Fowler Tiger Tales
We are #OneMaynard #UmaMaynard #UnoMaynard
Contact Information
3 Tiger Drive
Principal- Keith Kinney
Assistant Principal-David Snyder
Administrative Assistant- Joanne Lochiatto
Administrative Assistant- Marie Roche
Message From Principal Kinney
It's Friday and it's time for the newest version of the Fowler Tiger Tales. I am excited to write to our caregiver community, but I am sad to say that there is not much news. It is crazy how fast things slow down after the holidays. Below are a few key points and things to know.
1. Term 2 progress Reports: Progress reports will be available this afternoon for students in grades 6-8. If you student is missing a grade, please email that teacher directly.
2. Postural Screening: Please see the outreach below from our nursing department regarding Fowler's upcoming postural screening.
3. A special Thanks: Thanks to our World Language Department who held our Immersion informational Night last evening. I also want to thank our high school students who have been part of the program for giving up their time last night to be here. They were able to answer questions and share their experiences of being in the program. Here is a fun fact: Our first cohort of Spanish Immersion students are currently entering the second half of their junior year at Maynard High School taking their second AP Spanish class
4. Nature's Classroom (NC): Next year both grade 7 and 8 will be attending NC. Why? Prior to COVID NC was a grade 7 event. Since the class from that year had to miss the program, those students went when they were in grade 8. We want to get the NC experience back to grade 7 and in order for that to happen without any of our students missing the opportunity, we have to double up one year. Grade 8 students will go in the Fall and and grade 7 students will go in the Spring. More information will be coming out soon- stay tuned!
5. MAP Testing: We are in the midst of completing our Winter Benchmark Testing (MAPS) and data will be available soon. When we have all the data each family will receive a report for their student. We will be having a variety of informational literature and other opportunities going out to help you understand what the data means. Here is a good starting point! Check out this link for some information.
That's all for this week. I hope everyone has a fantastic weekend and as always, thank you for your partnership!
Good afternoon FMS families,
It is that time of year when I will begin conducting the annual screenings for all students in grades 4-8. Next week 1/16 we will start and will continue through the month until done.
I will have assistance from nurse Janet and two nursing students to hopefully achieve this goal in the quickest and easiest way possible for the students and their teachers. Our goal will be to focus on the postural for 5-8th grade next week. These will be done during their gym class. So please read the below information about the postural screening. Inform your student of the upcoming screening as these are best done when the students are informed and prepared.
Postural screening
If documentation of screening was submitted for this year, those students will be opted out. If you opted your student out and documentation had not been provided I will contact you for those results If I do not already have them.
This screening is not a diagnostic service but a program to identify children who may need further evaluation.
Postural screening seeks to detect early signs of a spinal curvature. There are two major types of spine curvatures. The first is scoliosis which is a lateral curvature of the spine. It occurs in about 10% of the population and affects girls more often than boys. Scoliosis must be identified during the growth spurt to maximize effectiveness of treatment.
The second type of curvature is kyphosis which is a front-to-back curvature that is not as common. It affects boys more often than girls.
Although the cause of the curvatures is not known and not preventable, early detection and prompt treatment is recommended to minimize the very serious complications that can arise if left untreated.
Screenings are quick, easy and usually take about a minute. Each student is screened individually by the school nurse usually during a PE class. Students receive information about why the screening is done; what the screener is looking for.
For optimal viewing of the back, the student’s back should be bare. Girls are usually most comfortable wearing a sports bra or a bathing suit top. If your child has any unusual findings, you will be notified and asked to take your child for an evaluation by his/her primary care physician as a precaution.
Please remind your child of the screening date so they will be dressed comfortably for them. Please let them know they are in private and peers will not be with them.
Vision and Hearing screening
Screenings are conducted according to guidelines provided by MDPH. A referral letter will be sent home when the student does not meet the screening parameters, recommending evaluation by your physician or vision professional.
Vision screening is performed in grades PK, K-5, 7 and 10.
Hearing screening is performed in grades 1-3, 7 and 10.
Body Mass Index (BMI) (height and weight) screening.
Corresponding percentile is calculated and recorded following guidelines from the MDPH for each student. Results are no longer mailed home however, results will be recorded in the student’s cumulative health record at school. Parents are welcome to call the school nurse to discuss the findings.
Heights and weights are done on students in grades 1, 4, 7, and 10.
I hope that you find this information helpful. If you have any additional questions, please feel free to call me at 978-897-9234 or email me at
Thank you!
Nurse Amy
Links for signups if you are a membership toolkit account holder.
Volunteer at Carnation Fundraiser
Volunteer at Valentines Dance
Purchase Dance Tickets
Maynard- Stow Baseball News
April 2: Grades 7 and 8 ELA (Session 1)
April 3: Grades 7 and 8 ELA (Session 2)
April 4: Grade 6 ELA (Session 1)
April 5: Grade 6 ELA (Session 2)
April 10: Grades 4 and 5 ELA (Session 1)
April 11: Grades 4 and 5 ELA (Session2)
May 7: Grade 5 and 8 Science, Technology, Engineering (Session 1)
May 8: Grade 5 and 8 Science, Technology, Engineering (Session 2)
May 13: Grade 6 Math (Session 1)
May 14: Grade 6 Math (Session 2)
May 15: Grades 4 and 5 Math (Session 1)
May 16: Grades 4 and 5 Math (Session 2)
May 20: Grades 7 and 8 Math (Session 1)
May 21: Grades 7 and 8 Math (Session 2)
May 29: Grade 8 Civics (Session 1)- This is new
May 30: Grade 8 Civics (Session 2)- This is new
BASEC Vacation Camp
A Preview of Some Important Dates
January 19th: Term 2 Progress Reports (Grade 6-8)
January 26th: Early release day