Zee-Bee Connection
Vol 1 Issue 2 --- November 17, 2022
From the desk of the Superintendent:
Dear District 126 Leaders,
This time of year, the Office of the Superintendent is focused on the budget carousels process with the idea of aligning our FY24 proposed budget to our district priorities. District 126 tracks its expenditures against the District's goals to ensure intentional spending centered on student achievement. Our office believes that the success of every single student relies on each and every dollar, which is our moral obligation as an organization and administrative team.
We started our process looking at the return on investment, each District office purpose, and FY24 proposed efficiencies and staffing/non-staffing options. As expected, the process resulted in a cost-prohibited initial budget proposal. Still, the great news is that we committed to addressing many proposed changes, which required attention to detail and careful decision-making.
In the spirit of transparency, you already know that we budget a plan; we don't plan a budget. We don't cut and paste from year to year, but we take full responsibility for proactively utilizing research and best business practices. Next week we will shift our thoughts from money to time and people.
The money aspect tells me that considering whether to implement a new initiative, first, we must analyze what needs to be purchased. Will your new program incur one-time costs, recurring costs, or both? How do the costs of the project scale with increased activity or district presence? Lastly, what fund(s) will provide the dollars needed? This simple structure allows me to see the dollar's impact on the entire organization.
The process now allows our office the opportunity to start shifting our thoughts into time. Time is not simply the days on a calendar. Every hour spent on our proposed initiatives by every staff member has a cost. With human capital amounting to ~85% of the budget, time is literally "money." The idea is to review the total personnel costs needed to help your initiatives stay in the black. The human infrastructure and its usage are crucial, and we will manage that area with sensitivity and intentional work focused on the Strategic Plan.
We must make important decisions where people's lives are positively or negatively impacted, and I believe in growing relationships; therefore, protecting our human capital is important but not at the risk of the organization's mission, vision, and goals. If the return in people is not adding value or returning something additive to District 126, we must make the hard decision of letting go, reimagining services, reclassifying positions, and aligning the talents of our staff to the needs of the District.
There are areas where we must have the courage to reframe to take our District to a preferred future. People are the most beloved resource that is often overlooked when considering a successful implementation. We are committed when it comes to supporting our champions as we implement our initiatives with fidelity. It's important to know that we will quantify the appropriate hours needed to determine who is needed for each project and allocate resources responsibly.
The FY24 work is a process, not an event, and we will experience success as one team and collectively learn its importance. It is imperative that we design the preferred future we aspire to as, again, success is intentional.
The Office of the Superintendent looks forward to supporting, learning, and executing as part of our portfolio of Offices and Schools. Again, the success of every student, as directed by our Strategic Plan, is our priority.
Service and Leadership:
The Board of Education gives thanks to our District faculty and staff:
Important Events:
- Thursday, November 17th – Executive Cabinet/Management Team Meeting
- Thursday 17th – Sunday 20th – Joint Conference, Chicago
- Wednesday 23rd – Friday 25th – Thanksgiving Break – District Closed
- Tuesday, November 29th – Regular Board of Education Meeting
District Business Office
District Transportation
District Maintenance
Benefits Corner with Ms. Zimmerman
IMRF Employees - If you have not enrolled in the NCPERS optional life insurance plan, open enrollment continues until 11/30/2022. Please contact Kathy Zimmerman - Benefits Specialist (847)731-9756 or kathy.zimmerman@zb126.org for further information.
For employees who are having issues with the maintenance choice opt-out renewal of prescriptions, Caremark has confirmed that all members that previously opted out of the maintenance choice will be manually opted out no later than 10/24. Please contact Kathy Zimmerman - Benefits Specialist if you have any questions.
New Hires: Please be sure to submit your employment physical to Ms. Mondragon before your 90-day deadline.
Ms. Jenn Lang
Mrs. Emily Waddick
Program Highlight - Transition
The dedicated Transition staff:
Certified Staff: Ms. Ashley Barrie, Ms. Amanda Massong, Ms. Donna Ianson, & Ms. Erika Diaz
Support Staff: Ms. Sophia Jones, Ms. Erika Diaz, Ms. Veronica Herrera & Ms. Sunshine Brown.
Looking forward:
Leadership Development
The Charmm'd Foundation Leadership Academy
Deepen your understanding of yourself and others
Let's celebrate with some social time!
The interactive dashboard for our strategic plan is under construction.
District 126 Technology
ZB Technology Tidbit 11/18
Did you know that November is “Family Stories Month”?
Gathering for the holidays is an excellent time to share stories and photos and, more importantly, learn about your family’s history.
This year, try to record your stories using audio, photos, and video, so that they can be easily saved and shared with future generations. The best part is that you can continue to add to them every time your family gathers together.
Here are some ideas for you:
Try Google’s free Photo Scan app to scan any photo to make it digital.
Create a free Google Folder to add your media too. Share with your family members, and everyone can contribute.
Create a website for free with Google Sites, these are a great place to keep your memories posted.
Try a paid website like LifeTales or StoryCombs to collaborate and collect stories.
Dr. Bridge
Director of Technology
Extensive technology work behind the scenes...
The new IDF in the Principal's Conference Room
Technology cat6 cable from the new CTP Wing into the MDF
This is how the internet is patched into all the data ports
Student Services Instagram: @zbstdentsrvcs
College and Career Center Opportunities
It is time to start the application process for the next school year. Returning students will have priority in the application process and will be able to secure their spot. There are 2 parts to re-application: 1) NTZB & ZB application 2) Lake County Tech Campus application. This application is not for new applicants to Tech Campus. (coming soon)
Juniors, you may begin PART 1 of reapplication below. Please use the link for your campus.
NTZB Application – Current Juniors only
ZBTHS Application – Current Juniors only
Upcoming Events
Nov. 16 - PISA Testing
Nov. 17 - CLC Trade School Tour
Nov. 17 - Counselor Lunchroom Activites**
Nov. 28-30 - Freshman Counselor Visits
Dec. 1 - Course Selection Promotion Begins
The Woman King
On Tuesday, November 1st, the sponsors of Black Girl Magic and Sister-to-Sister took 70 young ladies on a social-emotional learning (SEL) field trip to see The Woman King. This film emphasized unity and sisterhood. The young women walked away with a greater sense of pride in themselves and their sisters. This film aligns with our new African Studies course. Some of the students also participate in our afterschool SEL program facilitated by Princess and Ladies, INC. Students said, “this movie was very empowering and shows us how strong women are when they stick together”.
District Equity Advisory Committee
The district-wide equity advisory committee consists of two committees. The diversity committee is committed to recruiting and retaining teachers of color. The culturally responsive curriculum and instruction committee (CRCI) is dedicated to ensuring the implementation of curriculum and instruction aligned to our student demographics to emphasize the relevance and increase engagement.
- Diversity Committee Meeting Dates: February 14th & March 7th
- CRCI Committee Meeting Dates: November 22nd, February 21st, & March 14th
- Both committees meet together on January 17th and April 25th
The New Art and Science of Teaching
Trust and Communication
Rod Henry
Zion-Benton High School
Ext. 9314
Macarthur White
New Tech High @ Zion-Benton East
Ext. 9808
Kathleen Halligan
Ext. 9324
November Emphasis:
1. Our teamwork is critical. There is no greater challenge today than creating safe schools. It requires a major commitment and effort by school personnel, parents, and a supportive community. A safe school is the foundation for the success of its academic mission. We must stand shoulder to shoulder!
2. Relationships. The most important takeaway from the many lessons learned in responding to and managing school crises is quite simply … RELATIONSHIPS!
3. Crisis prevention is always cheaper than crisis response. Crisis prevention costs are a fraction of the losses incurred in responding to a crisis. In other words, the more we promote a culture of preparedness and prevention, the greater the benefit. If we only prepare to take reactive measures, we are exposed to greater risks and reputational damage. Prevention is the KEY!
District 126 Student Anonymous Reporting System
Assistant Principal
Zion-Benton High School
Veteran's Day 2022
Dean's Office
Dean’s office continues to make strides in climate and culture, as there has been a 40% decrease in student physical altercations this semester compared to 2021-22. Along with the decrease in incidents, we are also experiencing more student initiatives and incentives. Positive behavior intervention continues to be a goal here at Zion Benton as we continue to encourage students to meet expectations. There will be opportunities this semester and the next around attendance and excellence. As we continue to track and create efforts to improve chronic truancy, opportunities for student recognition will continue to be established.
Assistant Principal
Mr. Jay McKnight
A Note from the Principal...
NTZB Athletic Excellence Recognized
Feed My Starving Children Service Trip
BEE Leaders Visit Freshman Advisory
Post Secondary Planning at New Tech
Students have begun the process of planning for life after high school. Many students have signed up for or have already attended a college visit. Freshmans and sophomores are exploring college or career options through their Freshman Seminar or Career Exploration course. Course planning is underway for the 2023-24 school year, with a few new courses being considered. School counselor, Mrs. Schuda and Intern Courtney McNeal are busy meeting with seniors to review their post secondary plans.
Notable in November
Our interactive bulletin board outside the cafeteria encourages students and staff to include a "rock" of thanksgiving to the pile. We are watching the pile grow!
New Tech Calendar
Zion-Benton Township High School District 126
Website: https://www.zbths.org/
Location: Zion-Benton Township High School, West 21st Street, Zion, IL, USA
Phone: (847) 731-9300
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ZBPride
Twitter: @ZBPride