday, February 21st - Presidents' Day Holiday
- Friday, March 4th - Kane County Institute Day
- Monday, March 28 - Friday, April 1 - Spring Break
- Friday, April 15th - School Improvement Planning
2nd SEMESTER Early Release Days for Middle School
- Wednesday, January 26th
- Wednesday, February 23rd
- Wednesday, March 23rd
- Wednesday, April 27th
iGen: Understanding the Smartphone Generation presented by Jean M. Twenge
February 9, 2022 at 6:30pm via Zoom
Click here to register - If you cannot attend, you will be able to view a recoding of this presentation which will be posted on the District website.
With generational divides wider than ever, parents, educators, and employers have an urgent need to understand today’s rising generation of teens and young adults. Born after 1995, iGen is the first generation to spend their entire adolescence in the age of the smartphone. With social media and texting replacing other activities, iGen spends less time with their friends in person. But technology is not the only thing that makes iGen distinct from every generation before them; they are also different in how they spend their time, how they behave, and in their attitudes toward religion, sexuality, and politics. As this new group of young people grows into adulthood, we all need to understand them. Members of iGen also need to understand themselves as they communicate with their elders and explain their views to their older peers. Because where iGen goes, so goes our nation—and the world.
Jean M. Twenge, is the author of more than 140 scientific publications and six books, the latest of which is iGen: Why Today's Super-Connected Kids Are Growing Up Less Rebellious, More Tolerant, Less Happy--and Completely Unprepared for Adulthood.
Support for Your Child if they are Quarantined:
If your child is quarantined due to Covid, our teachers will send work to your child and work with you and your child as we always have when a child is out of school. We want to recognize that quarantine offers some unique challenges for our students.
We will be offering instructional support through a certified teacher during quarantine. Ann Rose, a recently retired D303 teacher, will be available to support our quarantine students through Zoom. When a child begins quarantine, we will email both the child and the parent with information on how to access Mrs. Rose's Zoom for support. We encourage our quarantined students to access this instructional support!
E-Learning Plan and Emergency Days
The School Board has approved an E-Learning plan that gives the district the option to offer remote learning in place of emergency days. Currently, our last day of school is Tuesday, May 24, which is the week before Memorial Day. As we move into the winter months, we want to update you on the plan for how the district will manage emergency days and e-learning days.
If we experience inclement weather, the first three days will be “snow days” that will be made up at the end of the school year on May 25, 26, and 27 as needed.
Subsequent emergency days will be remote days so the last attendance day will still be before Memorial Day.
If there is a long stretch of inclement weather (blizzard, polar vortex, etc.), we may split the days into “snow days” and e-learning days so as to not have too many non-attendance days in a row.
Attention 7th & 8th Grade Students!
The AAUW is sponsoring its Creative Writing Contest for the 43rd consecutive year. All interested 7th and 8th grade students in the tri-cities may enter. Entries may be submitted in any one of 3 categories: fiction, non-fiction and poetry. Medals and certificates of achievement will be awarded in each category for the 3 entries that are judged best by the AAUW Creative Writing Contest Committee. 7th and 8th grade entries will be judged separately. There also will be 3 Honorable Mention awards in each category for both grades.
Entry forms are enclosed. There is no required topic for the compositions, although students are encouraged to submit their best work of the year. The Rules and Guidelines which appear on the Entry Form should be reviewed and applied by student writers in order to maximize the success of their work in this competition. All entries should be submitted no later than 5PM, Wednesday, February 16, 2022. Please arrange for the entries to be returned to your school’s main office prior to that time. Entries will be collected by AAUW members on the morning of Thursday, February 17. No late entries will be accepted under any circumstances.
Entries will not be returned.
Winners will be notified by March 25th and will be invited to attend a special ceremony in their honor on Thursday, April 7, 2022. We will let you know the location of the ceremony when the winners are announced. Their teachers are also encouraged to attend this recognition and celebration of their students’ talent. We appreciate your time and cooperation in bringing this opportunity to your students. We look forward to reading their submitted works.
Wredling Middle School - Home of the RedHawks
Website: wredling.d303.org
Location: 1200 Dunham Road, St. Charles, IL, USA
Phone: 331-228-3700
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WredlingMiddleSchoolD303
Twitter: @WredlingD303