The Lancer Link
Franklin Elementary School - September 2021
School Announcements
Upcoming Dates
Wednesday, September 22: Mid-term Grades Emailed to Parents/Guardians
Friday, October 1: MCHS Homecoming Parade
Monday, October 4: PTO Meeting - 4:00 p.m.
Thursday, October 7: No School - Parent/Teacher Conferences
Friday, October 8: No School
Monday, October 11: No School - Columbus Day
Friday, October 15: 1st Nine Weeks Grading Period Ends
Wednesday, October 20: 1st Nine Week Report Cards Emailed to Parents/Guardians
Friday, October 29: Trunk or Treat
Thursday, November 11: No School - Veteran's Day
Grade Reports
2021-2022 Grading Periods
Click here to download the grading schedule for this school year.
School Pictures
Snack Cart Is Back!
- Students are allowed to bring money to purchase 1-2 items from the cart.
- Prices will range from $1-$2 each.
Homecoming Parade
A permission form must be signed and returned to school for each child to participate in the parade. The younger students (K-2nd) will be sitting down on the float while the older students (3rd-6th) will be walking behind the float. Kindergarten-2nd Grade students must have a parent or guardian walk with them.
Apples For The Students Program
Outstanding Educator Award Nominations
Now through September 17th, McDonald’s is excited to accept nominations for the McDonald’s Outstanding Educator Awards. To nominate, simply submit your educator’s information through the below link! We would love for someone from our school to win!
SUBMIT YOUR NOMINATION HERE: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/mikieducatoraward
Kinsa FLUency Program
What is Kinsa’s FLUency Program?
- FLUency has been helping schools stop the spread of illness for over 7 years! Families and schools get free smart thermometers, health tools, and Lysol wipes to stay healthy. You’ll know what symptoms are going around school to help keep you informed and prepared if you or your child falls sick.
- All data is anonymous, aggregated, and protected - we never share individual health data. We’re also compliant with all applicable privacy laws. For more detail, please check out our privacy statement here.
Digital Box Tops
When you buy box tops products, please SCAN
your receipt using the Box Tops App within 14 days of purchase. Box Tops earnings are identified and automatically updated online.
If you shop for groceries online or have digital receipts, you can submit your email receipts to earn Box Tops for your school! Visit the app or website for more details and to see a full list of participating retailers.
Join here: https://www.boxtops4education.com/Consumer-register-page
ALL students are eligible for FREE breakfast and lunch at school this year. Two choices will be offered each day. The menu is listed in the link here:
Students have the option to eat breakfast at school between 7:45-8:20 a.m. Lunch times vary by grade level. The 40-minute lunch period includes time for lunch and lunch recess.
Massac Unit School District #1 utilizes Securly, a web based content filtering system, to help monitor student internet use and to assist with student safety. You can sign up to receive a weekly email from Securly that will show you a preview of your child’s online activity. Parents will also receive instant email notifications if keywords related to cyber bullying, self harm, drugs, and depression are used. You will also receive access to their full online activity history, by entering the free Parent Portal. Your Parent Portal link will be included in your email from Securly.
Remind Text Messages
Franklin Elementary School will utilize the following communication methods to keep stakeholders up to date on any changes regarding protocols:
Text message alerts through our Remind system. To sign-up for text message announcements from Franklin Elementary School, visit https://www.remind.com/join/franklines
Parents/Guardians who wish to receive communication should ensure that email addresses and phone numbers are up to date.
Massac Memorial Holiday Card Contest
Mrs. Kern will be giving out entry forms that must be submitted along with the artwork for judging. Entry deadline is Friday, October 15th.
2020-2021 Yearbooks Available
A Note From Our School Nurse
School health requirements for the 2021-2022 school year are as follows:
Official copy of a birth certificate, updated immunization record, updated physical, vision and dental exams.
2nd Grade
Updated dental exam.
6th Grade
Updated physical, updated dental exam, T-Dap, and Meningitis Injections for 6th grade.
Physicals and vision exams must be dated within one year from the start date of school. Immunizations must be current. Dental exams must be complete and dated within 18 months from the May 15, 2022 deadline. The deadline for physicals, immunizations, and vision exams is October 15, 2021.
If you have any questions or concerns feel free to email me.
Jenna Britton, R.N
Getting Started With Your Chromebook
Who do I contact if . . .
I have questions/concerns about my child's classroom instruction:
First point of contact is always your child’s teacher.
Second point of contact is your child’s principal.
My student receives special education services and I would like to discuss the services that will be offered this year:
Eric Qualls, Special Education, at equalls@massac.org or your child’s teacher
My student tests positive for COVID-19:
Franklin Secretary, at 618-524-2243
I have questions/concerns about transportation:
Tina Williamson, Robinson Transport Manager, at 618-309-6923
I have questions/concerns about food service:
Amanda Morse, Head Cook, at 618-524-2243 or amorse@massac.org
I have questions/concerns about my child’s device:
First point of contact is your child’s teacher
Second point of contact is Danielle Walker, Massac Technology Aide, at dwalker@massac.org
Character Word of the Month - RESPECT
Character Counts!
*Be tolerant of differences
*Use good manners, not bad language
*Be considerate of the feelings of others
*Don’t threaten, hit or hurt anyone
*Deal peacefully with anger, insults and disagreements
School Contact Information
Email: rwest@massac.org
Website: franklin.massac.org
Location: 1006 Mount Mission Road, Metropolis, IL, USA
Phone: 618-524-2243