Wiggin Street Parent Update
May 6, 2022
Better Together
This has been a great week of celebrating our Wiggin Street Teachers and Staff! We are incredibly lucky to have some caring individuals working with your students each day. Thank you to all that contributed, and a special thank you to Jenn Grassbaugh, Friends of Wiggin Street President, and her kids for all her early morning surprises for staff.
Also, today is School Lunch Hero Day, and Mary Ann Walker is the best! She cares for each student as if they were her own. We are blessed to have her here at Wiggin Street.
Please notice that next Friday, May 13th, is our End of the Year Picnic during lunch. The school lunch will be hotdogs, orange and apple slices, carrots, and cookies with milk. If your child needs an alternative lunch, please provide them with a packed lunch that day.
Enjoy this week's update with lots of pictures. The next 3 weeks will be full of fun activities as we wrap up the school year! Have a nice weekend.
Christy Grandstaff
Our Wiggin Street School Lunch Hero
Dress Like a Teacher Day
43022 Parade
2nd Grade Field Trip to The Works, Ohio Center for History, Art, and Technology
Middle School Music Opportunities
5th Grade Families:
Choir, Band, and Orchestra are offered as classes beginning in 6th grade. On April 29th, the 5th grade students traveled to the high school to learn about these music opportunities. Students also tried instruments during their music class this week!
Please add the below date to your calendar for more information and to sign up to BE PART OF THE MUSIC!
Parent Information/ Sign Up Meetings : Thursday, May 19 @ MVMS
6pm: Pleasant Street & Twin Oak
7pm: Dan Emmett & Wiggin Street
8pm: Columbia & East
Donation from the Kenyon Neuroscience Department in honor of Professor Andrew J. Niemiec
Life Cycle of Bees Dance Performance
Knox County Recorder's Office Art Contest
Ellis Bartal (1st grade)
Caroline Biggerstaff (2nd grade)
Quinn Castro (4th grade)
Lillian Buckwalter (5th grade)
Annie Jiang (5h grade)
More Fun Festival Pictures
Senior Breakfast at Wiggin Street
2nd Grade Exploring with Magnets
Distinguished Student Scholarship
An application is available online at https://oagc.com/resources/scholarships/.
- Ohio students who are finishing up the current school-year in grades 3, 4, 5, or 6 and have been identified as gifted or talented according to OAC 3301-51-15 in one or more areas: Cognitive Ability, Specific Academic Ability, Visual/Performing Arts, Creative Thinking
- Applicants must demonstrate excellence in one or more of the following areas: visual or performing arts, academic achievement, or leadership
- Furthermore, the distinguished student will show evidence of using their exceptional talent in order to positively impact others in the community or communities that surrounds them.
- The OAGC will accept nominations from a parent, teacher, community/civic groups, or the student
Idle-free Zone
Last Day of School
Upcoming Important Dates
9 Kindergarten Screening
10 4th Grade Ag Day 9-11:30 am
12 5th Grade vs. Staff Hockey Game, 2:15 pm
13 5th Grade Cases for Smiles
13 End of the Year Picnic, 11:45-12:45
16 5th Grade to Heartland Camp for the day with Pleasant Street
18 Field Day
19 Field Day Rain Date
20 NWEA MAP Window closes
20 3rd Grade History Field Trip 9:15-2:00
22 High School Graduation
23 4th Grade Hygiene Talk w/Knox Public Health, 1:55-2:35
23 5th Grade Puberty Talk w/Knox Public Health, 2:40-3:30
24 Talent Show, 2:00
26 End of 4th 9 weeks/Last Day of School
26 KDG Graduation, 9:30 am
26 5th Grade Graduation, 10:30 am
26 5th Grade Clap-out, 11:45 am
26 Final Report Cards go home
26 2-hour early dismissal, 1:30
27 Teacher Work Day
30 Memorial Day
Principal- Wiggin Street Elementary
Email: cgrandstaff@mvcsd.us
Website: mvcsd.us
Location: 207 Wiggin St, Gambier, OH, USA
Phone: (740) 427-4262
Twitter: @LCGrandstaff