Husky Highlights
Mt Vernon Elementary News: October 2022 Edition
From the desk of:
Shelley Nurre, Principal
Keith Manring, Assistant Principal
Website: http://blog.springfield.k12.or.us/mtvernon/
School Hours: 8:35-2:50, M-F (Doors open 8:25)
Early Release Fridays: 8:35-12:30 (Doors open 8:25)
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- 10/7 Early Release @ 12:30 pm
- 10/12 School Pictures
- 10/14 Walk & Ride To School Day
- 10/17 Curriculum Night 1st, 3rd, 5th Grades Only 5:30-6:30 pm
- 10/18 PTA Meeting via Zoom 6:00 pm
- 10/21 Early Release @ 12:30 pm
- 10/24 Curriculum Night Kinder, 2nd, 4th Grades Only 5:30-6:30 pm
Join Our PTA!
Our Parent Teacher Association is comprised of parents/guardians of Mt Vernon students and Mt Vernon teachers/staff. Collaboratively they:
- Plan fun and enriching events for our students,
- Provide funding for student materials and incentives, field trips and assemblies, musical instruments, library technology, PE and playground equipment, and uniform assistance.
Additionally, our PTA provides grants for teachers and departments to be able to fund special projects, and arranges volunteers to help during school events!
It's never too late to join! Meetings occur roughly one Tuesday evening per month (attendance not required to join, and membership is not required to attend the meetings).
Tuesdays, 6 pm via Zoom on the following Tuesdays: 10/18, 11/15, 1/17, 2/21, 3/21, 4/18, 5/16, 6/20.
(Zoom Meeting ID: 796 4909 4468 Passcode: MTVPTA)
Spanish interpretation available!
Parent Volunteers
Looking to volunteer at Mt Vernon? We need YOU! Please complete the following SPS Volunteer application to start the process.
https://apps.raptortech.com/Apply/MzU2ODplbi1VUw==# (English application)
https://apps.raptortech.com/Apply/MzU2ODplcy1VUw== (Spanish application)
School Picture Day: Wednesday, October 12!
Picture Day ID: EVTW2JB7C
Walk & Ride To School Day
Students who participate will be entered into a raffle to win fun prizes!
Did You Know...?
You can support Mt Vernon everytime you purchase from Amazon?
Bookmark this link and use it instead...it won't change anything about your shopping experience (it costs you nothing), but it WILL help your Mt Vernon Huskies!
Positive Behavior Supports At Mt Vernon
What is P.B.I.S.?
P.B.I.S. stands for Positive Behavioral Intervention & Supports. At Mt. Vernon, we are dedicated to creating a safe, positive learning environment for ALL STUDENTS. PBIS is our way to build and teach school-wide procedures and processes for all students and all staff in all settings. PBIS is not a program or a curriculum. It is a team-based process for systematic problem solving, planning, and evaluation. PBIS allows us to teach and reward positive behavior and create a safe and productive learning environment where teachers can teach and all students can learn.
What does P.B.I.S. Look Like at Mt Vernon?
We have adopted a uniform set of school rules. These rules define our expectations for behavior at our school. You will see these rules posted in locations around the school. Our unified rules, found in every classroom and non-classroom setting in the school, are as follows:
Be safe
Be respectful
Be responsible
Focusing on Prevention
As part of our PBIS process, teachers and other staff members use evidence-based practices to increase student learning and decrease classroom disruptions. To keep students focused on the rules in a positive manner, we do the following when teaching academics and behavior:
Constantly teach, practice, and refer to our school-wide expectations.
Provide students with more praise than correction.
Talk to students with respect using positive voice tone.
Actively engage everyone in the class during instruction.
Use pre-correcting, prompting, and redirecting as we teach.
Look for the positive first and provide positive, immediate, frequent, and explicit feedback.
Responding to Behaviors
Staff responds to negative behaviors using a school-wide system of consequences. Warnings are documented on a minor “Uh-Oh.” Uh-Oh’s are are considered a teachable moment to help the student learn the expected behavior. Negative behaviors of a more serious nature may be documented as a major referral. Parental notification occurs when students receive a major referral and the student may participate any of the following range of responses:
- Collaborative problem solving with the student
- Restorative conference with student and others involved
- Individualized lesson related to the negative behavior
- Natural consequence related to the negative behavior
- Behavioral contract with student
How Families Can Help
Know the school rules, review them with your student often.
You are the most influential person in your child’s life. Your child respects your opinion and wants to please you. When you review the school rules and expectations, you communicate to your child that the school rules are important and worthwhile.
Get involved in your child’s school.
Whether it’s volunteering in your child’s classroom, in the Family Center, chaperoning field trips or special events, your participation MATTERS!
Studies show that:
Parent involvement at home and at school has a measurable impact on student performance in school.
Parent involvement is related to improved student behavior in school and an overall better attitude about school work.
Improved communication between teachers and parents increases student engagement as measured by homework completion rates, on-task behavior and class participation.
At-risk behaviors such as alcohol use, violence and other anti-social behaviors decrease as parent involvement increases.
Helping Huskies
We Need Your Help!
As you can imagine, families with little ones admitted to Riverbend NICU are under an incredible amount of stress. One way to relieve that stress is to decorate the baby's space. The NICU unit is in need of craft supplies for this purpose. If you'd like to help out, please drop off any of the following items to Mt Vernon and we will deliver them to Riverbend.
- Colored construction paper
- Decorative edge (patterned) scissors for paper
- Glue sticks
- Glitter glue (no loose glitter, please)
- Encouraging stickers
- Origami paper
- Markers
- Crayons
- Colored pencils
- Decorative washi tape
- Scrabble tiles
- Adhesive foam shapes
- Scrapbook paper
Additionally, an Amazon Wish List (<<--- Click link) has been created to help with shopping for these items.
Please note that these items do not have to be brand new. If you have gently used items, they would also be appreciated!
Thank you for helping our students help our community!!
Husky Happenings
Recognize a Mt Vernon Staff Member Today!
Express Your Thanks To ANY Mt Vernon Staff Member
Family Resource Requests
Need Help?
If you find that you do not need any resources right now but are in a position to help others, please complete the appropriate line on this request form.
Thank you!
Office Directory
Hours: 8:00-4:00, M-F (Holidays may affect hours)
Fax: 541.744.6405
Shelley Nurre
- Campus community
- Instructional leadership
- Overall supervision and operations
Keith Manring
- Campus community
- Instructional leadership
- Overall supervision and operations
Keryn Wilson
- General inquiries, information
- Administration office
- Enrollment
- Attendance
Tina Antonovich
- Immunizations
- Health records
- First Aid
- Medications
Lovena Benedick
- Student records
- IEP/504 coordination and scheduling
TBA-Position Soon To Be Filled
- Family outreach
- Resources
- Family engagement
Lora Davis
Mimi Schiffer
- General inquiries, information
- Attendance